[Geomoose-users] The Annual report for the Project?

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Thu Aug 2 15:16:19 PDT 2018


I already added a Slide to the annual report for the Local OSGeo chapter here<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1imiG7x09ry7lGvmS15FCVq2Z7yaICY00fcpXBK27TXY/edit?usp=sharing_eil&ts=5b6380a0>. (Slide 48, last I checked, search for TCMUG).  Let me know if there should be any canges to that.  Related, there is also a call out for project reporting.  Similar concept, can be a couple of slides though.  Anyone want to put something together, or I can collate ideas into something as well.I don’t know if anyone from the GeoMoose project is going to be there, but I did reach out to Jeff Mckenna about him presenting an update.  He’s going to be there and accepted the invitation, so I’m running it by the list now.  If someone from the GeoMoose project will be there would be great too, just let me (us, myself and Jeff) know.

Thanks everyone.


"Black holes are where God divided by zero."
- Steven Wright

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