[GeoNode-devel] GeoNode website update

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 18:44:04 PDT 2015

Hi all: recap on GeoNode website:

- merged Simone's PR (thanks again)
- added support for XML sitemaps via the jekyll-sitemaps gem
(automagically publishes to http://geonode.org/sitemaps.xml)
- added support for Atom feeds via the jekyll-feed gem (automagically
publishes feed to http://geonode.org/feed.xml); I have put in a
request to have http://geonode.org/feed.xml added to Planet OSGeo
- added https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode.github.com/blob/master/README.md
with instructions for building locally and drafting/publishing blog
- added the jekyll-mentions gem (see
https://help.github.com/articles/mentions-on-github-pages/ for more
- added Travis-CI setup at

Hopefully this helps keep the site running in a sustainable fashion
over time with blogposts being easier than ever to write/publish and
to reach wider audience.



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