[geos-devel] [UTF] envelope_class_test.cpp fixed for Boost 1.33

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sun Mar 12 07:42:37 EST 2006

Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
> Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>> The only change I had to make is to change version
>> // for Boost 1.34 #define BOOST_TEST_MAIN #include 
>> <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
>> to read
>> // for Boost 1.33 #define BOOST_AUTO_TEST_MAIN #include 
>> <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp>
>> So, in order to enable users to use older and newer versions of 
>> Boost I suppose there may be some #ifdef's required.
> Hi,
> I've just tested the version for Boost 1.33 above with Boost 1.34 
> (CVS) and it's working. Does mean the header #include 
> <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp> is present in 1.34 and compatible, so
>  no #ifdef's are required so far.


I have bad news.
Inspite of that solution above works with older and
newer Boost versions it's not recommended to use old-style
verson for Boost 1.33.

Here is a small thread in which I'm asking how to procede:


Gennadiy does not recommend the approach I revealed as working:

No - old names are depricated. You still could use it.
But it's going to be removed in some future release.
Boost 1.34 should be out pretty soon. You may want to wait till it's out
and rely purely on new names.

Please, discuss a little how should we handle this issue?

Mateusz Łoskot

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