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<div>Try removing the single quotes from the host and dbname info (as in the example from the documentation below). If that does not work simply access the layer from a GIS software like qgis (its free) and lets know what the problem is. </div><div><br></div><div>All the best</div><div><br></div><div>Franz</div><div>GIS Specialist</div><div>Ghana</div><div><br></div><div>CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS</div><div>CONNECTION "host=yourhostname dbname=yourdatabasename user=yourdbusername password=yourdbpassword port=DATA "geometrycolumn from yourtablename"</div><br><hr id="stopSpelling">From: scientific1quash@gmail.com<br>Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 08:02:27 -0700<br>To: ms4w-users@lists.maptools.org<br>Subject: [MS4W-Users] mapserver not displaying postgis layers<br><br><br><br><div class="ecxgmail_quote"><br><br clear="all">mapserver not displaying postgis layers<br><br><br><br>hey guys,<br>i have trouble displaying postgis layers on mapserver nothing at all seems to work, any idea how i can change this, coz when i load directly from a shapefile, everything is ok, but not postgis, here is the code<br>
<br> LAYER<br> NAME 'kenya_administrative'<br> TYPE LINE<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> CONNECTION "dbname='postgis-try' host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres'"<br>
DATA "the_geom FROM kenya_administrative"<br> METADATA<br> 'wms_title' 'kenya_administrative'<br> END<br> STATUS OFF #when status in ON, its completely blank when off there is a gray background<br>
TRANSPARENCY 100<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:31468"<br><br> END<br> CLASS<br> NAME 'kenya_administrative' <br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL 0 <br> SIZE 2 <br> OUTLINECOLOR 150 123 90<br>
COLOR 0 0 0<br> END<br> END<br> END<br><br>-- <br>With regards,<br><font color="#888888"> Linnet Kwamboka<br><br>
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