[GRASS-SVN] r38164 - grass-addons/vector/v.in.postgis.sqlquery

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 2 11:30:31 EDT 2009

Author: mathieug
Date: 2009-07-02 11:30:31 -0400 (Thu, 02 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 38164

renamed module

Deleted: grass-addons/vector/v.in.postgis.sqlquery/v_in_postgis_sqlquery.py
--- grass-addons/vector/v.in.postgis.sqlquery/v_in_postgis_sqlquery.py	2009-07-02 15:30:11 UTC (rev 38163)
+++ grass-addons/vector/v.in.postgis.sqlquery/v_in_postgis_sqlquery.py	2009-07-02 15:30:31 UTC (rev 38164)
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# MODULE:       v_in_postgis_sqlquery
-# AUTHOR(S):	Mathieu Grelier, 2009 (greliermathieu at gmail.com)
-# PURPOSE:		postgis data manipulation in grass from arbitrary sql queries
-# COPYRIGHT:	(C) 2009 Mathieu Grelier
-#		This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-#		License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-#		for details.
-#%  description: Create a grass layer from any sql query in postgis 
-#%  keywords: postgis, grass layer, sql 
-#% key: sqlquery
-#% type: string
-#% description: Any sql query returning a recordset with geometry for each row 
-#% required : yes
-#% key: geometryfield
-#% type: string
-#% answer: the_geom
-#% description: Name of the source geometry field. Usually defaults to the_geom but needed if a geometry function was used (for example, centroid), or if the table has many geometry columns.
-#% required : yes
-#% key: output
-#% type: string
-#% answer: postgis_sqlquery
-#% description: Name of the geographic postgis table where to place the query results. Will be the name of the imported grass layer. If -d flag is set, this table is deleted and replaced by a dbf attribute table. Use a different name than the original. Do not use capital letters
-#% required : no
-#% key: d
-#% description: Import result in grass dbf format (no new table in postgis). If not set, the grass layer will be directly connected to the postgis new table
-#% key: o
-#% description: Use -o for v.in.ogr (override dataset projection)
-#% key: g
-#% description: Add a gist index to the imported table in postgis (useless with the d flag)
-#% key: l
-#% description: Log process info to v.in.postgis.sqlquery.py.log. 
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-import traceback
-##see http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/
-import psycopg2 as dbapi2
-##see http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/lib/python
-from grass import core as grass
-##only needed to use debugger. See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/Komodo/RemoteDebugging
-from dbgp.client import brk
-class GrassPostGisImporter():
-    def __init__(self, options, flags):
-        ##options
-        self.sqlquery = options['sqlquery']
-        self.geometryfield = options['geometryfield'] if options['geometryfield'].strip() != '' else 'the_geom'
-        self.output = options['output'] if options['output'].strip() != '' else 'postgis_import'
-        ##flags
-        self.dbfFlag = True if flags['d'] is True else False
-        self.overrideprojFlag = True if flags['o'] is True else False
-        self.gistindexFlag = True if flags['g'] is True else False
-        self.logOutput = True if flags['l'] is True else False
-        ##others
-        logfilename = 'v.in.postgis.sqlquery.py.log'
-        self.logfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('LOGDIR'),logfilename) if os.getenv('LOGDIR') else logfilename
-        grass.try_remove(self.logfile)
-        ##default for grass6 ; you may need to fix this path
-        self.grassloginfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'),'.grasslogin6')
-        ##retrieve connection parameters
-        self.dbparams = self.__getDbInfos()
-        ##set db connection
-        self.db = dbapi2.connect(host=self.dbparams['host'], database=self.dbparams['db'], \
-user=self.dbparams['user'], password=self.dbparams['pwd'])
-        self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
-        ## uncomment if not default
-        #dbapi2.paramstyle = 'pyformat' 
-    def __execShellCommand(self, command, stderrRedirection=False, logFile=False):
-        """General purpose function, maybe should be added in some way to core.py """
-        if logFile is not False:
-            command = command + ' >> ' +  logFile
-        if stderrRedirection is True:
-            command = command + " 2>&1"
-        p = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
-        retcode = p.wait()
-        com = p.communicate()
-        if retcode == 0:
-            return com[0]
-        else:
-            errorMessage = ''
-            for elem in com:
-                errorMessage += str(elem) + "\n"
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError(errorMessage)
-    def __writeLog(self, log=''):
-        """Write the 'log' string to log file"""
-        if self.logfile is not None:
-            fileHandle = open(self.logfile, 'a')
-            log = log + '\n'
-            fileHandle.write(log)
-            fileHandle.close()
-    def __getDbInfos(self):
-        """
-        Create a dictionnary with all db params needed by v.in.ogr
-        """
-        try:
-            dbString = grass.parse_key_val(grass.read_command('db.connect', flags = 'p'), sep = ':')['database']
-            p = re.compile(',')
-            dbElems = p.split(dbString)
-            host = grass.parse_key_val(dbElems[0], sep = '=')['host']
-            db = grass.parse_key_val(dbElems[1], sep = '=')['dbname']
-            loginLine = self.__execShellCommand('sed -n "/pg ' + dbElems[0] + ',' + dbElems[1] + ' /p" ' + self.grassloginfile)
-            p = re.compile(' ')
-            loginElems = p.split(loginLine)
-            user = loginElems[-2].strip()
-            password = loginElems[-1].strip()
-            dbParamsDict = {'host':host, 'db':db, 'user':user, 'pwd':password}
-            return dbParamsDict
-        except:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("Error while trying to retrieve database information.")
