[Geomoose-users] Call for translation files

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Tue Dec 15 05:07:00 PST 2020

Hi all,

We're looking to include more language translations in GeoMoose!  To
do that, we need more translation files.  If you would like to
translate GeoMoose and contribute your translation to the project,
here are some examples:

If you're comfortable with Github, you can create a pull request or
open an issue with an attachment.  If you're not comfortable with
Github, you can email me on the list and I can coordinate to get it
incorporated.  To accept translation contributions, we need agreement
that you make the contribution under the license here,
https://github.com/geomoose/gm3/blob/master/AUTHORS and we'll add you
to the Translators section of the file.

Merry Mapping, Eli

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