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Le 25/05/11 15:13, Riou Olivier a écrit :
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<div><span class="798082112-25052011"><font color="#0000ff"
face="Arial" size="2">I do not know a lot about the design
of geotoolkit, embedded databases and wep apps. Do you mean
that geotoolkit is base or some of its modules (like the
derby database which stores the EPSG referencing data) are
using web app technologies ?</font></span></div>
Actually not, Geotk doesn't use any web-specific technology. Jon's
email was just saying that if you happen to use Geotk in a web
application, you may need to restart the web container. But if you
uses Geotk as a desktop application, then there is nothing special
to do.<br>
<div><span class="798082112-25052011"><font color="#0000ff"
face="Arial" size="2">In this case, it could explain the
problem because I'm also currently investigating on JVM
crash on my application which may causes geotoolkit to not
initialize properly when restarting the application after
the crash ?</font></span></div>
If the EPSG database is not corrupted, then there is no particular
initialization to do after a JVM crash. If the EPSG database is
corrupted, just deleting the directory that contains this database
is suffisient. However given that you use a properties file instead
than a database, then I think that no action is required.<br>
type="cite"><span class="798082112-25052011"><font color="#0000ff"
face="Arial" size="2">However, since its a JVM crash, there is
no way to call Setup.shutdown() method before the JVM exits
and, if it is effectively the cause of the problem, I have to
find another workaround. Is this can be fixed if I do not use
geotoolkit with an embedded database anymore (only with the
epsg.properties) ?</font></span></blockquote>
If you don't use Geotk in a context where the library can be
loaded/unloaded (or deployed/undeployed), then there is no need to
invoke <tt>Setup.shutdown()</tt>. The <tt>Setup.shutdown()</tt>
call is needed only if the Geotk library may be reloaded again in
the <i>same JVM execution</i>.<br>
However in case of JVM crash, the EPSG embedded database may still
be corrupted, in which case just deleting its directory as explained
above should work. If the JVM terminated normally, or if a Java
exception was threw (as opposed to a JVM crash in C/C++ native
code), then there is no action needed - the embedded database should
have been automatically closed by the JVM shutdown hooks.<br>