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Thank you very much Martin !<br><br>I thought about orthographic because this guide <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.epsg.org/guides/docs/G7-2.pdf">http://www.epsg.org/guides/docs/G7-2.pdf</a> at page 74 says that the distortion in scale is about 1 part per 10000 at 90km from the center. But now you tell me that Stereographic is even better. Wow ! Do you have an idea about the distortion of this projection ?<br><br>I guess that the units of the axes of the projectedCRS corresponding to the stereographic projection are meters ?<br><br>Thanks in advance once again !<br><br>Sam<br><br /><hr />Hotmail: la nouvelle technologie anti-spam aide à bloquer les messages indésirables, <a href='http://mail.live.com/mail/options.aspx?subsection=4' target='_new'>ici vous pouvez régler votre filtre Spam.</a></body>