[Geomoose-users] Layer Attribution / Credits

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Mon Mar 11 10:22:21 PDT 2013


On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 5:34 PM, TC Haddad <tchaddad at gmail.com> wrote:
> How do you add a line of screen / map credits to a Geomoose application?

In earlier version you could do something like this with MapServer
where it is sort of part of the underlying map image.  This has
several limitations and I haven't used it lately.  Here is a mediocre
example that is placing it on screen in a hard coded position.

  NAME credits
    POINTS 750 200 END
    Text 'For official information, see http://example.com'
      TYPE TrueType
      FONT arial
      SIZE 10
      ANTIALIAS True
      COLOR 75 75 75
      BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255
      BUFFER 2

For an onscreen non-layer specific link/credit you can put something
in the bottom bar where the coordinates display, check the footer
here: http://trac.osgeo.org/geomoose/browser/geomoose2/trunk/htdocs/geomoose.html#L113

> I can see from the online demo that some of the base maps have credits
> displaying (Google, Yahoo, etc) but others like MapQuest do not. I looked
> through the Mapbook.xml and documentation and didn't see how this was being
> handled.

I think that these are fairly deeply baked into OL, GM and possibly
the provider API.  You can start to get an idea of the origin of these
from http://trac.osgeo.org/geomoose/browser/geomoose2/trunk/htdocs/build/theme/default/google.css
and http://trac.osgeo.org/geomoose/browser/geomoose2/trunk/htdocs/build/theme/default/style.css

Perhaps someone else can shed more light on the specifics of how these
credits are sourced and propagated onto the screen?

> Technically the OSM data in the MapQuest layer requires a screen credit to
> comply with the OSM license, which is what got me started on this. But it
> would also be nice to know how to add a credit line for any other sorts of
> layers too.

Right now, the MapQuest layers seem to be accessed by generic TMS and
Google, Yahoo, etc are accessed through their APIs.  There may be a
similar method for MapQuest as Google, Yahoo, etc.
http://developer.mapquest.com/web/products/open/map#openlayers and
http://developer.mapquest.com/web/products/open/sdk may be good places
to start for that.

You may want to separate out just the MapQuest/OSM attribution issue
and open a ticket so that it doesn't get forgotten.

Best Regards, Eli

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