[geotk] "Custom" location local projection

Sam B totalsam at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 4 01:22:18 EDT 2009

Dear Martin,

Thank you very much for you answer. I guess it will perfectly fit to what I need !

I just have a much general question. For my application, I think that an orthographic projection will be fine ; I need to be quite accurate (a few %) in a zone of about 10km x 10km. I noticed that the orthographic projection is a plane tangent to the earth at any location I can choose, you just indicated me how in your post.

How will the projected plane be oriented in different situations ? If the origin is located on the equator, I guess it will be oriented north up (in the direction of the increasing y). Will the x increasing direction be looking at Greenwhich ?

Now what happens if the origin of my plane is located on the North Pole ?

Thanks again and best regards,


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