[GRASS-SVN] r51622 - grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Mon May 14 10:37:59 EDT 2012

Author: mmetz
Date: 2012-05-14 07:37:56 -0700 (Mon, 14 May 2012)
New Revision: 51622

v.net.salesman with tour optimization

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/Makefile
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/Makefile	2012-05-14 14:31:54 UTC (rev 51621)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/Makefile	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-PGM = v.net.salesman
+PGM = v.net.salesman.opt

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/evolution.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/evolution.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/evolution.c	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/vector.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+struct tsp_tour
+    int *cycle;        /* order of cities */
+    double cost;       /* total cost */
+    int used;
+    int opt_done;
+struct tour_cost
+    int t;
+    double cost;
+/* common variables */
+int *tcused, *tmpcycle;
+/* helper functions */
+int init_tour(struct tsp_tour *tour);
+int init_ga_1(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours);
+int init_ga_2(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours);
+int ga_rem_dupl_tours(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours);
+int ga_recombine(struct tsp_tour *tour, int p1, int p2, int c);
+int ga_recombine2(struct tsp_tour *tour, int p1, int p2, int c);
+int cmp_tour_cost(const void *pa, const void *pb);
+/* genetic algorithm:
+ * initialization
+ * loop over
+ * 1. natural selection
+ * 2. recombination
+ * 3. mutation 
+ * until there is no better solution */
+int ga_opt(int ntours, int nelim, int nopt, int ngen, int *best_cycle)
+    int i, j, k, t;
+    double best_cost, worst_cost;
+    int no_better, gen, best_tour, new_child, ncidx;
+    int ntours_left, nparents;
+    int nunused, *tunused;
+    struct tsp_tour *tour, *tp;
+    struct tour_cost *tc, *td;
+    int init_method = 2;
+    int max_chain_length, chain_length;
+    int optiter, success;
+    tour = G_malloc(ntours * sizeof(struct tsp_tour));
+    tc = G_malloc(ntours * sizeof(struct tour_cost));
+    td = G_malloc(ntours * sizeof(struct tour_cost));
+    tunused = G_malloc(ntours * sizeof(int));
+    tcused = G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(int));
+    tmpcycle = G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(int));
+    /* initialize */
+    G_verbose_message(_("Generating %d tours"), ntours);
+    for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	tp = &(tour[i]);
+	init_tour(tp);
+	tunused[i] = -1;
+    }
+    if (init_method == 1) {
+	if (init_ga_1(tour, ntours) < ntours)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Method 1 failed to create %d tours"), ntours);
+    }
+    else if (init_method == 2) {
+	if (init_ga_2(tour, ntours) < ntours)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Method 2 failed to create %d tours"), ntours);
+    }
+    else {
+	G_fatal_error(_("Method %d is not implemented"), init_method);
+    }
+    /* tour costs */
+    best_cost = -1;
+    best_tour = -1;
+    for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	tp = &(tour[i]);
+	tp->cycle[ncities] = tp->cycle[0];
+	tp->cost = 0;
+	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++)
+	    tp->cost += cost_cache[tp->cycle[j]][tp->cycle[j + 1]];
+	tc[i].cost = tp->cost;
+	tc[i].t = i;
+	if (best_cost < 0) {
+	    best_cost = tp->cost;
+	    best_tour = i;
+	}
+	else if (best_cost > tp->cost) {
+	    best_cost = tp->cost;
+	    best_tour = i;
+	}
+    }
+    no_better = gen = 0;
+    while (!no_better && gen < ngen) {
+	G_message(_("%d. Generation"), gen + 1);
+	/* 1. natural selection */
+	G_verbose_message(_("Natural Selection"));
+	/* remove duplicate tours */
+	ga_rem_dupl_tours(tour, ntours);
+	ntours_left = nunused = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	    if (!tour[i].used) {
+		tour[i].opt_done = 0;
+		tunused[nunused++] = i;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    tc[ntours_left].cost = tour[i].cost;
+	    tc[ntours_left].t = i;
+	    ntours_left++;
+	}
+	if (nunused)
+	    G_debug(1, "%d tours: %d duplicates removed", ntours, nunused);
+	/* sort tours ascending by cost */
+	qsort((void *)tc, ntours_left, sizeof(struct tour_cost), cmp_tour_cost);
+	/* sort by cost difference to previous tour */
+	for (t = 1; t < ntours_left; t++) {
+	    td[t - 1].cost = tour[tc[t].t].cost - tour[tc[t - 1].t].cost;
+	    td[t - 1].t = tc[t].t;
+	}
+	qsort((void *)td, ntours_left - 1, sizeof(struct tour_cost), cmp_tour_cost);
+	G_debug(3, "Smallest difference: %.3f", td[0].cost);
+	/* remove nelim tours */
+	k = 0;
+	while (ntours_left > ntours - nelim || td[k].cost < 0.0001) {
+	    tour[td[k].t].used = 0;
+	    tour[td[k].t].opt_done = 0;
+	    tunused[nunused++] = td[k].t;
+	    ntours_left--;
+	    k++;
+	}
+	G_debug(1, "%d tours: %d unused, %d left", ntours, nunused, ntours_left);
+	if (ntours_left < 2)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Diversity loss"));
+	nunused = 0;
+	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	    if (!tour[i].used) {
+		tunused[nunused++] = i;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    tc[j].cost = tour[i].cost;
+	    tc[j++].t = i;
+	}
+	if (j != ntours_left)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Wrong number of remaining tours"));
