[geotk] ISO 19115-2 support

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Tue Dec 8 18:52:26 EST 2009

Hello David, and welcome!

David Neufeld a écrit :
> We are also interested in the ISO 19115-2 support, and would like to 
> generate ISO 19115-2 from a NetCDF file.

This is also our plan. I was supposed to start the work on NetCDF this week (I 
think next week would be more realist), so the timing looks excellent :).

> In the example below - marshallMetadataInstrument(), we can populate an 
> instrument object using setter methods and then marshal it to ISO 19115 
> XML which returns:
> <gmd:MI_Instrument ...>
> ...
> </gmd:MI_Instrument>
> But it's not clear how to generate ISO 19115-2 XML from a populated 
> DefaultInstrument object using the SpatialMetadata class (or whether 
> this is the wrong approach entirely).
>    SpatialMetadataFormat stream = SpatialMetadataFormat.STREAM;
>    SpatialMetadata spatialMeta = new SpatialMetadata(stream);    
>    Instrument instrument = spatialMeta.getInstanceForType(Instrument.class);
>    defInstrument = new DefaultInstrument(instrument); 
> //IllegalArgumentException: No such element: Citations

This is exactly the intended approach. I have not yet tried however to create a 
DefaultInstrument (or any object from the org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso package) 
from the output of SpatialMetadata.getInstanceForType(...). But the intend is to 
make it work the way you did. I will create a JUnit test with the above code so 
I can look at the stack trace and make it work.

Thanks for trying Geotk! and best regards,


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