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Thank you again Martin, for all your answers. I finally succeeded downloading the complete geotoolkit-pending maven repository, but I had to install geotk-jar-collector by hand, I don't know exactly why.<br><br>The problem I am facing now is building all the JARs. One test is failing, geotk-filter.FilterTest. It says "no suitable driver found for jdbc:derby". Well, I installed derby, and I already have a geotoolkit project running. But when I look at the surfire-reports\TESTxxxxxx.xml file, it looks like the derby.jar is not in the classpath during the test. Does someone knows how to set the correct classpath during maven tests ?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Sam<br><br /><hr />Hot or Not? Le style des stars sur <a href='http://starlounge.fr.ch.msn.com/index.cfm?category=fashion' target='_new'>MSN Starlounge</a></body>