[Geoprisma-dev] Order for GP Javascript

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Mar 17 11:03:28 EDT 2010

> There's no strict order other than MAP first.
> Julien
Thanx Julien.  I ran our JS's through jsbuild and found out there are 
issues with our usage of the @requires comment.  Some of the @requires 
we use point to things that do not exist (e.g. OpenLayers/Result) and 
for some reason the @requires in GeoPrisma are not resolved by jsbuild.  
In create.js for example :

@requires OpenLayers/Control/DrawFeature.js

results in

jstools.merge.MissingImport: File 'OpenLayers/Control/DrawFeature.js' 
not found in root directories

even though the root directory for OpenLayers is specified correctly.

It's probably a bug in jsbuild, but to make things work, I deleted all 
@requires from our js files.  It's a short term (not committed of 
course) solution to minify our JS.

Things I noticed :

- all @requires directives in GeoExt relate to itself only (e.g. 
- almost all those of OL relate to itself too (excet for a Gears js)
- only mapfish specifies @requires directives that point to paths other 
than what's in it's lib; but mapfish has all it's dependencies in mfbase

I'll come back with more later.


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