[Geomoose-users] new MS4W version available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Dec 18 12:34:49 PST 2015

Hi GeoMOOSE gang,

MS4W version 3.1.1 is now available at http://www.ms4w.com  Notable 
changes are:

         - upgraded GDAL to 2.0.1 (trac ticket 18)
         - upgraded to Python 2.7.11 support
         - upgraded GDAL bindings for Python 2.7.11
         - added local GDAL/OGR html format pages
         - upgraded Apache to 2.4.17 (trac ticket 25)
         - upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2e
         - added openssl.exe utility
         - upgraded to CURL 7.46.0
         - upgraded the CA bundle file in Apacheconfca-bundle
         - added missing php_oci8 dlls (trac ticket 26)

Take note that Python 2.7.x is now the default version supported (was 

Please don't be afraid to also provide feedback and requests through the 
MS4W tracker (so the comments are not lost or forgotten): 

Thank you all for sharing your spatial information with MS4W.

Merry Christmas!


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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