[GRASS-SVN] r40161 - in grass-addons/vector: . v.in.mbsys_fnv

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 29 00:05:40 EST 2009

Author: hamish
Date: 2009-12-29 00:05:39 -0500 (Tue, 29 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 40161

new module to load MB-Systems navigation data in 7 different ways (work in progress)

Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/Makefile
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/Makefile	2009-12-29 05:05:39 UTC (rev 40161)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PGM = v.in.mbsys_fnv
+include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
+default: script

Property changes on: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/Makefile
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-makefile
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/description.html
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/description.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/description.html	2009-12-29 05:05:39 UTC (rev 40161)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
+<A HREF="v.in.ascii.html">v.in.ascii</A><br>
+<A HREF="v.in.mapgen.html">v.in.mapgen</A><br>
+<A HREF="r.in.xyz.html">r.in.xyz</A>
+Hamish Bowman<BR>
+Dunedin, New Zealand
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Property changes on: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/description.html
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/html
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/v.in.mbsys_fnv
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/v.in.mbsys_fnv	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/v.in.mbsys_fnv	2009-12-29 05:05:39 UTC (rev 40161)
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# MODULE:       v.in.mbsys_fnv
+# AUTHOR(S):    Hamish Bowman
+# PURPOSE:      Import MB-System .fnv nav data into GRASS vector points/lines/areas
+# COPYRIGHT:    (c) 2009 Hamish Bowman, and the GRASS Development Team
+#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#               for details.
+#% description: Imports MB-System naviagation data from a fnv-file.
+#% keywords: vector, import
+#% key: input
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: old_file,file,input
+#% description: Name of input file
+#% required : yes
+#% key: output
+#% type: string
+#% gisprompt: new,vector,vector
+#% description: Name for output vector map
+#% required : yes
+#% key: type
+#% type: string
+#% options: track,port_trk,stbd_trk,scanlines,swath,track_pts,all_pts
+#% descriptions: track;ship's track;port_trk;port-side outward track;stbd_trk;starboard-side outward track;scanlines;lines perpendicular to direction of travel;swath;coverage area;track_pts;ship's track as points;all_pts;ship's track, port, and stbd track points
+#% answer: track
+#% description: Type of feature to import as
+#% required : yes
+#% key: cat
+#% type: integer
+#% options: 1-99999999
+#% answer: 1
+#% description: Category value to use for lines and areas
+#% required : no
+if  [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
+    echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." 1>&2
+    exit 1
+if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
+    exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
+#### import .fnv nav data
+# they are created with:
+#    mblist -F %d -I %s  -O tMXYHScRPr=X=Y+X+Y
+# t  for a time string (yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
+# M for unix (epoch) time in decimal seconds since 1/1/70 00:00:00
+# X  for longitude (decimal degrees)
+# Y  for latitude (decimal degrees)
+# H for heading (degrees)
+# S  for speed (km/hr)
+# c for sonar tranducer depth (m)
+# R  for roll in degrees
+# P  for pitch in degrees
+# r  for heave in meters
+# = special character: this causes the value indicated by the next
+#    character to derive from the  port-most non-null beam or pixel.
+#    This applies only to numeric values associated with beams or
+#    pixels such as depth, longitude, or latitude.
+# X  for longitude (decimal degrees)
+# = special character
+# Y  for latitude (decimal degrees)
+# + special character: this causes the value indicated by the next
+#    character to derive from the starboard-most non-null beam or pixel.
+#    This applies only to numeric values associated with beams or pixels
+#    such as depth, longitude, or latitude.
+# X  for longitude (decimal degrees)
+# + special character
+# Y  for latitude (decimal degrees)
+# for example:
+#  2003 01 17 00 57 25.466000      1042765045.466000        169.094199      -46.740662     260.10  10.94   0.078    2.834  -0.75    0.08            169.094547              -46.741980
