[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose 2.9.2 Released

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 16:49:58 PST 2017

The idea behind the file was to auto-generate it as part of the
packaging process so that we'd have half a clue what happened relative
to git when people downloaded package.  For the released versions, this
isn't such a big deal, but it was with the nightly builds.  The version
is also present (in easy to read form) in the geomoose.html,
geomoose_dev.html, and ms4w package file.  I'm not entirely sure we need
the file anymore.

Back to you.  Thoughts?

On 01/12/2017 01:10 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Congrats on the release.
> I notice that each release archive available for download includes a
> file "RELEASE_VERSION.txt" (which I think is very important to
> include, for users, by the way), but the contents of it actually are
> not what I expect.  As a user, who downloads and installs software,
> having a VERSION.txt file should allow you to click on it and read the
> version such as "2.9.2", but I believe in this case the version is the
> github hash??  I strongly recommend that this version file contains
> just the version number, so users can look back on the installation
> and see the version number (2.9.2).  Thoughts?
> Thanks!
> -jeff
> On 2017-01-12 1:30 PM, Jim Klassen wrote:
>> I know, everyone was expecting 2.9.1, but this is even better, it is
>> 2.9.2.
>> There are no new features, but a few bug fixes compared to 2.9.0 in this
>> release:
>> # Add missing OSM attribution.
>> # Update commercial datasets in demo.
>> # Fix for unselectable tools.
>> # Fix for ResultsAsGrid extension with multiple data sources.
>> # Remove group_checkboxes parameter from demo (It hasn't worked for a
>> few
>> releases now).
>> # Fixes for GeoPDF output.
>> As always, it is available for download here:
>> http://www.geomoose.org/download.html

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