[GRASS-SVN] r52956 - in grass/trunk: lib/gis tools/g.html2man

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Aug 28 11:00:56 PDT 2012

Author: glynn
Date: 2012-08-28 11:00:56 -0700 (Tue, 28 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 52956

Make --html-description output easier to parse
Add ReST generator

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/gis/parser_html.c
--- grass/trunk/lib/gis/parser_html.c	2012-08-28 15:50:22 UTC (rev 52955)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/gis/parser_html.c	2012-08-28 18:00:56 UTC (rev 52956)
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
 	fprintf(stdout, "\n");
     fprintf(stdout, "<h2>%s</h2>\n", _("SYNOPSIS"));
-    fprintf(stdout, "<b>%s</b><br>\n", st->pgm_name);
+    fprintf(stdout, "<div id=\"name\"><b>%s</b><br></div>\n", st->pgm_name);
     fprintf(stdout, "<b>%s help</b><br>\n", st->pgm_name);
-    fprintf(stdout, "<b>%s</b>", st->pgm_name);
+    fprintf(stdout, "<div id=\"synopsis\"><b>%s</b>", st->pgm_name);
@@ -129,11 +129,12 @@
     fprintf(stdout, " [--<b>verbose</b>] ");
     fprintf(stdout, " [--<b>quiet</b>] ");
-    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n</div>\n");
     /* now long version */
     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "<div id=\"flags\">\n");
     if (st->n_flags || new_prompt) {
 	flag = &st->first_flag;
 	fprintf(stdout, "<h3>%s:</h3>\n", _("Flags"));
@@ -170,8 +171,10 @@
 	fprintf(stdout, "</dl>\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "</div>\n");
     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "<div id=\"parameters\">\n");
     if (st->n_opts) {
 	opt = &st->first_option;
 	fprintf(stdout, "<h3>%s:</h3>\n", _("Parameters"));
@@ -249,6 +252,7 @@
 	fprintf(stdout, "</dl>\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "</div>\n");
     fprintf(stdout, "</body>\n</html>\n");

Added: grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/rest.py
--- grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/rest.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/tools/g.html2man/rest.py	2012-08-28 18:00:56 UTC (rev 52956)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import sys
+def match(node, tag, attr=None, val=None):
+    if not isinstance(node, tuple):
+        return False
+    if node[0] != tag:
+        return False
+    if attr is not None:
+        attrs = dict(node[1])
+        if attr not in attrs:
+            return False
+        if attrs[attr] != val:
+            return False
+    return True
+def find(node, tag, attr=None, val=None):
+    if isinstance(node, tuple):
+        node = node[2]
+    if not isinstance(node, list):
+        raise ValueError('child not found')
+    for child in node:
+        if match(child, tag, attr, val):
+            return child
+    raise ValueError('child not found')
+def children(node):
+    return node[2]
+def text(node):
+    return children(node)[0]
+def _(s):
+    return s        # TODO
+def rest(root, f = sys.stdout):
+    def write(text):
+        f.write(text)
+    def show(item, italic=False, bold=False):
+        if isinstance(item, str):
+            spc = '' # if item[-1] == '\n' else ' '
+            fmt = '**' if bold else ('*' if italic else '')
+            write('%s%s%s%s' % (fmt, item, fmt, spc))
+        elif match(item, 'b'):
+            for i in children(item):
+                show(i, italic, True)
+        elif match(item, 'i') or match(item, 'em'):
+            for i in children(item):
+                show(i, True, bold)
+    html = find(root, 'html')
+    title = text(find(find(html, 'head'), 'title'))
+    rule = '=' * len(title)
+    write('%s\n' % rule)
+    write('%s\n' % title)
+    write('%s\n' % rule)
+    write('\n')
+    write(".. figure:: grass_logo.png\n")
+    write("   :align: center\n")
+    write("   :alt: GRASS logo\n")
+    write('\n')
+    body = find(html, 'body')
+    section = None
+    for child in children(body):
+        if match(child, 'h2'):
+            section = text(child)
+            rule = '-' * len(section)
+            write("%s\n%s\n" % (section, rule))
+        elif section == _('NAME'):
+            if match(child, 'em'):
+                name = text(find(child, 'b'))
+                write("**%s**" % name)
+                section = 'desc'
+        elif section == 'desc' and isinstance(child, str) and child[:4] == '  - ':
+            write(' - ')
+            write(child[4:])
+            if child[-1] != '\n':
+                write('\n')
+            write('\n')
+            section = None
+        elif section == _('KEYWORDS'):
+            write(child.strip())
+            write('\n\n')
+            section = None
+        elif section == _('SYNOPSIS'):
+            if match(child, 'div', 'id', 'name'):
+                name = text(find(child, 'b'))
+                write("**%s**\n\n" % name)
+                write("**%s** help\n\n" % name)
+            elif match(child, 'div', 'id', 'synopsis'):
+                for item in children(child):
+                    show(item)
+                write('\n')
+            elif match(child, 'div', 'id', 'flags'):
+                header = text(find(child, 'h3'))
+                rule = '=' * len(header)
+                write('%s\n%s\n' % (header, rule))
+                flags = find(child, 'dl')
+                for flag in children(flags):
+                    if match(flag, 'dt'):
+                        item = text(find(flag, 'b'))
+                        write('**%s**\n' % item)
+                    elif match(flag, 'dd'):
+                        write('    %s\n' % text(flag))
+                write('\n\n')
+            elif match(child, 'div', 'id', 'parameters'):
+                header = text(find(child, 'h3'))
+                rule = '=' * len(header)
+                write('%s\n%s\n' % (header, rule))
+                params = find(child, 'dl')
+                for param in children(params):
+                    if match(param, 'dt'):
+                        name = text(children(param)[0])
+                        write('**%s** = ' % name)
+                        for item in children(param)[2:]:
+                            show(item)
+                        write('\n\n')
+                    elif match(param, 'dd'):
+                        write('\t')
+                        for item in children(param):
+                            show(item)
+                        write('\n\n')
+                write('\n')
+                return

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