[gips] gips_project

Bobby Braswell rbraswell at appliedgeosolutions.com
Wed Jul 15 08:32:01 PDT 2015

Do you have any idea why the following command:

(venv)rbraswell at nile:~$ gips_project Oceancolor -p l2chlfill -s /atlas/projects/cyanomap/vectors/erie_3857.shp -d 2010-001 --fetch --outdir /atlas/projects/cyanomap/data/chips/tiles -k uuid --notld --tree --res 1000 1000 --overwrite -v4

only executes the “gips_process” portion, creating the precursor tiles.

It ends like this:
Processing completed in 0:00:00.749844
Creating mosaic project /atlas/projects/cyanomap/data/chips/tiles/e14610af-4577-4681-b2ea-e29b0a887a2c
  Dates: 1 dates (2010-01-01 - 2010-01-01)
  Products: l2chlfill
2010-01-01: created project files for 1 tiles in 0:00:00.000047
Completed mosaic project in 0:00:00.000206

The additional confusing thing is, if I issue the exact same command again, it then creates the desired project file.

Why do I have to run the command twice? I’m wondering if there’s something about the way I have set up the “gips_process” code, so that it quits when it’s done. But I don’t see anything. Ever have this happen?


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