<div>hello</div> <div> </div> <div>i am a final year computer engineering student. Currently i am working on a project related to image processing. i have to convert a generic binary image into a geotiff image. i am completely new to image proceessing. i know that a geotiff image contains a number of tags, one or more IFD & one header. On the other hand , the generic binary image file contains only imgae's raster data. i want to know whether there is some existing APIs in java or C/C++ to write/create a geotiff image.</div> <div>Please help me as early as possible.</div> <div> </div> <div>kanika jain</div> <div> </div><BR><BR><DIV><STRONG><EM><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff80ff>We <FONT color=#ff007f>will</FONT> <FONT color=#ff00ff>find</FONT> <FONT color=#a040ff>only</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>what</FONT> <FONT color=#0080ff>we</FONT> <FONT color=#00bf60>look</FONT> <FONT color=#bf005f>for</FONT>, <BR><FONT
color=#668f5a>nothing</FONT> more <FONT color=#00bfbf>and </FONT><FONT color=#a040ff>nothing</FONT> less.<IMG src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif"><BR></FONT></EM></STRONG></DIV> <DIV><STRONG><EM><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff80ff>Kanika<IMG src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/23.gif"></DIV></FONT></EM></STRONG><p>
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