-    def printMessage(self, message, type = 'info'):
-        if type == 'error':
-            grass.error(message)
-        elif type == 'warning':
-            grass.warning(message)
-        elif type == 'info' and grass.gisenv()['GRASS_VERBOSE'] > 0:
-            grass.info(message)
-        if self.logOutput is True:
-            self.__writeLog(message)
-    def executeCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ """
-        kwargs['stdout'] = PIPE
-        kwargs['stderr'] = PIPE
-        ps = grass.start_command(*args, **kwargs)
-        retcode = ps.wait()
-        log = ''
-        for item in ps.communicate():
-            log = log + item + '\n'
-        if self.logOutput is True:
-            self.__writeLog(log)
-        result = {'return_code':retcode, 'output':log}
-        return result
-    def checkLayers(self, output):
-        """
-        !Preliminary checks before starting import.
-        Note : for this to work with grass6.3, in find_file function from core.py,
-        command should be (n flag removed because 6.4 specific):
-        s = read_command("g.findfile", element = element, file = name, mapset = mapset)
-        """
-        self.printMessage("Check layers:")
-        ##Test if output vector map already exists.
-        testOutput = grass.find_file(output, element = 'vector')
-        if testOutput['fullname'] != '':
-            if not grass.overwrite() is True:
-                raise GrassPostGisImporterError("Vector map " + output + " already exists in mapset search path. \
-#Use the --o flag to overwrite.")
-            else:
-                self.printMessage("Vector map " + output + " will be overwritten.", type = 'warning')
-        return True
-    def checkComment(self, output):
-        ##Previous script execution may have not removed temporary elements
-        ##test if a table with the 'output' name already exists in PostGis.
-        ##If so, was it created by this script ? If so, delete it.
-        testIfTableNameAlreadyExistsQuery = "SELECT CAST(tablename AS text) FROM pg_tables \
-                                            WHERE schemaname='public' \
-                                            AND CAST(tablename AS text)='" + output + "'"
-        self.cursor.execute(testIfTableNameAlreadyExistsQuery)
-        rows = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0:
-            testCheckCommentQuery = "SELECT obj_description((SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c \
-                                    WHERE c.relname='" + output + "'), 'pg_class') AS comment"
-            self.cursor.execute(testCheckCommentQuery)
-            comment = self.cursor.fetchone()
-            if comment is not None and len(comment) == 1:
-                comment = comment[0]
-            if comment == "created_with_v_in_postgis_sqlquery.py":
-                self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE " + output)
-            else:
-                raise GrassPostGisImporterError("ERROR: a table with the name " + output + " already exists \
-                                                and was not created by this script.")
-        return True
-    def createPostgresTableFromQuery(self, output, sqlquery):
-        """
-        Create a table in postgresql populated with results from the sql query, and comment it so we
-        will later be able to figure out if this table was created by this script (see checkLayers())
-        """
-        try:
-            createTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE " + str(output) + " AS " + str(sqlquery)
-            if self.logOutput is True:
-                self.__writeLog("Try to import data:")
-                self.__writeLog(createTableQuery)
-            self.cursor.execute(createTableQuery)
-            addCommentQuery = "COMMENT ON TABLE " + output + " IS 'created_with_v_in_postgis_sqlquery.py'"
-            self.cursor.execute(addCommentQuery)
-        except:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("An error occurred during sql import. Check your connection \
-                                            to the database and your sql query.")
-    def addCategory(self, output):
-        """
-        !Add a category column in the result table
-        With the pg driver (not the dbf one), v.in.ogr need a 'cat' column for index creation 
-        if -d flag wasn't not selected, can't import if query result already have a cat column
-        todo : add cat_ column in this case, as v.in.ogr with dbf driver do
-        """
-        try:
-            self.printMessage("Adding category column.")
