Hi list,<br><br>I'am using GeoMoose for MS4W v1.2.0, and I have one SHAPFILE layer ( Hotel ). In that layer I have attribute with 3 FIELD :<br>1. Hotel_N for Name of the Hotel<br>2. Hotel_O for Name of the Hotel Owner<br>
3. Hotel_P for Price that have to pay when stay in that hotel for one night<br><br>My question is :<br>1. I need to know HOW TO CREATE QUERY that shown Hotel that have price between 100 - 200, or price < 200<br>2. Is it possible to do multiple attribute query in GeoMoose 1.2.0?, if it possible how to do that?<br>
<br><br>Please Help!.<br><br>Best Regards<br><br><br>Ilham Adi A.<br>