+	/* sort tours ascending by cost */
+	qsort((void *)tc, ntours_left, sizeof(struct tour_cost), cmp_tour_cost);
+	/* 2. recombination */
+	G_verbose_message(_("Recombination"));
+	nparents = ntours_left;
+	new_child = -1;
+	ncidx = nunused - 1;
+	for (i = 0; i < nparents; i++) {
+	    for (j = i + 1; j < nparents; j++) {
+		if (ntours_left < ntours) {
+		    if (ncidx < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("1 ncidx too small"));
+		    if (tunused[ncidx] < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("1 tunused too small"));
+		    if (tunused[ncidx] >= ntours)
+			G_fatal_error(_("1 tunused too large"));
+		    new_child = tunused[ncidx];
+		}
+		else {
+		    worst_cost = -1;
+		    for (k = 0; k < nunused; k++) {
+			if (worst_cost < tour[tunused[k]].cost) {
+			    worst_cost = tour[tunused[k]].cost;
+			    new_child = tunused[k];
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		if (ga_recombine(tour, tc[i].t, tc[j].t, new_child)) {
+		    if (ntours_left < ntours) {
+			ncidx--;
+			ntours_left++;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (ntours_left < ntours) {
+		    if (ncidx < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("2 ncidx too small"));
+		    if (tunused[ncidx] < 0)
+			G_fatal_error(_("2 tunused too small"));
+		    if (tunused[ncidx] >= ntours)
+			G_fatal_error(_("2 tunused too large"));
+		    new_child = tunused[ncidx];
+		}
+		else {
+		    worst_cost = -1;
+		    for (k = 0; k < nunused; k++) {
+			if (worst_cost < tour[tunused[k]].cost) {
+			    worst_cost = tour[tunused[k]].cost;
+			    new_child = tunused[k];
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		if (ga_recombine(tour, tc[j].t, tc[i].t, new_child)) {
+		    if (ntours_left < ntours) {
+			ncidx--;
+			ntours_left++;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (ntours_left < ntours) {
+	    G_debug(1, "Failed to generate enough new tours (old: %d, new: %d)", nparents, ntours_left);
+	}
+	/* 3. optimization */
+	G_verbose_message(_("Mutation"));
+	for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	    success = 1;
+	    if (!tour[i].used)
+		continue;
+	    /*
+	    if (tour[i].opt_done)
+		continue;
+	    */
+	    /* this can break out of the current local minimum */
+	    optimize_tour_chains(4, 2, 2, tour[i].cycle, tcused, ncities, 0, 0, 1);
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
+		optimize_nbrs(j, ncities, tour[i].cycle);
+		tcused[j] = 1;
+	    }
+	    /* this would approximate a local minimum,
+	     * but is slow and will be done later on with the best tour anyway
+	     * disabled */
+#if 0
+	    while (success)
+		success = optimize_tour_chains(4, 4, 1, tour[i].cycle, tcused, ncities, 0, 1, 1);
+	    tp = &(tour[i]);
+	    tp->cycle[ncities] = tp->cycle[0];
+	    tp->cost = 0;
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++)
+		tp->cost += cost_cache[tp->cycle[j]][tp->cycle[j + 1]];
+	    tour[i].opt_done = 1;
+	}
+	/* debug */
+	for (t = 0; t < ntours; t++) {
+	    if (!tour[i].used)
+		continue;
+	    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+		tcused[i] = 0;
+	    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
+		if (tcused[tour[t].cycle[i]])
+		    G_fatal_error(_("Duplicate city"));
+		tcused[tour[t].cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* tour costs */
+	ntours_left = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	    if (!tour[i].used)
+		continue;
+	    tp = &(tour[i]);
+	    tc[ntours_left].cost = tp->cost;
+	    tc[ntours_left].t = i;
+	    ntours_left++;
+	}
+	/* sort tours ascending by cost */
+	qsort((void *)tc, ntours_left, sizeof(struct tour_cost), cmp_tour_cost);
+	for (i = 0; i < ntours_left; i++) {
+	    if (!tour[tc[i].t].used)
+		continue;
+	    G_debug(3, "%d. tour, cost %.3f", i + 1, tc[i].cost);
+	}
+	if (best_cost > tour[tc[0].t].cost + 0.0001) {
+	    no_better = 0;
+	}
+	else
+	    no_better++;
+	best_cost = tour[tc[0].t].cost;
+	best_tour = tc[0].t;
+	G_verbose_message(_("Best tour: %d, best cost: %.3f"), best_tour, best_cost);
+	if (ntours_left == nparents)
+	    break;
+	gen++;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	best_cycle[i] = tour[best_tour].cycle[i];
+    best_cycle[ncities] = best_cycle[0];
+    /* brute force optimization of the best tour */
+    G_message(_("Optimizing the best tour"));
+    for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
+	optimize_nbrs(j, ncities, best_cycle);
+    }
+    optiter = 1;
+    max_chain_length = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH < ncities / 2 ? MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH : ncities / 2;
+    for (chain_length = max_chain_length; chain_length > 0; chain_length--) {
+	success = 0;
+	G_message(_("%d. iteration..."), optiter++);
+	if (max_chain_length >= 5)
+	    optimize_tour_chains(5, 5, 1,
+				 best_cycle, tcused, ncities, 1, 1, 0);
+	else
+	    optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, max_chain_length, 1,
+				 best_cycle, tcused, ncities, 1, 1, 0);
+	success = optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, 1, 1, best_cycle, tcused, ncities, 1, 1, 1);
+	if (!success)
+	    break;
+    }
+    return gen;
+int init_tour(struct tsp_tour *tour)
+    tour->cycle = (int *)G_malloc((ncities + 1) * sizeof(int));
+    if (tour->cycle == NULL)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));
+    tour->cost = -1;
