[Geoprisma-dev] MapExtent calculation issues ?

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Oct 19 15:19:13 EDT 2010

  Hi All,

We have a very intriguing issue pointing to geoprisma-r914 (from r805).  
All TileCached layers stop working with "a tile corner too far ..." 
error and when repointing back to the old (r805) libraries everything is 
fine.  I don't have much detail on the issue but my suspicion is that 
something changed, probably in OL, so that now extents aren't quite 
calculated the same way.  Version differences are :

r805                    r914
ol-r10165           ol-r10848
mf-r3433            mf-r3639
geoext-r2073    geoext-r2465

We also  changed from Ext 3.1.2 to 3.2.1

I was wondering whether any of you knew of any specific change in OL or 
elsewhere that may have someting to bear with what we are seing.



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