<br clear="all"><br>Trying to define my selectable layers, I keep getting a "./select.map" comment returned in information window rather than the attribute I specified.<br><br>My layer is in the mapbook service area for Select feature.<br>
<br>My select.map @ maps_countydemo includes my layer;<br><br>LAYER # Firestations Layer<br> NAME 'Firestations'<br> DATA 'countydata/firestations/ga_firestations2'<br> STATUS ON<br>
TYPE POINT<br> METADATA<br> qstring_validation_pattern '.'<br> END<br> HEADER 'countydata/firestations/select_header.html'<br> TEMPLATE 'countydata/firestations/select_firestations.html'<br>
FOOTER 'countydata/firestations/select_footer.html'<br> TOLERANCE 2<br> CLASS<br> NAME 'Firestations'<br> COLOR 255 0 0<br>
SYMBOL "square"<br> SIZE 8<br> END<br><br><br>..and I have a select_firestations.html located in the data folder:<br><br>countydata/firestations/<br><br>Could someone advise what I am overlooking?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Antonio<br>