.hmmessage P
font-size: 12pt;
<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="Hola de nuevo, tras hacer que funcione correctamente la herramienta "Identify", he añadido la opción de "feature_report" pero se produce un error.
">Hello again, after making the "Identify" tool to work properly, I added the option "feature_report" but fails.<br><br></span><span title="Mi fichero identify.html es:
">My identify.html file is:<br><br></span><span title="<!-- MapServer Template -->
"><! - MapServer Template -><br></span><span title="<tr bgcolor="#DEE5EB"><td colspan="2"><b><u>ESPACIOS</u></b></tr>
"><Tr bgcolor = "# DEE5EB"> <td colspan = "2"> <b> <u> SPACE </ u> </ b> </ tr><br></span><span title="<tr>
"><Tr><br></span><span title="<td align="right"><b>IDENTIFICADOR:</b></td>
"><Td align = "right"> <b> IDENTIFIER: </ b> </ td><br></span><span title="<td>[dxf_text] <a href="javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('feature_report', {'dxf_text' : '[dxf_text]', 'src' : 'edificio_c2_espacios/C2-ALBERT_EINSTEIN'})">Report</"><Td>
[dxf_text] <a
Report </ </span><span title="a></td>
">a> </ td><br></span><span title="</tr>
"></ Tr><br></span><span title="<tr>
"><Tr><br></span><span title="<td align="right"><b>CONTENIDO:</b></td>
"><Td align = "right"> <b> Content: </ b> </ td><br></span><span title="<td>[contenido]</td>
"><Td> [content] </ td><br></span><span title="</tr>
"></ Tr><br>-----------------------------------------------<br>My map file is:<br><br>MAP <br> NAME EDIFICIO_C2_MAP <br> STATUS ON <br> SIZE 800 800 <br> EXTENT -136 -1 227 362 <br> UNITS METERS <br> <br> INCLUDE "./geomoose_globals.map"<br> <br> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 <br> IMAGETYPE PNG <br> SYMBOLSET "./symbols/symbol.sym" <br> FONTSET "./fonts/fontset.list" <br> TRANSPARENT FALSE<br> RESOLUTION 100<br> DEFRESOLUTION 100<br> CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/ms4w/ms_error_c2.txt"<br> DEBUG 5<br><br> OUTPUTFORMAT<br> NAME png<br> DRIVER "AGG/PNG"<br> MIMETYPE "image/png"<br> IMAGEMODE PC256<br> EXTENSION "png"<br> FORMATOPTION "GAMMA=0.75"<br>END<br>-----------------------------------<br></span></span><br><span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="</tr>
"><span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="Mi fichero identify.html es:
">My parcel.xml file is:<br><br></span></span><feature-report><br> <!-- query informtion --><br> <query item="dxf_text" string="%qstring%"/><br><br> <!-- This is the template --><br> <template>parcel_template.pdf</template><br><br> <!-- this is the location of the map in the template --><br> <map x="0.92" y="2.18" w="6.69" h="3.68"/><br><br> <!-- This is a list of where the fields are to be printed on the template --><br> <fields><br> <field x=".5" y="7.25" src="%dxf_text%" title="IDENTIFICADOR:"/><br> <field x=".5" y="7.45" src="%contenido%" title="CONTENIDO:"/><br><br> <field x=".5" y="8.25" src="%area%" title="AREA:" format='%0.2f'/><br> <field x=".5" y="8.45" src="%perimeter%" title="PERIMETRO:"/><br> </fields><br></feature-report><br><br>------------<br><br><br></span><span title="Búsqueda de prueba:
">Test search results:<br><br></span><span title="Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map...
">Detailed information for the area you clicked on the map ...<br></span><span title="Ground Coordinates
">Ground Coordinates<br></span><span title="X: 116.27685546875
">X: 116.27685546875<br></span><span title="Y: 299.78662109375
">Y: 299.78662109375<br> <br></span><span title="ESPACIOS
">SPACES<br></span><span title="IDENTIFICADOR: 16C2BN001 Report
">IDENTIFIER: 16C2BN001 Report<br></span><span title="CONTENIDO: VESTIBULO DPTO.">CONTENTS: DEPARTMENT HALL. </span><span title="FISICA
">LOCATION TYPE: HALL<br></span><span title="TIPO USO: ZONA COMUN
">USE TYPE: COMMON AREA<br><br>-----------------------------------------<br><br></span><span title="Error:
"></span></span><span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="Error:
"><span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="Error cuando hago click en el hipervínculo "Report":
">Error when I click on the hyperlink "Report":<br><br></span></span></span><span title="Warning: layerObj::queryByRect(): [MapServer Error]: msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Error executing query: ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «C2BN001»
">Warning: layerObj :: queryByRect (): [MapServer Error]:
msPostGISLayerWhichShapes (): Error executing query: ERROR: syntax error
at or near "C2BN001"<br></span><span title="LINE 1: ... -1,-136 362,227 362,227 -1,-136 -1))',3857) and (16C2BN001)
">LINE 1: ... -1 362.227 362.227 -136 -1 -136 -1)) ', 3857) and (16C2BN001)<br> </span><span title="^
">^<br> </span><span title="in C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php on line 72
">in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php on line 72<br><br></span><span title="Warning: mapObj::setExtent(): [MapServer Error]: setExtent(): Given map extent is invalid.">Warning: MapObj :: SetExtent (): [MapServer Error]: SetExtent (): Given extent map is invalid. </span><span title="Check that it is in the form: minx, miny, maxx, maxy
">Check That it is in the form: minx, miny, maxx, maxy<br> </span><span title="in C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php on line 100
">in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php on line 100<br><br></span><span title="Warning: mapObj::setExtent(): [MapServer Error]: msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Error executing query: ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «C2BN001»
">Warning: MapObj :: SetExtent (): [MapServer Error]:
msPostGISLayerWhichShapes (): Error executing query: ERROR: syntax error
at or near "C2BN001"<br></span><span title="LINE 1: ... -1,-136 362,227 362,227 -1,-136 -1))',3857) and (16C2BN001)
">LINE 1: ... -1 362.227 362.227 -136 -1 -136 -1)) ', 3857) and (16C2BN001)<br> </span><span title="^
">^<br> </span><span title="in C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php on line 100
">in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php on line 100<br><br></span><span title="Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' in C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php:100
">Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php: 100<br></span><span title="Stack trace:
">Stack trace:<br></span><span title="#0 C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php(100): mapObj->setExtent(0, 0, 0, 0)
"># 0 C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php (100) mapObj-> SetExtent (0, 0, 0, 0)<br></span><span title="#1 {main}
"># 1 {main}<br> </span><span title="thrown in C:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\htdocs\php\feature_report.php on line 100
">thrown in C: \ MS4W \ apps \ geomoose2 \ htdocs \ php \ feature_report.php on line 100<br><br></span><span title="¿Alguien puede ayudarme a corregir el error?"><br>Can anyone help me fix the error?</span></span> </div></body>