+    tour->used = 0;
+    tour->opt_done = 0;
+    return 1;
+int init_ga_1(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours)
+    int t, i;
+    struct tsp_tour *tp;
+    double cost, tmpcost;
+    int start1, start2;
+    int nxt1, nxt2;
+    int tnc;
+    start1 = start2 = -1;
+    nxt1 = nxt2 = 0;
+    t = 0;
+    while (t < ntours) {
+	tp = &(tour[t]);
+	tnc = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	    tcused[i] = 0;
+	if (t == 0) {
+	    /* the first tour is the standard tour */
+	    cost = start1 = -1;
+	    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
+		tmpcost = costs[i][ncities - 2].cost;
+		if (tmpcost > cost) {
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		    start1 = i;
+		}
+	    }
+	    start2 = costs[start1][ncities - 2].city;
+	    /* add these 2 cities to array */
+	    add_city(start1, -1, &tnc, tp->cycle, tcused);
+	    add_city(start2, 0, &tnc, tp->cycle, tcused);
+	}
+	else {
+	    if (nxt2 <= nxt1)
+		nxt2 = nxt1 + 1;
+	    if (nxt2 >= ncities) {
+		nxt1++;
+		nxt2 = nxt1 + 1;
+	    }
+	    if (nxt1 == ncities - 1)
+		return t;
+	    if (nxt2 >= ncities)
+		return t;
+	    if ((nxt1 == start1 && nxt2 == start2) || (nxt1 == start2 && nxt2 == start1)) {
+		nxt2++;
+		if (nxt2 >= ncities) {
+		    nxt1++;
+		    nxt2 = nxt1 + 1;
+		}
+		if (nxt1 == ncities - 1)
+		    return t;
+		if (nxt2 >= ncities)
+		    return t;
+	    }
+	    /* add these 2 cities to array */
+	    tnc = 0;
+	    add_city(nxt1, -1, &tnc, tp->cycle, tcused);
+	    add_city(nxt2, 0, &tnc, tp->cycle, tcused);
+	}
+	build_tour(tp->cycle, tcused, &tnc, 2, 1);
+	/* debug */
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	    tcused[i] = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
+	    if (tcused[tp->cycle[i]])
+		G_fatal_error(_("Duplicate city"));
+	    tcused[tp->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	}
+	tp->used = 1;
+	t++;
+    }
+    return t;
+int init_ga_2(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours)
+    int t, i;
+    int city, city1;
+    int tnc;
+    struct tsp_tour *tp;
+    /* ntours must be <= ncities */
+    if (ntours > ncities)
+	G_fatal_error(_("The number of tours (%d) must not be larger than the number of cities (%d)"),
+	              ntours, ncities);
+    /* use each city as start
+     * go to nearest unused city
+     * from this city
+     * go to nearest unused city
+     * etc until all cities are in the cycle */
+    for (t = 0; t < ntours; t++) {
+	tp = &(tour[t]);
+	tnc = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	    tcused[i] = 0;
+	city = t;
+	tp->cycle[0] = city;
+	tcused[city] = 1;
+	tnc++;
+	while (tnc < ncities) {
+	    /* get nearest unused city */
+	    city1 = -1;
+	    for (i = 0; i < ncities - 1; i++) {
+		if (tcused[costs[city][i].city])
+		    continue;
+		city1 = costs[city][i].city;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if (city1 == -1)
+		G_fatal_error(_("No unused city left"));
+	    tp->cycle[tnc] = city1;
+	    city = city1;
+	    tcused[city] = 1;
+	    tnc++;
+	}
+	tp->used = 1;
+	/* debug */
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	    tcused[i] = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
+	    if (tcused[tp->cycle[i]])
+		G_fatal_error(_("Duplicate city"));
+	    tcused[tp->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    return ntours;
+int ga_rem_dupl_tours(struct tsp_tour *tour, int ntours)
+    int i, j, k;
+    int n_left, start1, start2, nxt1, nxt2;
+    int tequal;
+    /* remove duplicate tours */
+    n_left = ntours;
+    for (i = 0; i < ntours; i++) {
+	if (!tour[i].used)
+	    continue;
+	start1 = 0;
+	for (j = i + 1; j < ntours; j++) {
+	    tequal = 1;
+	    if (!tour[j].used)
+		continue;
+	    start2 = -1;
+	    for (k = 0; k < ncities; k++) {
+		if (tour[j].cycle[k] == tour[i].cycle[start1]) {
+		    start2 = k;
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (start2 == -1)
+		G_fatal_error(_("start2 not found"));
+	    if (tour[i].cycle[start1] != tour[j].cycle[start2])
+		G_fatal_error(_("No common start city"));
+	    /* move this up */
+	    if (fabs(tour[i].cost - tour[j].cost) > 0.01)
+		continue;
+	    for (k = 0; k < ncities; k++) {
+		nxt1 = wrap_into(start1 + k, ncities);
+		nxt2 = wrap_into(start2 + k, ncities);
+		if (tour[i].cycle[nxt1] != tour[j].cycle[nxt2])
+		    tequal = 0;
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    if (tequal) {
+		/* remove the tour */
+		G_debug(1, "Tours %d and %d are identical", i, j);
+		tour[j].used = 0;
+		n_left--;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return n_left;
+/* recombination similar to 
+ * http://www.gcd.org/sengoku/docs/arob98.pdf
+ * here: not the longest (most nodes) subtour, but the shortest (costs) total tour */
+int ga_subtour(struct tsp_tour *tour, int p1, int p2, int c,
+               int next_i, int *start_i)
+    int i, j;
+    int prev1, prev2, nxt1, nxt2, startsub, endsub;
+    int cncyc;
+    int have_p1, have_p2;
+    int st_max, st_length, st_i, st_j;
+    struct tsp_tour *parent1, *parent2, *child;
+    G_debug(1, "ga_subtour()");
+    parent1 = &(tour[p1]);
+    parent2 = &(tour[p2]);
+    child = &(tour[c]);
+    cncyc = 0;
+    child->used = 0;
+    /* find subtour */
+    st_max = st_length = st_i = st_j = -1;
+    for (i = next_i; i < ncities; i++) {
+	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++)
+	    tcused[j] = 0;
