[Geoprisma-users] Back to GP again

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Nov 25 15:35:21 EST 2009


The new doc is a great improvement!

Here are some random comments:

1) Looking at the Widget list 

I think it would be very helpful to standardize Widget names a little 
bit with the client project. This is already done for some of the 
MapFish widgets:

FeaturePanel_Form         => ExtFeaturePanel_Form
FeaturePanel_Selector     => ExtFeaturePanel_Selector
GeoExtToolbar             => GeoExtNavToolbar
GetMousePosition          => GPGetMousePosition
MapFishLayerTree          => MapFishLayerTree
MapFishRecenter           => MapFishRecenter
Merge                     => PGMerge
MeasureTool               => GPMeasureTool
MousePosition             => OLMousePosition
PopUp                     => OLPopUp
QueryOnClick              => GeoExtQueryOnClick
QuickZoom                 => Use Shortcut Widget **No Docs*
ResultExtGrid             => ExtResultGrid
Scale                     => OLScale
Split                     => PGSplit
Toolbar                   => MapFishNavToolbar
EditFeature_Create        => GeoExtEditFeature_Create
EditFeature_Delete        => GeoExtEditFeature_Delete
EditFeature_Update        => GeoExtEditFeature_Update

Why bother you might ask? :)
Maybe this is not the way to do it, but you already started with this 
naming conventions and I think is has some value in making sensible 
widget choices. For example if I don't want to add in all the MapFish 
stuff then I can avoid using those widgets. I assume that over time and 
growth of the wisget library this will become more and more useful. 
Obviously there are other ways to do this and if you use the EditFeature 
tools then you are already commited to using the MapFish protocol which 
I assume means using some of there JS files?

2) Reading through the tutorial and trying to implement a project.

section 1. 2nd bullet needs a link to the list of widgets which got me 
side tracked to the above comment.

In this section, you talk about making a list. It would be helpful to 
show and example list and to comment that it will be used below in 
another step (I haven't gotten to that step yet).

In general, the current doc is a little bit abstract, and would benefit 
from being a little more concrete. I would suggest defining a specific 
example for the Tutorial and referring to that example to explain each 
step, like:

1) a city wants to setup a GP service and has the following resouces:

citylimits - polygon shapefile
lakes      - polygon shapefile with object names
parcels    - polygon shapefile with lots of attribute
streets    - line shapefile with moderate number of attributes

The example data can be downloaded from HERE(link).

The citylimits layer is a reference only layer
The lakes layer is also a reference only layer
The parcels layer is managed by the city tax department which needs to 
make sure it is updated as things change, but the public needs to be 
able to view it.
The streets layer is managed by the highway department which needs to 
mantain it, and add new streets as new subdivision are created. The 
public needs to view this as a reference layer also.

2) we have loaded all these layers into postgis database
3) we have configured mapserver to serve WMS maps from the database
    - show a sample mapfile for the above
4) we have featureserver installed
    - show a sample config file for the above

Now based on this, show the services, DataStores and Resource Lists and 
follow through with this example in the tutorial. This way when the user 
is finished with the tutorial they will have a working example. Also 
making it concrete like this will make it much easier to write up the 
docs because you will have an example to show what you are talking about.

Still wading through the tutorial. It is a really good start and I'll 
probably add to this as I progress through it.

Thanks for the amazing amount of additional work you have done on the docs.


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