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I would like to pass a parameter to mapserver's filter command so that I can filter out records for a person selected from a third party, Java/JSP application. I see where I can pass a parameter in GeoMoose's map source definition. Can I dynamically set this parameter based on a person selected from a separate Java/JSP application? This application is used to identify the owner for which we would like to see a map of owned properties. I would like to click on a URL which opens GeoMoose, SOMEHOW dynamically sets a selected ownerkey, and passes this value as a parameter to MapServer. MapServer would use this parameter to dynamically set the Filter value. <BR>
<BR>Any ideas how best to do this in GeoMoose?<BR> <BR>Thanks for any and all help,<BR>Rafe<BR> <BR>______________________________________________________________<BR>MAP<BR> SIZE 800 650<BR> EXTENT -13888695.571283 2821332.743118 -8908902.824881 6340349.019812<BR> UNITS METERS <BR> STATUS ON<BR> PROJECTION<BR> "init=epsg:900913" <BR> END<BR> INCLUDE "../../geomoose_globals.map"<BR> <BR> <BR> LAYER<BR> NAME 'parcel'<BR> TYPE POLYGON<BR> STATUS ON<BR> OPACITY 30 <BR> FILTER "ownerkey='%myownerkey%' "<BR> <BR> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<BR> CONNECTION "user=postgres password=XXXXXX dbname=XXXXXX host=localhost" <BR> <BR> DATA 'wkb_geometry from (select gid, ownerkey, astext(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geometry, wkb_geometry from parcel) as myparcel using unique gid'<BR> <BR> CLASS<BR> NAME "parcel"<BR> style <BR> COLOR 0 150 0<BR> OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 <BR> WIDTH 3<BR> end<BR> end<BR> METADATA<BR> 'identify_record' 'identify.html'<BR> END<BR> <BR> END<BR>END<BR><BR>                                            </body>