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<p>Hello Sebastian<br>
<p>There is some explanation about the current situation with
GeoAPI interfaces.<br>
<p><b>GeoAPI</b> is a project owned by OGC. The official
GeoAPI release is GeoAPI 3.0
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geoapi">http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geoapi</a>).</p>
<p><b>GeoTools</b> uses an older GeoAPI version (2.<i>something</i>)
which was a milestone that didn't go through the OGC
approval process. Furthermore GeoTools forked those GeoAPI
interfaces in their own source code repository (which is
okay), but without renaming "<tt>org.opengis</tt>" into
their own domain space (which is problematic since the "<tt>org.opengis</tt>"
namespace is owned by OGC, not by GeoTools).</p>
<p><b>Apache SIS</b> official releases use the official GeoAPI
3.0 interfaces. So the trunk (not the branches) of Apache
SIS is standard-compliant in this aspect.</p>
<p><b>Geotk</b> uses GeoAPI 3.1 milestones. So Geotk is not
compliant with GeoAPI 3.0 official release neither. However
we now define the Geotk project as a "sandbox" for both
Apache SIS and GeoAPI: we try to develop GeoAPI 3.1 and 4.0
inside OGC and use the Geotk project as a way to test the
proposed interfaces. Geotk classes considered stable enough
are then migrated to Apache SIS, where the trunk is always
kept standard-compliant.<br>
<p>We are aware that this is a messy situation. Both GeoTools and
Geotk projects contribute to this situation since none of them
use the standard GeoAPI 3.0 interfaces. We try to resolve this
issue in a number of way:<br>
<li>By moving as much Geotk code as we can to Apache SIS, which
is and will always be standard compliant (on trunk).
Unfortunately this is a slow process.<br>
<li>By trying to reboot the GeoAPI Standard Working Group at
OGC. The GeoTools community is welcome to participate if they
<p>If the meantime, if you really need to have Geotk and GeoTools
to cohabit, this may be possible (but uneasy) by using a <tt>ClassLoader</tt>
trick. Please let us know if you wish to explore that path.<br>
<p> Martin</p>
Le 21/12/15 16:35, johann sorel a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56781C36.3030306@geomatys.com" type="cite">
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Hello sebastian,<br>
Mixing geotools and geotoolkit is a bad idea, <br>
geotools duplicates some very old classes from the Geoapi project
and geotoolkit uses the most up to date Geoapi.<br>
High chances your problem comes from this.<br>
If luckily you have some influence on geotools, please tell them
to stop making hard copies of geoapi classes, this isn't the first
time developers encounter this problem.<br>
Beside, geotoolkit has a geojson feature store, so you should be
able to replace it.<br>
Johann Sorel<br>