[GRASS-SVN] r46474 - in grass-addons/grass7/vector: v.pack v.unpack

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue May 31 09:32:53 EDT 2011

Author: lucadelu
Date: 2011-05-31 06:32:53 -0700 (Tue, 31 May 2011)
New Revision: 46474

change way to find layer number and key, now read dbln file

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.pack/v.pack.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.pack/v.pack.py	2011-05-31 12:23:03 UTC (rev 46473)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.pack/v.pack.py	2011-05-31 13:32:53 UTC (rev 46474)
@@ -76,14 +76,11 @@
         # for each layer connection save a table
         for i, dbconn in db_vect.iteritems():
-            sqlitedb = os.path.join(basedir, 'vector', infile, 'db.sqlite')
+            sqlitedb = os.path.join(basedir, 'vector', infile, 'db.sqlite') 
             cptable = grass.run_command('db.copy', from_driver = dbconn['driver'], 
                       from_database = dbconn['database'], from_table =  dbconn['table'], 
                       to_driver = 'sqlite', to_database = sqlitedb, 
-                      #add _LAYER for remember the layer and _KEY for the key, 
-                      #they are usefull for v.db.connect during v.unpack
-                      to_table = "%s_LAYER%i_KEY%s" % (dbconn['table'],i,dbconn['key']))
+                      to_table = dbconn['table'])
     #write tar file
     tar = tarfile.open(outfile, "w:gz")   

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.unpack/v.unpack.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.unpack/v.unpack.py	2011-05-31 12:23:03 UTC (rev 46473)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.unpack/v.unpack.py	2011-05-31 13:32:53 UTC (rev 46474)
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@
     # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way
-    if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(data_name,'PROJ_INFO'), os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO')):
+    loc_proj = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO')
+    if not filecmp.cmp(os.path.join(data_name,'PROJ_INFO'), loc_proj):
         if flags['o']:
             grass.warning(_("Projection information does not match. Proceeding..."))
@@ -119,29 +120,28 @@
         #return all tables
         list_fromtable = grass.read_command('db.tables',driver='sqlite',database=fromdb)
         list_fromtable = list_fromtable.split('\n')
-        #for each table copy and connect db
-        for i in list_fromtable:
-            if i == '':
-                continue
-            elif i != '' and len(i.split('_LAYER')) == 2:
-                #the name of table
-                lname = i.split('_LAYER')[0]
-                #a list where first value is layer number and the second value
-                #is the key
-                NKlayer = i.split('_LAYER')[1].split('_KEY')
-                cptable = grass.run_command('db.copy', to_driver = dbconn['driver'], 
-                          to_database = todb, to_table =  lname, 
-                          from_driver = 'sqlite', from_database = fromdb,
-                          from_table= i)
+        #return the list of old connection for extract layer number and key
+        dbln = open(os.path.join(data_name,'dbln'),'r')
+        dbnlist = dbln.readlines()
+        dbln.close()
+	#for each old connection
+	for t in dbnlist:
+	    #it split the line of each connection, to found layer number and key
+	    if len(t.split('|')) != 1:
+		values = t.split('|')
+	    else:
+		values = t.split(' ')
+	    #copy the table in the default database
+	    cptable = grass.run_command('db.copy', to_driver = dbconn['driver'], 
+		      to_database = todb, to_table =  values[1], 
+		      from_driver = 'sqlite', from_database = fromdb,
+		      from_table = values[1])
+	    #and connect the new tables with the rigth layer
+	    contable = grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = "o", 
+		      driver = dbconn['driver'], database = todb, 
+		      map =  map_name, key = values[2],
+		      layer = values[0].split('/')[0], table = values[1])
-                contable = grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = "o", 
-                          driver = dbconn['driver'], database = todb, 
-                          map =  map_name, key = NKlayer[1],
-                          layer = NKlayer[0],table = lname)
-            else:
-                grass.fatal(_("Something wrong in the packaging operation, " \
-                "please run again v.pack"
-                ))

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