+	prev1 = wrap_into(i - 1, ncities);
+	nxt1 = wrap_into(i + 1, ncities);
+	st_length = -1;
+	j = 0;
+	while (parent2->cycle[j] != parent1->cycle[i]) {
+	    j++;
+	    if (j >= ncities)
+		G_fatal_error(_("Missing city"));
+	}
+	if (parent2->cycle[j] != parent1->cycle[i])
+	    G_fatal_error(_("City mismatch"));
+	prev2 = wrap_into(j - 1, ncities);
+	nxt2 = wrap_into(j + 1, ncities);
+	/* makes only sense if prev[1,2] are not equal or nxt[1,2] are not equal */
+	if (parent2->cycle[prev2] != parent1->cycle[nxt1] &&
+	    (parent2->cycle[prev2] != parent1->cycle[prev1] &&
+	    parent2->cycle[nxt2] != parent1->cycle[nxt1])) {
+	    /* fake recombination */
+	    have_p1 = have_p2 = 1;
+	    tmpcycle[0] = parent1->cycle[i];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    startsub = endsub = 0;
+	    st_length = 1;
+	    while (have_p1 || have_p2) {
+		if (have_p1 && tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+		    have_p1 = 0;
+		if (have_p1) {
+		    endsub = wrap_into(endsub + 1, ncities);
+		    tmpcycle[endsub] = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+		    tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]] = 1;
+		    st_length++;
+		    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+		    if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+			have_p1 = 0;
+		}
+		if (have_p2 && tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+		    have_p2 = 0;
+		if (have_p2) {
+		    startsub = wrap_into(startsub - 1, ncities);
+		    tmpcycle[startsub] = parent2->cycle[prev2];
+		    tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]] = 1;
+		    st_length++;
+		    prev2 = wrap_into(prev2 - 1, ncities);
+		    if (tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+			have_p2 = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (st_max <= st_length) {
+	    st_max = st_length;
+	    st_i = i;
+	    st_j = j;
+	}
+	if (st_max > 4)
+	    break;
+    }
+    *start_i = i;
+    if (st_max <= 0)
+	return 0;
+    G_debug(3, "longest subtour %d at %d", st_max, st_i);
+    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	tcused[i] = 0;
+    /* recombination for selected subtour */
+    i = st_i;
+    j = st_j;
+    nxt1 = wrap_into(i + 1, ncities);
+    prev2 = wrap_into(j - 1, ncities);
+    have_p1 = have_p2 = 1;
+    tmpcycle[0] = parent1->cycle[i];
+    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+    startsub = endsub = 0;
+    while (have_p1 || have_p2) {
+	if (have_p1 && tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+	    have_p1 = 0;
+	if (have_p1) {
+	    endsub = wrap_into(endsub + 1, ncities);
+	    tmpcycle[endsub] = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]] = 1;
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+	    if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+		have_p1 = 0;
+	}
+	if (have_p2 && tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+	    have_p2 = 0;
+	if (have_p2) {
+	    startsub = wrap_into(startsub - 1, ncities);
+	    tmpcycle[startsub] = parent2->cycle[prev2];
+	    tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]] = 1;
+	    prev2 = wrap_into(prev2 - 1, ncities);
+	    if (tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+		have_p2 = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    while (startsub != endsub) {
+	if (cncyc >= ncities)
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Too many cities"));
+	child->cycle[cncyc++] = tmpcycle[startsub];
+	startsub = wrap_into(startsub + 1, ncities);
+    }
+    if (cncyc >= ncities)
+	G_fatal_error(_("Too many cities"));
+    if (startsub != endsub)
+	G_fatal_error(_("startsub != endsub"));
+    child->cycle[cncyc++] = tmpcycle[startsub];
+#if 0
+    /* this method is better, but the standard method */
+    build_tour(child->cycle, tcused, &cncyc, 2, 0);
+    /* this method is faster and true recombination */
+    /* add unused cities */
+    i = nxt1;
+    while (cncyc < ncities) {
+	int found = 0;
+	i = wrap_into(i + 1, ncities);
+	if (tcused[parent1->cycle[i]]) {
+	    continue;
+	}
+	G_debug(3, "cncyc: %d", cncyc);
+	if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]]) {
+	    child->cycle[cncyc++] = parent1->cycle[i];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	prev1 = wrap_into(i - 1, ncities);
+	nxt1 = wrap_into(i + 1, ncities);
+	found = 0;
+	j = 0;
+	while (parent2->cycle[j] != parent1->cycle[i]) {
+	    j++;
+	    if (j >= ncities)
+		G_fatal_error(_("Missing city"));
+	}
+	if (parent2->cycle[j] != parent1->cycle[i])
+	    G_fatal_error(_("City mismatch"));
+	prev2 = wrap_into(j - 1, ncities);
+	nxt2 = wrap_into(j + 1, ncities);
+	if (tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]]) {
+	    child->cycle[cncyc++] = parent1->cycle[i];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* makes only sense if prev[1,2] are not equal or nxt[1,2] are not equal */
+	if (parent2->cycle[prev2] != parent1->cycle[nxt1] &&
+	    (parent2->cycle[prev2] != parent1->cycle[prev1] &&
+	    parent2->cycle[nxt2] != parent1->cycle[nxt1])) {
+	    found = 1;
+	    /* actual recombination */
+	    have_p1 = have_p2 = 1;
+	    tmpcycle[0] = parent1->cycle[i];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    startsub = endsub = 0;
+	    while (have_p1 || have_p2) {
+		if (have_p1 && tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+		    have_p1 = 0;
+		if (have_p1) {
+		    endsub = wrap_into(endsub + 1, ncities);
