[GRASS-SVN] r33652 - grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 2 00:35:40 EDT 2008

Author: glynn
Date: 2008-10-02 00:35:40 -0400 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 33652

Convert d.polar to Python (xgraph untested)

Added: grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.py	2008-10-02 04:35:40 UTC (rev 33652)
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:       d.polar
+# AUTHOR(S):    Markus Neteler. neteler itc.it
+#               algorithm + EPS output by Bruno Caprile
+#               d.graph plotting code by Hamish Bowman
+#               Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
+# PURPOSE:      Draws polar diagram of angle map. The outer circle considers
+#               all cells in the map. If one or many of them are NULL (no data),
+#               the figure will not reach the outer circle. The vector inside
+#               indicates the prevalent direction.
+# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2006,2008 by the GRASS Development Team
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#%  description: Draws polar diagram of angle map such as aspect or flow directions
+#%  keywords: display, diagram
+#% key: map
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: name
+#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
+#% description: Name of raster angle map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: undef
+#% type: double
+#% description: Pixel value to be interpreted as undefined (different from NULL)
+#% required : no
+#% key: eps
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new_file,file,output
+#% description: Name of optional EPS output file
+#% required : no
+#% key: x
+#% description: Plot using Xgraph
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+import types
+import math
+import atexit
+import subprocess
+import glob
+import shutil
+import grass
+def cleanup():
+    grass.try_remove(tmp)
+    for f in glob.glob(tmp + '_*'):
+	grass.try_remove(f)
+def plot_xgraph():
+    newline = ['\n']
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['xgraph'], stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
+    for point in sine_cosine_replic + newline + outercircle + newline + vector:
+	if isinstance(point, types.TupleType):
+	    p.stdin.write("%f %f\n" % point)
+	else:
+	    p.stdin.write(point + '\n')
+    p.stdin.close()
+    p.wait()
+def plot_dgraph():
+    # use d.info and d.frame to create a square frame in the center of the window.
+    s = grass.read_command('d.info', flags = 'd')
+    f = s.split()
+    frame_width = float(f[1])
+    frame_height = float(f[2])
+    # take shorter side as length of frame side
+    min_side = min(frame_width, frame_height)
+    dx = (frame_width  - min_side) / 2
+    dy = (frame_height - min_side) / 2
+    fl = dx
+    fr = frame_width - dx
+    ft = dy
+    fb = frame_height - dy
+    tenv = os.environ.copy()
+    tenv['GRASS_FRAME'] = '%f,%f,%f,%f' % (ft, fb, fl, fr)
+    # polyline calculations
+    ring = 0.95
+    scaleval = ring * totalvalidnumber / totalnumber
+    sine_cosine_replic_normalized = [
+	((scaleval * p[0]/maxradius + 1)*50,
+	 (scaleval * p[1]/maxradius + 1)*50)
+	for p in sine_cosine_replic
+	if isinstance(p, types.TupleType)]
+    # create circle
+    circle = [(50*(1 + ring * math.sin(math.radians(i))),
+	       50*(1 + ring * math.cos(math.radians(i))))
+	      for i in range(0, 361)]
+    # trend vector
+    vect = [((scaleval * p[0]/maxradius + 1)*50,
+	     (scaleval * p[1]/maxradius + 1)*50)
+	    for p in vector[1:]]
+    # Possible TODOs:
+    # To fill data area with color, use BOTH d.graph's polyline and polygon commands.
+    #  Using polygon alone gives a jagged boundary due to sampling technique (not a bug).
+    # plot it!
