[Geoprisma-dev] Roadmaps, Releases, and timelines ...

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Jan 4 15:08:11 EST 2010

> Hi,
> We should probably do a wiki page for the roadmap. 

Hi Julien,

There's a roadmap page on Trac (http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/roadmap)
so all we need to do is set tasks to a milestone.  I created a "First
milestone" that I added tasks into.  Just tag the things you are working
on on that milestone and I think we have a first go at it. 

> Anyway on our side 
> there's some development coming for a redlining/cosmetic tool (most work 
> is in GeoExt), the Print tool, the new config driver, a WMS layer adder 
> and some more. We'll probably know more in the following weeks.

Do the things you are working on all have tickets in Trac ?  If so just
tag them to "First milestone".  The redlining tool, to take that
example, came on the development radar just recently after at a customer
request I presume, which is obviously fine, but it means potentially
delaying some of the tasks that were planned before a new
customer-driven priority came along.  There is no problem switching
tasks in/out of milestones as needs arise.  We just need to let the
community know.

Stephen : snapping is slated to be in one of the four development phases
planned for the GeoExt redlining tool, which will eventually become a
GeoPrisma widget.



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