[Gisquick] Week 2 Report - Gisquick platform extension

David těthal davidtethal at gmail.com
Sun May 27 08:38:51 PDT 2018

Hello everyone,
my report for week 2 (May 21 - 27) is bellow.

What did you get done this period?
- All the work during this period is described in my Wiki page [1] feel
free to check it.

What do you plan for next week?
- Improve simple animation of map features filtering
- Animations should respect data discontinuity

Are you blocked on anything?
I am not blocked.

[1] *https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-gsoc2018/wiki/GSoC-2018-Extension-of-Gisquick-platform#progress-timeline

David Tethal
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