+    lines = [
+	# draw circle
+	#   mandatory when drawing proportional to non-square frame
+	"color 180:255:180",
+	"polyline"] + circle + [
+	# draw axes
+        "color 180:180:180",
+        "width 0",
+        "move 0 50",
+        "draw 100 50",
+        "move 50 0",
+        "draw 50 100",
+	# draw the goods
+        "color red",
+        "width 0",
+        "polyline"] + sine_cosine_replic_normalized + [
+	# draw vector
+        "color blue",
+        "width 3",
+        "polyline"] + vect + [
+	# draw compass text
+        "color black",
+        "width 2",
+        "size 3 3",
+        "move 51 97",
+        "text N",
+        "move 51 1",
+        "text S",
+        "move 1 51",
+        "text W",
+        "move 97 51",
+        "text E",
+	# draw legend text
+        "width 0",
+        "size 2",
+        "color 0:180:0",
+        "move 1.5 96.5",
+        "text All data (incl. NULLs)",
+        "color red",
+        "move 1.5 93.5",
+        "text Real data angles",
+        "color blue",
+        "move 1.5 90.5",
+        "text Avg. direction"
+	]
+    p = grass.feed_command('d.graph', env = tenv)
+    for point in lines:
+	if isinstance(point, types.TupleType):
+	    p.stdin.write("%f %f\n" % point)
+	else:
+	    p.stdin.write(point + '\n')
+    p.stdin.close()
+    p.wait()
+def plot_eps(psout):
+    # EPS output (by M.Neteler and Bruno Caprile, ITC-irst)
+    grass.message("Generating %s ..." % psout)
+    outerradius = maxradius
+    epsscale = 0.1
+    frameallowance = 1.1
+    halfframe = 3000
+    center = (halfframe, halfframe)
+    scale = halfframe / (outerradius * frameallowance)
+    diagramlinewidth = halfframe / 400
+    axeslinewidth = halfframe / 500
+    axesfontsize = halfframe / 16
+    diagramfontsize = halfframe / 20
+    halfframe_2 = halfframe * 2
+    averagedirectioncolor = 1 #(blue)
+    diagramcolor = 4 #(red)
+    circlecolor = 2 #(green)
+    axescolor = 0 #(black)
+    northjustification = 2
+    eastjustification = 6
+    southjustification = 8
+    westjustification = 8
+    northxshift = 1.02 * halfframe 
+    northyshift = 1.98 * halfframe 
+    eastxshift  = 1.98 * halfframe  
+    eastyshift  = 1.02 * halfframe  
+    southxshift = 1.02 * halfframe 
+    southyshift = 0.02 * halfframe 
+    westxshift  = 0.01 * halfframe  
+    westyshift  = 1.02 * halfframe  
+    alldatastring = "all data (null included)"
+    realdatastring = "real data angles"
+    averagedirectionstring = "avg. direction"
+    legendsx = 1.95 * halfframe
+    alldatalegendy = 1.95 * halfframe
+    realdatalegendy = 1.90 * halfframe
+    averagedirectionlegendy = 1.85 * halfframe
+    ##########
+    outf = file(psout, 'w')
+    prolog = os.path.join(os.environ['GISBASE'], 'etc', 'd.polar', 'ps_defs.eps')
+    inf = file(prolog)
+    shutil.copyfileobj(inf, outf)
+    inf.close()
+    t = string.Template("""
+$EPSSCALE $EPSSCALE scale                           %% EPS-SCALE EPS-SCALE scale
+%% drawing axes
+col0                                    %% colAXES-COLOR
+$AXESLINEWIDTH setlinewidth                          %% AXES-LINEWIDTH setlinewidth
+[] 0 setdash
+ $HALFFRAME     0.0 moveto                  %% HALF-FRAME 0.0 moveto
+ $HALFFRAME  $HALFFRAME_2 lineto                  %% HALF-FRAME (2 * HALF-FRAME) lineto
+    0.0  $HALFFRAME moveto                  %% 0.0 HALF-FRAME moveto
+ $HALFFRAME_2  $HALFFRAME lineto                  %% (2 * HALF-FRAME) HALF-FRAME lineto
+%% drawing outer circle
+col2                                    %% colCIRCLE-COLOR
+$DIAGRAMFONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font            %% DIAGRAM-FONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font
+$DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH setlinewidth                          %% DIAGRAM-LINEWIDTH setlinewidth
+[] 0 setdash