+COLUMN_DEF='timestamp varchar(21), unix_time double precision, center_lon double precision, center_lat double precision, headng_deg double precision, velo_km_hr double precision, trn_dept_m double precision, roll_degr double precision, pitch_degr double precision, heave_m double precision, port_lon double precision, port_lat double precision, stbd_lon double precision, stbd_latdouble precision'
+if [ ! -e "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "File <$GIS_OPT_INPUT> does not exist."
+    exit 1
+#### check if in lat/long location
+#are we in LatLong location?
+g.proj -p | grep -i name | grep -i Lon  > /dev/null
+if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
+    g.message -e "This module only operates in LatLong/WGS84 locations"
+    exit 1
+#### set temporary files
+TMP="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$TMP" ] ; then
+    g.message -e "Unable to create temporary files"
+    exit 1
+   g.message -v "Cleaning up ..."
+   \rm -f "$TMP" "$TMP".*.trk "${TMP}"_*
+   #if [ "$GIS_OPT_TYPE" = "swath" ] ; then
+   #   g.mremove -f vect="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_[1-4]"
+   #fi
+#### trap ctrl-c so that we can clean up tmp
+trap 'cleanup' 2 3 15
+cat "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" | cut -f3-4 > "$TMP.trk"
+cat "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" | cut -f12,14 > "$TMP.port.trk"
+cat "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" | cut -f16,18 > "$TMP.stbd.trk"
+# import vector coordinates
+case "$GIS_OPT_TYPE" in
+    track)
+	v.in.mapgen -f in="$TMP.trk" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT"
+	;;
+    port_trk)
+	v.in.mapgen -f in="$TMP.port.trk" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT"
+	;;
+    stbd_trk)
+	v.in.mapgen -f in="$TMP.stbd.trk" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT"
+	;;
+    scanlines)
+	awk 'BEGIN { R=0 } 
+	   { R++; 
+	   print "L 3 1\n " $16 " " $17 "\n " $8 " " $9 "\n " $18 " " $19 "\n 1 " R}' \
+	   "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" > "${TMP}_scanlines.vasc"
+	v.in.ascii -n in="${TMP}_scanlines.vasc" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" format=standard
+	;;
+    swath)
+	#swath area
+	NPTS=`cat "$TMP.trk" | wc -l`
+	NPTS_DOUBLED=`expr $NPTS \* 2 + 1`
+	NTPS_MIDDLE=`expr $NPTS / 2`
+	cat=1
+	echo "B $NPTS_DOUBLED" > "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	cat "$TMP.port.trk" >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	tac "$TMP.stbd.trk" >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	head -n 1 "$TMP.port.trk" >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	echo "C 1 1" >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	head -n $NTPS_MIDDLE  "$TMP.trk" | tail -n 1 >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	echo " 1 $GIS_OPT_CAT" >> "${TMP}_swath.vasc"
+	v.in.ascii -n format=standard in="${TMP}_swath.vasc" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT"  #out="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_1"
+	# TODO: cleanup spaghetti
+	#v.clean in="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_1" out="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_2" tool=break
+	#v.centroids in="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_2" out="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_3" cat="$GIS_OPT_CAT" step=0
+	#v.dissolve in="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_3" out="tmp_v_in_fnv_$$_4"
+	# and yet... something's wrong.
+	;;
+    track_pts)
+	v.in.ascii in="$GIS_OPT_INPUT" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" x=3 y=4 fs=tab \
+	    columns="$COLUMN_DEF"
+	;;
+    all_pts)
+	 awk 'BEGIN { R=0 } 
+           {R++; print R "\tcenter\t" $8 "\t" $9 "\n" R "\tport\t" $16 "\t" $17 "\n" R "\tstbd\t" $18 "\t" $19 }' \
+           "$GIS_OPT_INPUT" > "${TMP}_all.pts"
+	v.in.ascii in="${TMP}_all.pts" out="$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" x=3 y=4 fs=tab \
+	    columns='scanline integer, side varchar(6), lon double precision, lat double precision'
+	;;
+#### attach attributes
+#### TODO
+# see v.in.garmin for example
+# attributes:
+#  `basename filename`
+#  $GIS_OPT_CAT for 3 lines + swath area
+# area:
+# max time/mintime
+# ?bbox
+# v.to.db area?
+#d.varea Coastline
+#d.vect fnv_track_port_test col=red
+#d.vect fnv_track_stbd_test col=green
+#d.vect fnv_track_test col=grey
+#d.vect fnv_swath fcol=200:220:250 color=none type=area
+#d.vect all_pts col=grey  where="side = 'center'"
+#d.vect all_pts col=green where="side = 'stbd'"
+#d.vect all_pts col=red   where="side = 'port'"

Property changes on: grass-addons/vector/v.in.mbsys_fnv/v.in.mbsys_fnv
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-sh
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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