[geos-devel] Weekly Report 7- Adding Voronoi Diagram to GEOS

vishal tiwari hi.vishal123 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 12:19:19 PDT 2013


My Week 7 report is as follows:
Week 7 Report:<http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/Reports?action=edit&section=8><http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/Reports#Week7Report:>

*1. Work Done:*

   - Exposed the Voronoi Diagram Builder C++ apis through C wrapper
   interface for the thread safe apis. Also exposed it via non-thread safe
   apis, which is a simple wrapper around the thread-safe apis.

*2. Problems Faced:*

   - I tried to test it, but whenever i try to link my file against the
   libgeos_c.so, I get some errors, which will be resolved soon.

*3. Work to be done in the next week:*

   - Resolve the linkage error and test the C-Api wrapper for Voronoi
   Diagram Builder and write corresponding test cases.

Vishal Tiwari
Computer Science and Engineering
Lab for Spatial Informatics
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