+                                        %% coordinates of rescaled, translated outer circle follow
+                                        %% first point moveto, then lineto
+    s = t.substitute(
+	AXESLINEWIDTH = axeslinewidth,
+	DIAGRAMFONTSIZE = diagramfontsize,
+	DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH = diagramlinewidth,
+	EPSSCALE = epsscale,
+	HALFFRAME = halfframe,
+	HALFFRAME_2 = halfframe_2
+	)
+    outf.write(s)
+    sublength = len(outercircle) - 2
+    (x, y) = outercircle[1]
+    outf.write("%.2f %.2f moveto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    for x, y in outercircle[2:]:
+        outf.write("%.2f %.2f lineto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    t = string.Template("""
+%% axis titles
+col0                                    %% colAXES-COLOR
+$AXESFONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font            %% AXES-FONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font
+$DIAGRAMFONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font            %% DIAGRAM-FONTSIZE /Times-Roman choose-font
+%% drawing real data diagram
+col4                                    %% colDIAGRAM-COLOR
+$DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH setlinewidth                          %% DIAGRAM-LINEWIDTH setlinewidth
+[] 0 setdash
+                                        %% coordinates of rescaled, translated diagram follow
+                                        %% first point moveto, then lineto
+    s = t.substitute(
+	AXESFONTSIZE = axesfontsize,
+	DIAGRAMFONTSIZE = diagramfontsize,
+	DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH = diagramlinewidth,
+	EASTJUSTIFICATION = eastjustification,
+	EASTXSHIFT = eastxshift,
+	EASTYSHIFT = eastyshift,
+	NORTHJUSTIFICATION = northjustification,
+	NORTHXSHIFT = northxshift,
+	NORTHYSHIFT = northyshift,
+	SOUTHJUSTIFICATION = southjustification,
+	SOUTHXSHIFT = southxshift,
+	SOUTHYSHIFT = southyshift,
+	WESTJUSTIFICATION = westjustification,
+	WESTXSHIFT = westxshift,
+	WESTYSHIFT = westyshift
+	)
+    outf.write(s)
+    sublength = len(sine_cosine_replic) - 2
+    (x, y) = sine_cosine_replic[1]
+    outf.write("%.2f %.2f moveto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    for x, y in sine_cosine_replic[2:]:
+        outf.write("%.2f %.2f lineto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    t = string.Template("""
+%% drawing average direction
+col1                                    %% colAVERAGE-DIRECTION-COLOR
+$DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH setlinewidth                          %% DIAGRAM-LINEWIDTH setlinewidth
+[] 0 setdash
+                                        %% coordinates of rescaled, translated average direction follow
+                                        %% first point moveto, second lineto
+    s = t.substitute(DIAGRAMLINEWIDTH = diagramlinewidth)
+    outf.write(s)
+    sublength = len(vector) - 2
+    (x, y) = vector[1]
+    outf.write("%.2f %.2f moveto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    for x, y in vector[2:]:
+        outf.write("%.2f %.2f lineto\n" % (x * scale + halfframe, y * scale + halfframe))
+    t = string.Template("""
+%% drawing legends
+col2                                    %% colCIRCLE-COLOR
+%% Line below: (ALL-DATA-STRING) LEGENDS-X ALL-DATA-LEGEND-Y 4 just-string
+col4                                    %% colDIAGRAM-COLOR
+%% Line below: (REAL-DATA-STRING) LEGENDS-X REAL-DATA-LEGEND-Y 4 just-string
+col1                                    %% colAVERAGE-DIRECTION-COLOR
+    s = t.substitute(
+	ALLDATALEGENDY = alldatalegendy,
+	ALLDATASTRING = alldatastring,
+	AVERAGEDIRECTIONLEGENDY = averagedirectionlegendy,
+	AVERAGEDIRECTIONSTRING = averagedirectionstring,
+	LEGENDSX = legendsx,
+	REALDATALEGENDY = realdatalegendy,
+	REALDATASTRING = realdatastring
+	)
+    outf.write(s)
+    outf.close()
+    grass.message("Done.")
