[geotk] CRS issue with WFS module

Simone Giannecchini simone.giannecchini at geo-solutions.it
Fri Oct 27 09:19:41 PDT 2017

Ciao All,
reversing axis order for EPSG:4326 requires coding and cannot be done
quickly, since we cannot make this behavior the default as most client
will break.

Preserving the full URL on the client side seems the lowest hanging
fruit at this stage, since with the full URL you should get
coordinates in the proper order.

Simone Giannecchini
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
Visit http://goo.gl/it488V for more information.
Ing. Simone Giannecchini

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Stephane Fellah
<stephanef at imagemattersllc.com> wrote:
> Martin,
> Yes, definitely we will test it. You plan to deploy 4.0.4 on maven repo will
> work for us.
> Please note that the CRS URL is truncated in the WFSFeatureStore
> The code snippet that breaks is in the WFSFeatureStore.java  (line 138)
> //extract the feature type -----------------------------------------
> CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
> FeatureType sft;
> try {
>     String defaultCRS = ftt.getDefaultCRS();
>     if(defaultCRS.contains("EPSG")){
>         final int last = defaultCRS.lastIndexOf(':');
>         defaultCRS = "EPSG:"+defaultCRS.substring(last+1);
>     }
>     crs = CRS.forCode(defaultCRS);
>     if (getLongitudeFirst()) {
>         crs =
> AbstractCRS.castOrCopy(crs).forConvention(AxesConvention.RIGHT_HANDED);
>     }
>     sft = requestType(typeName);
> }
> Simone has redeployed the WFS using the short version "EPSG:4326" to see if
> the problem is solved, However, we ran into another issue with Geoserver.
> The coordinates of lat/long are flipped when the short version is used on
> Geoserver.
> Only the preservation of the full URL will keep the order lat/long. I will
> forward to you the email thread related to this problem.
> Regards
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Martin Desruisseaux
> <martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com> wrote:
>> Hello Stephane
>> Indeed, the srsName attribute in gml:Envelope is of type anyURI. My
>> interpretation is that the "urn:ogc:def:crs:epsg:…" syntax is more adequate
>> than "EPSG:…" there. I'm not sure why WFSFeatureStore uses the short form;
>> maybe at the time it was written, not all servers understood the URN form.
>> I can try modify Geotk 4.0.0 for using the URN form. I think (but I'm not
>> sure) it would be at line 576 of GTtoSE110Transformer. If I try a change,
>> would you have an opportunity to test? What would be the preferred approach?
>> You checkout the source code and propose the line to edit.
>> I deploy a 4.0.4-SNAPSHOT version (the changes in 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 should
>> not affects WFS).
>> If we get a test to work, I can deploy a 4.0.4 on
>> http://maven.geotoolkit.org/ if useful.
>>     Martin
> --
> Stephane Fellah
> Chief  Knowledge Scientist
> Image Matters LLC
> Office: +(703) 669 5510
> Cell: 703 431 9420

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