+		    tmpcycle[endsub] = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+		    tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]] = 1;
+		    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+		    if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+			have_p1 = 0;
+		}
+		if (have_p2 && tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+		    have_p2 = 0;
+		if (have_p2) {
+		    startsub = wrap_into(startsub - 1, ncities);
+		    tmpcycle[startsub] = parent2->cycle[prev2];
+		    tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]] = 1;
+		    prev2 = wrap_into(prev2 - 1, ncities);
+		    if (tcused[parent2->cycle[prev2]])
+			have_p2 = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (found) {
+	    /* add tmpcycle to child cycle */
+	    G_debug(3, "add subtour, startsub %d, endsub %d", startsub, endsub);
+	    while (startsub != endsub) {
+		if (cncyc >= ncities)
+		    G_fatal_error(_("Too many cities"));
+		child->cycle[cncyc++] = tmpcycle[startsub];
+		startsub = wrap_into(startsub + 1, ncities);
+	    }
+	    if (cncyc >= ncities)
+		G_fatal_error(_("Too many cities"));
+	    if (startsub != endsub)
+		G_fatal_error(_("startsub != endsub"));
+	    child->cycle[cncyc++] = tmpcycle[startsub];
+	    G_debug(3, "cncyc: %d", cncyc);
+	}
+	else {
+	    if (cncyc >= ncities)
+		G_fatal_error(_("No subtour, too many cities"));
+	    child->cycle[cncyc++] = parent1->cycle[i];
+	    tcused[parent1->cycle[i]] = 1;
+	    G_debug(3, "cncyc: %d", cncyc);
+	}
+    }
+    child->cost = 0;
+    child->cycle[ncities] = child->cycle[0];
+    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	child->cost +=cost_cache[child->cycle[i]][child->cycle[i + 1]];
+    child->used = 1;
+    return child->used;
+/* Greedy Crossover as in java-tsp
+ * http://http://code.google.com/p/java-traveling-salesman/
+ * children are too expensive */
+int ga_recombine2(struct tsp_tour *tour, int p1, int p2, int c)
+    int i;
+    int nxt1, nxt2, picked, last;
+    int cncyc;
+    struct tsp_tour *parent1, *parent2, *child;
+    parent1 = &(tour[p1]);
+    parent2 = &(tour[p2]);
+    child = &(tour[c]);
+    cncyc = 0;
+    nxt1 = 0;
+    nxt2 = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	tcused[i] = 0;
+    picked = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+    child->cycle[cncyc] = picked;
+    tcused[picked] = 1;
+    last = picked;
+    cncyc++;
+    while (cncyc < ncities) {
+	while (parent1->cycle[nxt1] != last)
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+	nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+	while (parent2->cycle[nxt2] != last)
+	    nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 + 1, ncities);
+	nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 + 1, ncities);
+	if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]] && tcused[parent2->cycle[nxt2]]) {
+	    while (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]])
+		nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, ncities);
+	    picked = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+	}
+	else if (tcused[parent1->cycle[nxt1]]) {
+	    picked = parent2->cycle[nxt2];
+	}
+	else if (tcused[parent2->cycle[nxt2]]) {
+	    picked = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+	}
+	else {
+	    if (cost_cache[last][parent1->cycle[nxt1]] <
+	        cost_cache[last][parent2->cycle[nxt2]]) {
+		picked = parent1->cycle[nxt1];
+	    }
+	    else {
+		picked = parent2->cycle[nxt2];
+	    }
+	}
+	child->cycle[cncyc] = picked;
+	tcused[picked] = 1;
+	last = picked;
+	cncyc++;
+    }
+    child->cycle[ncities] = child->cycle[0];
+    child->cost = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++)
+	child->cost += cost_cache[child->cycle[i]][child->cycle[i + 1]];
+    if (child->cost < parent1->cost && child->cost < parent2->cost)
+	child->used = 1;
+    else
+	child->used = 1;
+    child->opt_done = 0;
+    return child->used;
+int ga_recombine(struct tsp_tour *tour, int p1, int p2, int c)
+    int i, start_i, best_i;
+    double best_cost;
+    G_debug(1, "ga_recombine()");
+    /* select subtour resulting in shortest total tour:
+     * genetic engineering */
+    best_cost = best_i = start_i = -1;
+    i = start_i + 1;
+    while (i < ncities) {
+	ga_subtour(tour, p1, p2, c, i, &start_i);
+	if (tour[c].used) {
+	    if (best_cost < 0 || best_cost > tour[c].cost) {
+		best_cost = tour[c].cost;
+		best_i = start_i;
+	    }
+	}
+	i = start_i + 1;
+    }
+    if (best_cost < 0 || (best_cost > tour[p1].cost - 0.0001 &&
+                          best_cost > tour[p2].cost - 0.0001)) {
+	tour[c].used = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+	ga_subtour(tour, p1, p2, c, best_i, &start_i);
+	tour[c].used = 1;
+    }
+    return tour[c].used;
+int cmp_tour_cost(const void *pa, const void *pb)
+    struct tour_cost *p1 = (struct tour_cost *) pa;
+    struct tour_cost *p2 = (struct tour_cost *) pb;
+    if (p1->cost < p2->cost)
+	return -1;
+    if (p1->cost > p2->cost)
+	return 1;
+    return 0;

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/evolution.c
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-csrc
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/local_proto.h
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/local_proto.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/local_proto.h	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#define MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH 11