+def main():
+    global tmp
+    global sine_cosine_replic, outercircle, vector
+    global totalvalidnumber, totalnumber, maxradius
+    map = options['map']
+    undef = options['undef']
+    eps = options['eps']
+    xgraph = flags['x']
+    tmp = grass.tempfile()
+    if eps and xgraph:
+	grass.fatal("Please select only one output method")
+    #### check if we have xgraph (if no EPS output requested)
+    if xgraph and not grass.find_program('xgraph'):
+	grass.fatal("xgraph required, please install first (www.xgraph.org)")
+    #################################
+    # this file contains everthing:
+    rawfile = tmp + "_raw"
+    rawf = file(rawfile, 'w')
+    grass.run_command('r.stats', flags = '1', input = map, stdout = rawf)
+    rawf.close()
+    rawf = file(rawfile)
+    totalnumber = 0
+    for line in rawf:
+	totalnumber += 1
+    rawf.close()
+    grass.message("Calculating statistics for polar diagram... (be patient)")
+    #wipe out NULL data and undef data if defined by user
+    # - generate degree binned to integer, eliminate NO DATA (NULL):
+    # change 360 to 0 to close polar diagram:
+    rawf = file(rawfile)
+    nvals = 0
+    sumcos = 0
+    sumsin = 0
+    freq = {}
+    for line in rawf:
+	line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
+	if line in ['*', undef]:
+	    continue
+	nvals += 1
+	x = float(line)
+	rx = math.radians(x)
+	sumcos += math.cos(rx)
+	sumsin += math.sin(rx)
+	ix = round(x)
+	if ix == 360:
+	    ix = 0
+	if ix in freq:
+	    freq[ix] += 1
+	else:
+	    freq[ix] = 1
+    rawf.close()
+    totalvalidnumber = nvals
+    if totalvalidnumber == 0:
+	grass.fatal("No data pixel found")
+    #################################
+    # unit vector on raw data converted to radians without no data:
+    unitvector = (sumcos / nvals, sumsin / nvals)
+    #################################
+    # how many are there?:
+    occurrences = [(math.radians(x), freq[x]) for x in freq]
+    occurrences.sort()
+    # find the maximum value
+    maxradius = max([f for a, f in occurrences])
+    # now do cos() sin()
+    sine_cosine = [(math.cos(a) * f, math.sin(a) * f) for a, f in occurrences]
+    sine_cosine_replic = ['"Real data angles'] + sine_cosine + sine_cosine[0:1]
+    if eps or xgraph:
+	outercircle = []
+	outercircle.append('"All Data incl. NULLs')
+	scale = 1.0 * totalnumber / totalvalidnumber * maxradius
+	for i in range(0, 361):
+	    a = math.radians(i)
+	    x = math.cos(a) * scale
+	    y = math.sin(a) * scale
+	    outercircle.append((x, y))
+    # fix vector length to become visible (x? of $MAXRADIUS):
+    vector = []
+    vector.append('"Avg. Direction\n')
+    vector.append((0, 0))
+    vector.append((unitvector[0] * maxradius, unitvector[1] * maxradius))
+    ###########################################################
+    # Now output:
+    if eps:
+	psout = grass.basename(eps, 'eps') + '.eps'
+	plot_eps(psout)
+    elif xgraph:
+	plot_xgraph()
+    else:
+	plot_dgraph()
+    grass.message("Average vector:")
+    grass.message("direction: %.1f degrees CCW from East" % math.degrees(math.atan2(unitvector[1], unitvector[0])))
+    grass.message("magnitude: %.1f percent of fullscale" % (100 * math.hypot(unitvector[0], unitvector[1])))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    options, flags = grass.parser()
+    atexit.register(cleanup)
+    main()

Property changes on: grass/trunk/scripts/d.polar/d.polar.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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