<div class="gmail_quote">Hi,<br><br> I've installed the new version of Geomoose 2.6 (I was using version 2.2) but I'm facing problems with the identify service.<br>I've changed my map file (like the firestations.map file which I used as a template). <br>
At first I saw that now we have to use a template object in our map script?<br><br>The error message I'm receing is this:<br><br><b>The service you called did not return valid XML.</b> If you are the
system administrator, you should look into this, if you are not the
system administrator you should tell them about this.<br><br>Below I paste three files. First one is my map file. Second one is my identify.html file that I was using on Geomoose 2.2. The third one is the imagemap_record file which I tried to use as a template.<br>
<br><br><font size="4"><b>MAP FILE</b></font><br><br>MAP<br> NAME 'ekthemanew'<br> SIZE 800 650<br> STATUS ON<br> EXTENT 2120556.1495784903 3610867.081920644 3593336.723825039 5120032.47940209<br> UNITS METERS<br>
INCLUDE "../../geomoose_globals.map"<br> TRANSPARENT TRUE<br> IMAGETYPE PNG<br><br> QUERYMAP<br> STATUS ON<br> STYLE SELECTED<br> END<br><br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:3857"<br>
END<br> <br> WEB<br> QUERYFORMAT "text/html"<br> INCLUDE "../../temp_directory.map"<br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "WMS Ekthemanew"<br> "wms_onlineresource" "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe" target="_blank">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe</a>"<br>
"wms_srs" "EPSG:3857"<br> 'ows_enable_request' '*'<br> END<br><br> END<br> <br> LEGEND<br> STATUS ON<br> LABEL<br> TYPE TRUETYPE<br>
FONT vera_sans<br> SIZE 8<br> COLOR 0 0 0<br> END <br> END <br><br> DEBUG ON<br><br> LAYER<br> DUMP TRUE<br> NAME 'ekthemanew'<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br>
CONNECTION 'host=localhost user=postgres password=1234 dbname=nath_museum'<br> DATA 'the_geom FROM ekthemanew'<br> TYPE POINT<br> STATUS ON<br> CLASS<br> NAME 'ekthemanew'<br>
STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'arxaia' <br> SIZE 15 <br> END<br> END<br> #MAXSCALE 1500000<br> HEADER 'imagemap_header.xml'<br> TEMPLATE 'identify_ekthemanew.html'<br>
FOOTER 'imagemap_footer.xml'<br><br> METADATA<br> 'identify_record' 'identify_ekthemanew.html'<br> "ows_title" "Ekthemanew"<br> "gml_include_items" "all"<br>
"ows_include_items" "all"<br> "gml_exclude_items" "SHAPE_area,SHAPE_len"<br> END<br><br> TOLERANCEUNITS FEET<br> TOLERANCE 1000000<br> END<br>
<br>END ## end Map<br><br><font size="4"><b>IDENTIFY_EKTHEMANEW.HTML FILE</b></font><br><br><!-- MapServer Template --><br><tr><br><td colspan="2"><b>Έκθεμα:</b></td><br></tr><br>
<tr><br><td align="right">Συλλογή:</td><br><td>[syllogh_ek]</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td align="right">Περίοδος:</td><br><td>[xronol_ek]</td><br>
</tr><br><tr><br><td align="right">Περιγραφή:</td><br><td>[desc_ek]</td><br></tr><br><br><font size="4"><b>IMAGEMAP_RECORD.XML</b></font><br><br><popup shape='circle' coords='[shpxy xf="," proj=image],5'><br>
<title>Ekthemata</title><br> <id>Id-[gid]</id><br> <item title="Nane:">[name_ek]</item><br> <item title="Collection:">[syllogh_ek]</item><br>