+typedef struct
+    int city;
+    double cost;
+} COST;
+extern int ncities;			/* number of cities */
+extern int nnodes;			/* number of nodes */
+extern int *cities;			/* array of cities */
+extern COST **costs;			/* pointer to array of pointers to arrays of sorted forward costs */
+extern COST **bcosts;			/* pointer to array of pointers to arrays of sorted backward costs */
+extern double **cost_cache;		/* pointer to array of pointers to arrays of cached costs */
+extern int debug_level;
+/* tour.c */
+void add_city(int, int, int *, int *, int *);
+int build_tour(int *cycle, int *cused, int *tncyc, int, int);
+/* optimize.c */
+int wrap_into(int i, int n);
+int optimize_nbrs(int, int, int *);
+int opt_2opt(int *tcycle, int *tcused, int tncyc);
+int optimize_tour(int *, int *, int, int, int, int, int);
+int optimize_tour_chains(int, int, int, int*, int *, int, int, int, int);
+/* ga.c */
+int ga_opt(int ntours, int nelim, int nopt, int ngen, int *);
+void ga_add_city(int city, int after, int *tnc, int *tcycle, int *tused);

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/local_proto.h
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-chdr
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/main.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/main.c	2012-05-14 14:31:54 UTC (rev 51621)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/main.c	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  *  AUTHOR(S):    Radim Blazek, Markus Metz
- *  PURPOSE:      Create a tour connecting given nodes.
+ *  PURPOSE:      Create a cycle connecting given nodes.
  *  COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2001-2011 by the GRASS Development Team
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 #include <grass/glocale.h>
 #include "local_proto.h"
+/* use EUC_2D distances for TSPLIB test data */
+#define TSP_TEST 0
 /* TODO: Use some better algorithm */
 int ncities;			/* number of cities */
@@ -44,32 +47,7 @@
     return (cities[city]);
-void add_city(int city, int after)
-{				/* index !!! to cycle, after which to put it */
-    int i, j;
-    if (after == -1) {
-	cycle[0] = city;
-    }
-    else {
-	/* for a large number of cities this will become slow */
-	for (j = ncyc - 1; j > after; j--)
-	    cycle[j + 1] = cycle[j];
-	cycle[after + 1] = city;
-    }
-    ncyc++;
-    cused[city] = 1;
-    if (debug_level >= 2) {
-	G_debug(2, "Cycle:");
-	for (i = 0; i < ncyc; i++) {
-	    G_debug(2, "%d: %d: %d", i, cycle[i], cities[cycle[i]]);
-	}
-    }
 /* like Vect_list_append(), but allows duplicates */
 int tsp_list_append(struct ilist *list, int val)
@@ -97,14 +75,14 @@
     int node, node1, node2, line;
     int last_opt = 0, ostep, optimize;
     struct Option *map, *output, *afield_opt, *tfield_opt, *afcol, *abcol,
-	*seq, *type_opt, *term_opt;
-    struct Flag *geo_f, *opt_f;
+	*seq, *type_opt, *term_opt, *opt_opt;
+    struct Flag *geo_f;
     struct GModule *module;
     struct Map_info Map, Out;
     struct ilist *TList;	/* list of terminal nodes */
     struct ilist *List;
-    struct ilist *StArcs;	/* list of arcs on Steiner tree */
-    struct ilist *StNodes;	/* list of nodes on Steiner tree */
+    struct ilist *StArcs;	/* list of arcs on tour */
+    struct ilist *StNodes;	/* list of nodes on tour */
     double cost, tmpcost, tcost;
     struct cat_list *Clist;
     struct line_cats *Cats;
@@ -112,6 +90,7 @@
     const char *dstr;
     const char *seqname;
     int seq2stdout;
+    char *desc;
     FILE *fp;
     /* Initialize the GIS calls */
@@ -122,10 +101,10 @@
     module->label =
-	_("Creates a tour connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem).");
+	_("Creates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem).");
     module->description =
 	_("Note that TSP is NP-hard, heuristic algorithm is used by "
-	  "this module and created tour may be suboptimal");
+	  "this module and created cycle may be suboptimal");
     map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
     output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
@@ -169,15 +148,25 @@
     term_opt->description = _("Categories of points ('cities') on nodes "
 			      "(layer is specified by nlayer)");
+    opt_opt = G_define_option();
+    opt_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
+    opt_opt->key = "method";
+    opt_opt->required = NO;
+    opt_opt->options = "bs,ga";
+    opt_opt->description = _("Optimization method");
+    desc = NULL;
+    G_asprintf(&desc,
+	       "bs;%s;"
+	       "ga;%s;",
+	       _("bootstrapping"),
+	       _("genetic algorithm"));
+    opt_opt->descriptions = desc;
     geo_f = G_define_flag();
     geo_f->key = 'g';
     geo_f->description =
 	_("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations");
-    opt_f = G_define_flag();
-    opt_f->key = 'o';
-    opt_f->description = _("Optimize the tour");
     if (G_parser(argc, argv))
@@ -211,7 +200,17 @@
     geo = geo_f->answer;
-    optimize = opt_f->answer;
+    if (opt_opt->answer) {
+	if (opt_opt->answer[0] == 'b')
+	    optimize = 1;
+	else if (opt_opt->answer[0] == 'g')
+	    optimize = 2;
+	else
+	    G_fatal_error(_("Unknown method '%s'"), opt_opt->answer);
+    }
+    else
+	optimize = 0;
     Vect_check_input_output_name(map->answer, output->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT);
@@ -290,13 +289,30 @@
 	    if (i == j)
-	    ret =
-		Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, cities[i], cities[j], NULL,
