[GeoNode-users] Error 401 & Error 404

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Fri May 6 11:02:55 PDT 2016

I see, it doesn't have to be on the same machine but it has to be the
geoserver shipped with geonode otherwise you will lose the geonode
permissions system and you have to disable the permissions in geonode

2016-05-06 19:51 GMT+02:00 said LAHSSINI <marghadi at gmail.com>:

> Thank you for your answer.
> We installed geoserver on a server '', then we
> installed a geonode with its geoserver on 'http://192.168.2.
> <>38 and then postgis server on '
> <>'. Our choice was,
> instead of using geonode's geoserver, to use a dedicated remote machine for
> geoserver.
> After installing the three servers, we loaded a postgis dump into the
> database. In addition, we changed the initial setting (local_settings)
> and then we defined for geoserver ( datastores to postgis
> tables. Finally,  we executed geonode updatelayers. (We did not any extra
> setting in the dedicated geoserver : 192.168.39)
> As geonode permitted us to visualize all spatial data within geoserver all
> seem working fine. Unforunately, when we tray to modify or to insert a new
> geometry within geoportal (geonode) it through the 401 and 404 error
> (please see the attached file) .
> Is it something wrong to set in the dedicated geoserver? or geoserver must
> be with geonode within the same machine?
> Thank you very much
> Said
> 2016-05-06 13:25 GMT+01:00 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:
>> Did you start with this setup or you migrated to this setup after having
>> loaded the layers? also, what requests are hitting the wrong url?
>> 2016-05-05 14:19 GMT+02:00 said lahssini <marghadi at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I would like to ask you if it is possible to have a separate instance of
>>> geocode and geoserver (we installed a geocode on a local machine, then a
>>> geoserver on a remote machine and other machine contains the RDBMS)?
>>> After we installed and configured adequately the three servers, we can
>>> display spatial data within the RDBMS. But when we try to visualize or to
>>> edit the Data through geoportal it fails with error 401 and 404.
>>> SITEURL2=''
>>> GEOSERVER_URL = SITEURL2 + 'geoserver/'
>>> # OGC (WMS/WFS/WCS) Server Settings
>>> OGC_SERVER = {
>>>     'default' : {
>>>         'BACKEND' : 'geonode.geoserver',
>>>         #'LOCATION' : 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/',
>>>         'LOCATION' : '',
>>>         'USER' : ‘admin',
>>>         'PASSWORD' : ‘xxxxxx',
>>>         'MAPFISH_PRINT_ENABLED' : True,
>>>         'PRINT_NG_ENABLED' : True,
>>>         'GEONODE_SECURITY_ENABLED' : True,
>>>         'GEOGIG_ENABLED' : False,
>>>         'WMST_ENABLED' : False,
>>>         'BACKEND_WRITE_ENABLED': True,
>>>         'WPS_ENABLED' : True,
>>>         'LOG_FILE':'/usr/share/geoserver/data/logs/geoserver.log',
>>>         # Set to name of database in DATABASES dictionary to enable
>>>         'DATASTORE': 'datastore',
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> What could be the problem with our configuration?
>>> Said
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>> --
>> Simone
> --
> *-* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*-* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*=*
> *-*      Saïd LAHSSINI
> *-*     P.A Sciences Forestières
> *-*     Ecole Nationale Forestière d'Ingénieurs
> *-*      BP 511 Tabriquet, Salé
> *-*     Tél.: *+212(0) 37 86 37 04* // Fax.: *+212(0) 37 86 11 49*
> *-*      GSM : 00212 663 666596
> *-*
> *-*
> *-* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*-* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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