.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'>Hi all, I quit on using processquerytemplate and processtemplate methods. Its just not helpful. I spent too much time on it. I'm rather using mysql to display the results- its perfect. However the layer does not persist when i click on one of the result to zoom to it. Anyone with similar experience or suggestion? Thanks very much. Franz. GIS Specilist. SIT. <br><br>> Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:26:02 -0600<br>> From: bfraser@geoanalytic.com<br>> To: bfischer@houstoneng.com<br>> CC: geomoose-users@lists.sourceforge.net<br>> Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] map-source; only 2 valid types?<br>> <br>> Brian,<br>> <br>> I'd be interested in seeing Google Maps access implemented, and I'd be <br>> willing to give up printing the Google Maps layer if it meant I could view it on <br>> the screen.<br>> <br>> Looking through GM v2's main.js and OpenLayer's google.html example, it <br>> appears that adding a layer type of "Google" looks simple. But I'm concerned <br>> about the projection. Would it mean that my site would have to use Spherical <br>> Mercator as the view projection? Would Dan's recent enhancement of raster <br>> projection in OpenLayers be useful so I could set a view projection of UTM? Or <br>> would performance be a problem?<br>> <br>> Best Regards,<br>> Brent (the other Brent) Fraser<br>> <br>> <br>> Brian Fischer wrote:<br>> > Brent,<br>> > <br>> > These two layer types that are on my wish list to integrate into <br>> > GeoMOOSE, as well as Tilecache layer types. Maybe we could pool some <br>> > money together to have Dan implement them?? As Dan and I have talked <br>> > about this in the past the tricky part is whether you need to be able to <br>> > print these layer types to .pdf. That requirement would be a much <br>> > larger effort than just making them viewable.<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Dan,<br>> > <br>> > Met Council just released a new basemap AGS Rest API service for the <br>> > twin cities. See snippet from email below. Jessica did mention she <br>> > tested this and got it to work with OpenLayers. It’s pretty nice and <br>> > sure would be cool to show it can be used in GeoMOOSE!<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > *Metropolitan Council ArcGIS Base Map Services*<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > The Metropolitan Council is making available two cached base map <br>> > services through ArcGIS Server./ /The Metropolitan Council base map <br>> > contains common data layers symbolized and shown appropriately for 10 <br>> > scale levels; including roadways, water features, political boundaries, <br>> > Parks, trails, and land marks. The base map will be updated as <br>> > necessary to maintain current data - at least quarterly to allow for <br>> > MetroGIS municipality and road updates. <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > These services are available for use in within ArcMap, in web <br>> > applications through use of Rest Services, and as a layer in Google Earth. <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > * *BaseMap*: In Web Mercator Projection suitable for use in mashups<br>> > with Google Maps.<br>> > http://gis.metc.state.mn.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/BaseLayer/BaseMap/MapServer<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > * *UTMBaseMap*: Same Features and Symbology as BaseMap above, but<br>> > projected for UTM, better for use with other MetroGIS data.<br>> > http://gis.metc.state.mn.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/BaseLayer/UTMBaseMap/MapServer<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > *Brian Fischer,* CFM GIS Project Manager<br>> > *Houston Engineering, Inc.*<br>> > Phone: W: 763.493.4522 / M: 763.229.2734<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > *From:* Dan Little [mailto:danlittle@yahoo.com]<br>> > *Sent:* Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:56 AM<br>> > *To:* Brent Lund (ADM); geomoose-users@lists.sourceforge.net<br>> > *Subject:* Re: [Geomoose-users] map-source; only 2 valid types?<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Currently unimplemented. The reason is that the actual requests are <br>> > managed by GeoMOOSE and require full integration in with the catalog to <br>> > work correctly. This simply hasn't happened with those two types yet. <br>> > ArcGIS93Rest may take a while because I'm not sure anyone has a test <br>> > server for me to utilize.<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > *From:* Brent Lund (ADM) <Brent.Lund@state.mn.us><br>> > *To:* "geomoose-users@lists.sourceforge.net"<br>> > <geomoose-users@lists.sourceforge.net><br>> > *Sent:* Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:51:56 AM<br>> > *Subject:* [Geomoose-users] map-source; only 2 valid types?<br>> > <br>> > Is the documentation http://www.geomoose.org/moose/docs/mapbook.html<br>> > correct in referring to only 2 valid types (mapserver, wms). Are<br>> > other OpenLayers types valid (but undocumented)? In particular I<br>> > am interested in utilizing OpenLayers types Google and ArcGIS93Rest.<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Thanks,<br>> > <br>> > Brent<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> > <br>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> > Come build with us! The BlackBerry&reg; Developer Conference in SF, CA<br>> > is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your<br>> > developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay <br>> > ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9&#45;12, 2009. Register now&#33;<br>> > http://p.sf.net/sfu/devconf<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> > <br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > Geomoose-users mailing list<br>> > Geomoose-users@lists.sourceforge.net<br>> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geomoose-users<br>> <br>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> Come build with us! The BlackBerry&reg; Developer Conference in SF, CA<br>> is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your<br>> developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay <br>> ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9&#45;12, 2009. 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