[GeoMoose-users] exact search

flavio rigolon flavio.rigolon at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 05:20:57 PST 2022

Hi all,
 I'm using Geomoose 3.6.2. I'd like to perform an "exact" search on a
certain layer. For example: I have a parcel layer (italian cadastre)
in which every feature is identified by two fields: "foglio" and
"mappale". At this moment if I perform (i.e.) a search for "foglio"
number 3 and "mappale" number 5, I obtain:

- foglio 3 - mappale 5
- foglio 3 - mappale 15
- foglio 13 - mappale 5
- foglio 23 - mappale 15
- ......
- foglio 23 - mappale 25
- ...and so on

identifying every feature containing number 3 in "foglio" and number 5
in "mappale" fields (in many cases I obtain a long list which may
create confusion).
Is there a way to exactly identify the searched feature, in this case
"foglio 23 - mappale 5" only?
I hope it is clear.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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