[geotk] Problem with org.geoapi

Brian Schlining bschlining at gmail.com
Tue May 17 23:40:52 EDT 2011

I'm trying to build a Scala project using GeoTK 3.17 and geoapi 2.3-RC1. When I run the compiler I get the following errors: 

[ERROR] error: error while loading Obligation, class file '/Users/brian/.m2/repository/org/opengis/geoapi/2.3-RC1/geoapi-2.3-RC1.jar(org/opengis/annotation/Obligation.class)' is broken
[INFO] (bad constant pool index: 25856 at pos: 950)
[ERROR] error: error while loading ReferenceSystem, class file '/Users/brian/.m2/repository/org/opengis/geoapi/2.3-RC1/geoapi-2.3-RC1.jar(org/opengis/referencing/ReferenceSystem.class)' is broken
[INFO] (bad constant pool index: 25856 at pos: 716)
[ERROR] error: error while loading IdentifiedObject, class file '/Users/brian/.m2/repository/org/opengis/geoapi/2.3-RC1/geoapi-2.3-RC1.jar(org/opengis/referencing/IdentifiedObject.class)' is broken
[INFO] (bad constant pool index: 25856 at pos: 1025)
[ERROR] error: error while loading DirectPosition, class file '/Users/brian/.m2/repository/org/opengis/geoapi/2.3-RC1/geoapi-2.3-RC1.jar(org/opengis/geometry/DirectPosition.class)' is broken
[INFO] (bad constant pool index: 25856 at pos: 799)
[ERROR] error: error while loading SingleCRS, class file '/Users/brian/.m2/repository/org/opengis/geoapi/2.3-RC1/geoapi-2.3-RC1.jar(org/opengis/referencing/crs/SingleCRS.class)' is broken
[INFO] (bad constant pool index: 25856 at pos: 596)

I deleted the offending jars from my local maven repo, then I checked out the geoapi source, recompiled it and tried to build with the jars I compiled myself and I still get the same errors. Is anyone else running into the same problem? 
Brian Schlining

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