[GeoNode-users] local modification and build of GeoExplorer

Strohschein, David dstrohschein at cga.harvard.edu
Thu Oct 29 05:43:17 PDT 2015

Hi all,
  This is my first post/question to the group.

I'm having some difficulty trying to add a GXP plugin (for viewing WMTS) into my local copy/clone of GeoExplorer in the OpenGeo Suite. I've tested the plugin outside of the suite with a generic instance of a GXP viewer and I know that it works.
The problem I'm having is as follows:
After copying WMTSSource.js to ../script/plugins and WMTSLayerDisplay.js to ../script/widgets, I then try changing ../script/loader.js to include these files.
When then performing 'ant build' while in ../geoexplorer/ directory my new ../geoexplorer/target/geoexplorer.war, contains a geoexplorer.js that does not contain any mention of the new GXP plugins that I tried to add.

Any suggestions?


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