[Geoprisma-dev] Roadmaps, Releases, and timelines ...

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Jan 4 10:55:14 EST 2010

Hi Stephen,

First : Happy New year !  We have tentatively tied features to release
numbers in Trac.  I will do a more thorough review this week, but as you
mention most of the things that will make it in to GeoPrisma will be
project driven.  

For the record, here's what I need to get done soon :

- edit point/vertices location by punching in coordinates directly in a
textbox (probably dependent on a OL enhancement)

- print widget

In the latter case, some work has been committed in a patch but I feel
more work needs to be done to bring it in line with the MapFish print
widget or better the GeoExt print widget that should be coming soon.

Before the holidays, I've been working on optional feature highlighting
when people zoom to a feature (e.g. via the InitialView, recenter or
ShortCut widgets), but I'm struggling with JS.  My New Year's resolution
is to get better at JS :-).

I understand the need for project predictability from a third party
programmer's point of view and we will try our best to determine a
feature plan and stick to it.  I need such a plan too :-)



> Hi devs,
> As I jump on GeoPrisma and start planning a new project with GeoPrisma 
> at its core, I went searching for Roadmaps, Releases, or timelines and 
> didn't find much.
> There are also a lot of changes happening to GeoPrisma as it moves into 
> a public OpenSource project.
> It would be very helpful to have some kind of information about 
> Roadmaps, Releases, and timelines or whatever that could be used to 
> roughly plan around. Things like when might we see the new 
> XMLMapContextConfig, or when might snapping be added to featureCreate 
> and featureUpdate widgets or when might the printWidget be released, 
> etc. I only use these as examples in general. Actually knowing when 
> these are planned for would also be helpful.
> I know these things are often subject to change based on funded projects 
> that might get dropped into the mix that were not part of the initial 
> plan and lots of other things. These are not a problem if we as users 
> and project planners get updates when things changes so we can adjust 
> our expectations and plans accordingly.
> It would be good to just know:
> Next release is version ... with ballpark freeze, beta, rc1 dates of ....
> We plan to have x, y and z enhancements and maybe others
> We plan to tackle bugs .... and maybe others
> Just thinking out loud about process and getting more visibility into 
> what is happening when.
> Best regards,
>    -Steve
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