-				       &cost);
+	    if (!TSP_TEST) {
+		ret =
+		    Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, cities[i], cities[j], NULL,
+					   &cost);
-	    if (ret == -1)
-		G_fatal_error(_("Destination node [%d] is unreachable "
-				"from node [%d]"), cities[i], cities[j]);
+		if (ret == -1)
+		    G_fatal_error(_("Destination node [%d] is unreachable "
+				    "from node [%d]"), cities[i], cities[j]);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, dx, dy;
+		Vect_get_node_coor(&Map, cities[i], &x1, &y1, &z1);
+		Vect_get_node_coor(&Map, cities[j], &x2, &y2, &z2);
+		if (geo) {
+		    cost = G_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+		}
+		else {
+		    dx = x1 - x2;
+		    dy = y1 - y2;
+		    cost = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+		}
+	    }
 	    /* add to directional cost cache: from, to, cost */
 	    costs[i][k].city = j;
@@ -337,188 +353,223 @@
-    G_message(_("Searching for the shortest tour..."));
-    /* find 2 cities with largest distance */
-    cost = city = -1;
-    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
-	tmpcost = costs[i][ncities - 2].cost;
-	if (tmpcost > cost) {
-	    cost = tmpcost;
-	    city = i;
-	}
+    if (ncities < 5 && optimize) {
+	G_message(_("Optimization is not necessary for less than 5 cities"));
+	optimize = 0;
-    G_debug(2, "biggest costs %d - %d", city,
-	    costs[city][ncities - 2].city);
-    /* add these 2 cities to array */
-    add_city(city, -1);
-    add_city(costs[city][ncities - 2].city, 0);
+    if (optimize < 2) {
+	G_message(_("Searching for the shortest tour..."));
+	/* find 2 cities with largest distance */
+	cost = city = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
+	    tmpcost = costs[i][ncities - 2].cost;
+	    if (tmpcost > cost) {
+		cost = tmpcost;
+		city = i;
+	    }
+	}
-    /* In each step, find not used city, with biggest cost to any used city, and insert 
-     *  into cycle between 2 nearest nodes */
-    /* for a large number of cities this will become very slow, can be fixed */
+	G_debug(2, "biggest costs %d - %d", city,
+		costs[city][ncities - 2].city);
-    /* for (i = 0; i < ncities - 2; i++) { */
-    while (ncyc < ncities) {
-	G_percent(ncyc, ncities, 1);
-	cost = -1;
-	G_debug(2, "---- city %d ----", i);
-	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
-	    if (cused[j])
-		continue;
-	    tmpcost = 0;
-	    for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
-		G_debug(2, "forward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cnode(j),
-			costs[j][k].city, cnode(costs[j][k].city));
-		if (!cused[costs[j][k].city])
-		    continue;	/* only used */
-		/* directional costs j -> k */
-		tmpcost += costs[j][k].cost;
-		break;		/* first nearest */
-	    }
-	    /* forward/backward: tmpcost = min(fcost) + min(bcost) */
-	    if (bcosts) {
+	/* add these 2 cities to array */
+	add_city(city, -1, &ncyc, cycle, cused);
+	add_city(costs[city][ncities - 2].city, 0, &ncyc, cycle, cused);
+	/* In each step, find not used city with biggest cost to any used city,
+	 * and insert into cycle between 2 nearest nodes */
+	/* for a large number of cities this will become very slow, can be fixed */
+	/* for (i = 0; i < ncities - 2; i++) { */
+	while (ncyc < ncities) {
+	    G_percent(ncyc, ncities, 1);
+	    cost = -1;
+	    G_debug(2, "---- city %d ----", i);
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
+		if (cused[j])
+		    continue;
+		tmpcost = 0;
 		for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
-		    G_debug(2, "backward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cnode(j),
-			    bcosts[j][k].city, cnode(bcosts[j][k].city));
-		    if (!cused[bcosts[j][k].city])
+		    G_debug(2, "forward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cnode(j),
+			    costs[j][k].city, cnode(costs[j][k].city));
+		    if (!cused[costs[j][k].city])
 			continue;	/* only used */
-		    /* directional costs k -> j */
-		    tmpcost += bcosts[j][k].cost;
+		    /* directional costs j -> k */
+		    tmpcost += costs[j][k].cost;
 		    break;		/* first nearest */
-	    }
+		/* forward/backward: tmpcost = min(fcost) + min(bcost) */
+		if (bcosts) {
+		    for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
+			G_debug(2, "backward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cnode(j),
+				bcosts[j][k].city, cnode(bcosts[j][k].city));
+			if (!cused[bcosts[j][k].city])
+			    continue;	/* only used */
+			/* directional costs k -> j */
+			tmpcost += bcosts[j][k].cost;
+			break;		/* first nearest */
+		    }
+		}
-	    G_debug(2, "    cost = %f x %f", tmpcost, cost);
-	    if (tmpcost > cost) {
-		cost = tmpcost;
-		city = j;
+		G_debug(2, "    cost = %f x %f", tmpcost, cost);
+		if (tmpcost > cost) {
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		    city = j;
+		}
-	}
-	G_debug(2, "add city %d", city);
+	    G_debug(2, "add city %d", city);
-	/* add to cycle on lowest costs */
-	cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];	/* temporarily close the cycle */
-	city1 = 0;
-	for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
-	    /* cost from j to j + 1 (directional) */
-	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
-	    tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
-	    tmpcost = -tcost;
+	    /* add to cycle on lowest costs */
+	    cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];	/* temporarily close the cycle */
