<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div>Hi,<br><br>I want to create a new application with Geomoose on a Windows Xp installation. But it is not working.<br><br>My data is in UMT Zone 32 projection. To create the new application I fellow this Step:<br><br>1 - I create a new folder in C:\ms4w\apps\GeoMOOSE\maps_countydemo\ call 'departements'<br><br>2 - In 'countydemo-configuration.js', I make these changes: <br><br>change the line 26 to <br> var INITIAL_VIEW = '-168958.001,126687.001,1941235.001,1471051.001';<br><br>change the line 217 to<br> var MAP_COORDINATE_SYSTEM = 'UTM-32';<br>Change the line 379 to<br> var MAP_MAXSCALE = 1000000000000;<br><br>3 - In 'countydemo.xml', I remove all the layer and I add only one layer<br><br> <map title="departement"
default="true"><br> <file>/ms4w/apps/GeoMOOSE/maps_countydemo/departements/departement.map</file><br> </map><br><br>4 - In 'C:\ms4w\apps\GeoMOOSE\maps_countydemo\departements' folder, i create the MAPfiles with this contain:<br><br>depertement.map: <br>-------------------------------------------<br>MAP<br> NAME 'mn_departement'<br> SIZE 800 650<br> STATUS ON<br> EXTENT -168958.001 126687.001 1941235.001 1471051.001<br> UNITS METERS<br> FONTSET '../fonts/fontset.list'<br> SYMBOLSET '../symbols/symbol.sym'<br> TRANSPARENT TRUE<br><br> QUERYMAP<br> STATUS ON<br> STYLE SELECTED<br> END<br><br> WEB<br>
QUERYFORMAT "text/xml" <br> INCLUDE "../temp_directory.map"<br> END<br><br> LEGEND<br> STATUS ON<br> END<br><br> LAYER<br> NAME 'departement'<br> DATA './Departement_region_region.shp'<br> STATUS DEFAULT<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> CLASS<br> NAME 'departement'<br> STYLE<br> COLOR 0 200 0<br>
OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> WIDTH 1<br> END<br> END<br> HEADER 'imagemap_header.xml'<br> TEMPLATE 'imagemap_record.xml'<br> FOOTER 'imagemap_footer.xml'<br> END<br><br>END ## end Map<br>---------------------------------------------------<br><br>The problem that I have is that no map is displaying?<br><br>Have I miss something or another parameter to ajust?<br><br>Is there any problem with the projection? <br><br>Should I have to write a new 'UMT.js' for UMT-32 to Long/Lat?<br><br>Rgrds<br>Armand Basoh, PMP<br>Web Develloper<br><br><br> </div></div><br>
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