[Graphics] zoom-in icon

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Sun Oct 11 09:54:26 EDT 2009

Welcome to OSGeo graphics mailing list.

To start from very beginning I want to ask you about the most popular
icon for zooming-in.
Represented usually by magnifying glass (often with plus sign) [1]
What standard behavior user can expect?
Zooming to point after one click or click one corner and drag to another?
When we add double-click (eg. Google Maps) and mouse wheel we get real
mixture of options.
In general purpose tools one icon zoom approach works fine, but in GIS
oriented programs, different zoom icons are needed. For dragging it
could be zoom-region [2], however 'region' name is not the best one (eg.
GRASS regions). Other name proposals are welcome.

What about such recommendation:
* zoom-in [1]
For one zoom tool(icon) in simple program or very sophisticated methods
in one tool (zoom to point, to region, dbl click, etc.)

For multiple zooming types:
* zoom-in [1] for click to point (treated as zoom-point alias)
* zoom-region [2] for two opposite corners on map click
* zoom-selection [3], zoom-extent [4], etc.

On more doubt. Magnifying glass (alone) is used often for 'search'...


[1] http://robert.szczepanek.pl/icon/0.1/zoom-in.png
[2] http://robert.szczepanek.pl/icon/0.1/zoom-region.png
[3] http://robert.szczepanek.pl/icon/0.1/zoom-selection.png
[4] http://robert.szczepanek.pl/icon/0.1/zoom-extent.png

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