[Geoprisma-dev] alloverlays question ... again

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Mon Apr 12 11:32:31 EDT 2010


OpenStreetMap layers are from the XYZ class that set isBaseLayer to true 
by default. Try to change that directly in the OL code to see if it 
changes something. If it does, it will give you a good starting point.


Yves Moisan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I still wonder why I can easily make a GP sample for alloverlays 
> (http://geoprisma.org/samples/alloverlays/index.php)  and can't get it 
> to work in our application.  Here's the case : OpenStreetMap as 
> baselayer and a bunch of other layers as overlays.  You'd think adding 
> <alloverlays>true</alloverlays> in the map object and <isbaselayer>false 
> </isbaselayer> for the OSM layer (which was previously set to true) 
> would turn the map to an alloverlays, but I still can't tick the OSM 
> layer off.  I now get the checkbox typical of OL overlays for the OSM 
> layer, but it still behaves as if it were a radio button.  Is it a 
> matter of layer type ?  On geoprisma.org, the alloverlays example uses 
> WMS images.  Could it be that GYMO type layers are just baselayers only ?
> TIA,
> Yves
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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