[GeoNode-users] GeoNodeo upload layer formats

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at hazi.eus
Wed Mar 18 01:11:59 PDT 2015

Hi list,

I'm trying to upload a CSV file into my geonode app but I'm getting the following response:

{"errormsgs": ["Only Shapefiles and GeoTiffs are supported. You uploaded a .csv file"], "errors": {"__all__": ["Only Shapefiles and GeoTiffs are supported. You uploaded a .csv file"]}, "success": false}

I thought that in version 2.0.1 the allowed formats (according to the documentation) for uploading where shapefiles, GeoTiff, csv and kml (http://geonode.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorials/admin/data/gdalogr.html?highlight=csv) . I added in my local settings  the following

# Uploader Settings

    'BACKEND' : 'geonode.importer',

    'OPTIONS' : {

        'TIME_ENABLED': False,

        'GEOGIT_ENABLED': False,


But when uploading a CSV file I get the following error:

[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] Error creating import session
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/upload/upload.py", line 252, in save_step
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     base_file, use_url=False, import_id=next_id)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/geoserver/uploader/uploader.py", line 61, in upload
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     session.upload_task(files, use_url)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/geoserver/uploader/api.py", line 296, in upload_task
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     task = parse_response( resp )
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/geoserver/uploader/api.py", line 24, in parse_response
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     return Task(resp['task'])
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/geoserver/uploader/api.py", line 35, in __init__
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     self._bind_json(json)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/geoserver/uploader/api.py", line 65, in _bind_json
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     self.source = Source(json['source'],self)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] KeyError: 'source'
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] Unexpected error in upload step
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/upload/views.py", line 586, in view
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     resp = _steps[step](req, upload_session)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/upload/views.py", line 223, in save_step_view
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     import_session = upload.save_step(req.user, name, base_file, overwrite=False)
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode/upload/upload.py", line 274, in save_step
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error]     raise Exception('Could not save the layer %s, there was an upload error: %s' % (name, error_msg))
[Wed Mar 18 02:58:45 2015] [error] Exception: Could not save the layer euskaletxeak, there was an upload error: 'source'

What could be happening?

What is the current state of the uploading formats?

Thanks in advance.


Agur bero bat,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Área de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Planificación Territorial y Forestal Informazio Geografikoen Sistemak, Lurralde eta Baso Antolaketaren Arloa.
dalda at hazi.eus | www.hazi.eus
T 945 003 240 - M 627 923 170 - F 945 003 290 
Hazi | Granja Modelo de Arkaute s/n | 01192 Arkaute - Araba
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