-            s = "ALTER TABLE " + str(output) + " ADD COLUMN cat serial NOT NULL"
-            self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE " + str(output) + " ADD COLUMN cat serial NOT NULL")
-            tmp_pkey_name = "tmp_pkey_" + str(output)
-            self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE " + str(output) + " ADD CONSTRAINT " \
-            + tmp_pkey_name + " PRIMARY KEY (cat)")
-        except:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("Unable to add a 'cat' column. A column named 'CAT' \
-                                            or 'cat' may be present in your input data. \
-                                            This column is reserved for Grass to store categories.")
-    def getGeometryInfo(self, output, geometryfield):
-        """
-        !Retrieve geometry parameters of the result
-        We need to use the postgis AddGeometryColumn function so that v.in.ogr will work.
-        This method aims to retrieve necessary info for AddGeometryColumn to work.
-        Returns a dict with
-        """
-        self.printMessage("Retrieving geometry info.")
-        ##if there is more than one geometry type in the query result table, we use the
-        ##generic GEOMETRY type
-        type="GEOMETRY"
-        self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT GeometryType(" + geometryfield + ") FROM " + output)
-        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
-        if rows is not None and len(rows) == 1:
-            type = str(rows[0][0])
-        if rows is None or len(rows) == 0:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("Unable to retrieve geometry type")
-        ##same thing with number of dimensions. If the query is syntactically correct but returns
-        ##no geometry, this step will cause an error.
-        ndims = 0
-        self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ndims(" + geometryfield + ") FROM " + output)
-        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
-        if rows is not None and len(rows) == 1:
-            ndims = str(rows[0][0])
-            if self.logOutput is True:
-                self.__writeLog("ndims=" + ndims)
-        else:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("unable to retrieve a unique coordinates dimension for \
-                                            this query or no geometry is present. Check your sql query.")
-        ##srid
-        srid="-1"
-        self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT srid(" + geometryfield + ") FROM " + output)
-        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
-        if rows is not None and len(rows[0]) == 1:
-            srid = str(rows[0][0])
-            if self.logOutput is True:
-                self.__writeLog("srid=" + srid)
-        elif rows is not None and len(rows[0]) > 1:
-            if self.logOutput is True:
-                self.__writeLog("Unable to retrieve a unique geometry srid for this query. \
-                             Using undefined srid.")
-        else:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("Unable to retrieve geometry parameters.")
-        geoParamsDict = {'type':type, 'ndims':ndims, 'srid':srid}
-        return geoParamsDict
-    def addGeometry(self, output, geometryField, geoParams, addGistIndex=False):
-        """!Create geometry for result"""
-        try:
-            ##first we must remove other geometry columns than selected one that may be present in the query result,
-            ##because v.in.ogr does not allow geometry columns selection
-            ##v.in.ogr takes the first geometry column found in the table so if another geometry is present,
-            ##as we use AddGeometryColumn fonction to copy selected geometry (see below), our geometry will
-            ##appear after other geometries in the column list. In this case, v.in.ogr would not import the
-            ##right geometry.
-            self.printMessage("Checking for other geometries.")
-            self.cursor.execute("SELECT column_name FROM(SELECT ordinal_position, column_name, udt_name \
-                                FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS \
-                                WHERE (TABLE_NAME='" + output + "') ORDER BY ordinal_position) AS info \
-                                WHERE udt_name='geometry' AND NOT column_name='" + geometryField + "'")
-            rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
-            if rows is not None and len(rows) >= 1:
-                for otherGeoColumn in rows:
-                    if self.logOutput is True:
-                        self.__writeLog("Found another geometry in the query result than selected one: "\
-                                        + str(otherGeoColumn) + ". Column will be dropped.")
-                    self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE " + output + " DROP COLUMN " + otherGeoColumn)
-            ##we already inserted the geometry so we will recopy it in the newly created geometry column
-            if self.logOutput is True:
-                self.__writeLog("Create geometry column.")
-            self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE " + output + " RENAME COLUMN " + geometryField + " TO the_geom_tmp")
-            self.cursor.execute("SELECT AddGeometryColumn('', '" + output + "','" + geometryField + "',\
-                                "+ geoParams['srid'] + ",'" + geoParams['type'] + "'," + geoParams['ndims'] + ");")
-            self.cursor.execute("UPDATE " + output + " SET " + geometryField + " = the_geom_tmp")
-            self.cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE " + output + " DROP COLUMN  the_geom_tmp")
-            if addGistIndex is True:
-                self.cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX " + output + "_index ON " + output + " \
-                                    USING GIST (" + geometryField + " GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS);")
-        except:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("An error occured during geometry insertion.")
