<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt">Hello,<br><br>I have started using GP recently. I am currently able to display a basic map with many layers. The next step is to be able to use the QueryOnClick widget.<br>I have started configuring it based on the Sample1 example on the GP website. I think I am almost there. Here is was I observe with my current configurations.<br><br>- The toolbar contains the "i" button. <br>- The drop down list next to the "i" (List of queryable layers) displays the name of the two (2) resources I have set up for QueryOnClick.<br>- One of these resources is polygons, the other one is points.<br>- No matter where I click on any of these resources, I get the message "No Record Found".<br><br>Now, trying to debug it, I think the projection settings are good. The map displays well and the query returned when I use
QueryOnClick refers to a plausible BBOX. <br>Though looking at the query results, it seems the GML information returned by the mapfile is empty : <msGMLOutput> </msGMLOutput><br><br>I have tried to set it up correctly in the mapfile, but it seems I don't get through.<br>Please does anybody have an idea ?<br><br>Thanks<br><span style="color: rgb(139, 139, 139);">-- </span><br style="color: rgb(139, 139, 139);"><span style="color: rgb(139, 139, 139);">Louis Rocheleau-Lieutenant</span><br style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"><br style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"><span style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);">GIS & Business Analyst</span><br style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"><span style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);">Boréalis</span><br style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"><span style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);">101, Place du Moulin, bureau 202-A Magog (Qc) Canada J1X 4A1</span><br style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"><span style="color: rgb(162, 162,
162);">T. +1.514.313.5951 | +1.819.575.6037 ext.1165<br>E. louis.rocheleau@boreal-is.com</span><br><br>P.S. Here are some parts of the configuration I have : (Note I'll give the information only for the polygon layer)<br><br>GP.XML<br>Widgets:<br> <geoexttoolbar><br> <name>Toolbar</name><br> <options><br> <widgets> <br> <widget>QueryOnClick</widget>
<br> </widgets><br> </options><br> </geoexttoolbar><br><br> <queryonclick><br> <name>QueryOnClick</name><br> <options><br> <displayfields><br> <field>title</field><br>
</displayfields><br> <results><br> <result>ResultExtGrid</result><br> </results><br> </options><br> </queryonclick><br> <br> <resultextgrid><br> <name>ResultExtGrid</name><br> <options><br>
<inwindow>false</inwindow><br> <grids><br> <grid><br> <resourcename>Res_Surveyed_Farms</resourcename><br> <delegatecontext><br> <enabled>true</enabled><br> <label>Link to AkIMS</label><br>
</delegatecontext><br> <displayname>Surveyed Farms</displayname><br> <fields><br> <field><br> <id>sfarmid</id><br> <label>Farm ID</label><br> <type>string</type><br>
<width>75</width><br> </field><br> <field><br> <id>farmtype</id><br> <label>Farm Type</label><br> <type>string</type><br> <width>75</width><br>
</field><br> </fields><br> </grid><br> </grids><br> </options><br> </resultextgrid><br><br>Resources:<br> <resource><br> <name>Res_Surveyed_Farms</name><br> <datastores><br> <datastore>DS_Surveyed_Farms</datastore><br>
</datastores> <br> <widgets><br> <widget>Toolbar</widget><br> <widget>QueryOnClick</widget><br> <widget>ResultExtGrid</widget><br> </widgets><br> </resource><br><br>Workspace:<br>
<resource><br> <name>Res_Surveyed_Farms</name><br> <widgets> <br> <widget>Toolbar</widget><br> <widget>QueryOnClick</widget><br>
<widget>ResultExtGrid</widget><br> </widgets><br> </resource><br><br><br>MAPFILE:<br><br> [...]<br> WEB<br> TEMPLATE "map.html"<br> IMAGEPATH "/Akyem/www/Akyem/carto/pmapper3/tmp/"<br> IMAGEURL "/Akyem/carto/pmapper3/tmp/"<br> METADATA<br> "gml_include_items" "all"<br> END # Metadata<br> END #Web<br><br> [...]<br><br> ##################################################<br> # FARMS - SURVEYED<br> ##################################################<br> LAYER<br> NAME "Farms"<br>
METADATA<br> "DESCRIPTION" "Surveyed Farms"<br> "LAYER_ENCODING" "UTF-8"<br> "gml_include_items" "all"<br> END<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> STATUS ON<br> TRANSPARENCY 55<br> CONNECTION "user=[...] password=[...] dbname=[...] host=localhost port=5433"<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> DATA "the_geom from (SELECT oid, fl_id, sfarmid, farmtype, acre, hectares, st_setsrid(the_geom,25000) as the_geom, <br> date_repegged, stool, town, surveydate, bookno, evaluationdate,
suv_acreage<br> FROM geo_farms) as geo_vw_farms<br> USING UNIQUE oid USING SRID=25000"<br> CLASS<br> TEMPLATE void<br> NAME "Farms"<br> COLOR 102 191 0<br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> END<br> END # LAYER<br><br><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML"></div></div></body></html>