-    def importToGrass(self, output, geometryField, geoParams, toDbf = False, overrideProj = False):
-        """!Wrapper for import and db connection of the result
-        Note : for grass.gisenv() to work with grass6.3, in gisenv function from core.py,
-        command should be (n flag removed because 6.4 specific):
-        s = read_command("g.findfile", element = element, file = name, mapset = mapset)
-        """
-        ##dbf driver
-        flags = ''
-        outputname = output
-        if toDbf is True:
-            #we need 
-            #outputname="tmpoutput"
-            env = grass.gisenv()
-            dbfFolderPath = os.path.join(env['GISDBASE'].strip(";'"), env['LOCATION_NAME'].strip(";'"), \
-                                         env['MAPSET'].strip(";'"), 'dbf')
-            if not os.path.exists(dbfFolderPath):
-                os.mkdir(dbfFolderPath)
-            grass.run_command("db.connect", driver = 'dbf', database = dbfFolderPath) 
-        else:
-            flags += 't'
-        if overrideProj is True:
-            flags += 'o'
-        ##finally call v.in.ogr
-        self.printMessage("call v.in.ogr...")
-        dsn="PG:host=" + self.dbparams['host'] + " dbname=" + self.dbparams['db'] \
-        + " user=" + self.dbparams['user'] + " password=" + self.dbparams['pwd']
-        layername = output
-        cmd = self.executeCommand("v.in.ogr", dsn = dsn, output = outputname, layer = layername, \
-                          flags = flags, overwrite=True, quiet = False)
-        if cmd['return_code'] != 0:
-            raise GrassPostGisImporterError("v.in.ogr error:\n" + cmd['output'])
-        ##if we import to grass dbf format, we must rename the dbf layer to match the given output name
-        if toDbf is True:
-            grass.run_command("db.connect", driver = 'pg', database = 'host=' + self.dbparams['host'] + \
-                              ",dbname=" + self.dbparams['db'])
-            self.cursor.execute('DROP TABLE ' + output)
-        ##else we work directly with postgis so the connection between imported grass layer
-        ##and postgres attribute table must be explicit
-        else:
-            ##can cause segfaults if mapset name is too long:
-            cmd = self.executeCommand("v.db.connect", map = output, table = output, flags = 'o')
-            if cmd['return_code'] != 0:
-                raise GrassPostGisImporterError("v.db.connect error:\n" + cmd['output'])
-        ##delete temporary data in geometry_columns table
-        self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '" + output + "'")
-        pass
-    def commitChanges(self):
-        """!Commit current transaction"""
-        self.db.commit()
-    def makeSqlImport(self):
-        """!GrassPostGisImporter main sequence"""
-        ##1)check layers before starting
-        self.checkLayers(self.output)
-        ##2)query
-        self.createPostgresTableFromQuery(self.output, self.sqlquery)
-        ##3)cats
-        if self.dbfFlag is False:
-            self.addCategory(self.output)
-        ##4)geometry parameters
-        geoparams = self.getGeometryInfo(self.output, self.geometryfield)
-        ##5)new geometry
-        self.addGeometry(self.output, self.geometryfield, geoparams, self.gistindexFlag)
-        self.commitChanges()
-        ##6)v.in.ogr
-        self.importToGrass(self.output, self.geometryfield, geoparams, toDbf = self.dbfFlag, \
-                           overrideProj = self.overrideprojFlag)
-        ##7)post-import operations
-        self.commitChanges()
-class GrassPostGisImporterError(Exception):
-    """Errors specific to GrassPostGisImporter class"""
-    def __init__(self, message=''):
-        self.details = '\nDetails:\n'
-        exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
-        self.details += repr(traceback.format_exception(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback))
-        self.message = message + "\n" + self.details
-def main():
-    exitStatus = 0
-    try:
-        postgisImporter = GrassPostGisImporter(options, flags)
-        postgisImporter.makeSqlImport()
-    except GrassPostGisImporterError, e1:
-        postgisImporter.printMessage(e1.message, type = 'error')
-        exitStatus = 1
-    except:
-        exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
-        errorMessage = "Unexpected error \n:" + \
-                       repr(traceback.format_exception(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback))
-        postgisImporter.printMessage(errorMessage, type = 'error')
-        exitStatus = 1
-    else:
-        postgisImporter.printMessage("Done", type = 'info')
-    finally:
-        sys.exit(exitStatus)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    ### DEBUG : uncomment to start local debugging session
-    #brk(host="localhost", port=9000)
-    options, flags = grass.parser()
-    main()

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