+	    cost = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
+	    city1 = 0;
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
+		/* cost from j to j + 1 (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
+		tmpcost = -tcost;
-	    /* check insertion of city between j and j + 1 */
+		/* check insertion of city between j and j + 1 */
-	    /* cost from j to city (directional) */
-	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
-	    tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][city];
-	    tmpcost += tcost;
-	    /* cost from city to j + 1 (directional) */
-	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
-	    tcost = cost_cache[city][cycle[j + 1]];
-	    tmpcost += tcost;
-	    /* tmpcost must always be > 0 */
+		/* cost from j to city (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][city];
+		tmpcost += tcost;
+		/* cost from city to j + 1 (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[city][cycle[j + 1]];
+		tmpcost += tcost;
+		/* tmpcost must always be > 0 */
-	    /* always true for j = 0 */
-	    if (tmpcost < cost) {
-		city1 = j;
-		cost = tmpcost;
+		/* always true for j = 0 */
+		if (tmpcost < cost) {
+		    city1 = j;
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		}
-	}
-	add_city(city, city1);
+	    add_city(city, city1, &ncyc, cycle, cused);
-	/* keep ostep sufficiently large */
-	ostep = sqrt(ncyc) * 2 / 3;
+	    if (optimize && ncyc > 4) {
+		int chain_length;
+		int success;
+		success = optimize_nbrs(city1, ncyc, cycle);
+		if (success)
+		    G_debug(3, "Neighbours optimized? %s",
+			    success ? "Yes" : "No");
-	if (ostep < 2)
-	    ostep = 2;
-	if (ostep > MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH && ncities < 3000) /* max 3000 */
-	    ostep = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH;
-	if (optimize && ncyc > 5) {
-	    int chain_length;
-	    int success;
-	    success = optimize_nbrs(city1);
-	    if (success)
-		G_debug(3, "Neighbours optimized? %s",
-		        success ? "Yes" : "No");
+		/* keep ostep sufficiently large */
+		ostep = sqrt(ncyc) * 2 / 3;
-	    if (last_opt < ncyc - ostep) {
-		/* use brute force optimization
-		 * don't overdo it here, it's costly in terms of time
-		 * and the benefits are small */
+		if (ostep < 2)
+		    ostep = 2;
+		if (ostep > MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH && ncities < 3000) /* max 3000 */
+		    ostep = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH;
-		chain_length = ostep;
-		if (chain_length > ncyc / 2)
-		    chain_length = ncyc / 2;
-		if (chain_length > MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH)
-		    chain_length = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH;
-		if (chain_length == 0)
-		    chain_length = 1;
+		if (last_opt < ncyc - ostep) {
+		    /* use brute force optimization
+		     * don't overdo it here, it's costly in terms of time
+		     * and the benefits are small */
-		success = optimize_tour_chains(chain_length, chain_length,
-		                               ostep, 0, 0);
-		if (success)
-		    G_debug(3, "Preliminary tour optimized? %s",
-		            success ? "Yes" : "No");
+		    chain_length = ostep;
+		    if (chain_length > ncyc / 2)
+			chain_length = ncyc / 2;
+		    if (chain_length > MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH)
+			chain_length = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH;
+		    if (chain_length == 0)
+			chain_length = 1;
-		last_opt = ncyc;
-	    }
-	}  /* optimize done */
-    }
-    /* TODO: optimize tour using some refined Lin–Kernighan method */
-    if (optimize && ncyc > 3) {
-	double ocost, ocost1;
-	int max_chain_length, chain_length;
-	int success = 0;
-	int optiter = 1;
+		    success = optimize_tour_chains(chain_length, chain_length,
+						   ostep, cycle, cused, ncyc, 0, 0, 1);
+		    if (success)
+			G_debug(3, "Preliminary tour optimized? %s",
+				success ? "Yes" : "No");
-	/* brute force bootstrapping */
-	ocost = 0.;
-	cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];
-	for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
-	    ocost += cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
+		    last_opt = ncyc;
+		}
+	    }  /* optimize done */
-	G_verbose_message(_("Current total cost: %.3f"), ocost);
+	/* tour is complete */
-	max_chain_length = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH < ncyc / 2 ? MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH : ncyc / 2;
+	if (optimize && ncyc > 3) {
+	    double ocost, ocost1;
+	    int max_chain_length, chain_length;
+	    int success = 0;
+	    int optiter = 1;
-	G_message(_("Optimizing..."));
+	    /* brute force bootstrapping */
+	    ocost = 0.;
+	    cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
+		ocost += cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
+	    }
+	    G_verbose_message(_("Current total cost: %.3f"), ocost);
-	for (chain_length = max_chain_length; chain_length > 0; chain_length--) {
-	    success = 0;
+	    max_chain_length = MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH < ncyc / 2 ? MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH : ncyc / 2;
-	    G_message("%d. iteration...", optiter++);
+	    G_message(_("Optimizing..."));
-	    success = optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, 1, 1, 1, 1);
-	    if (!success)
-		break;
-	}
-	success = 1;
-	while (success) {
-	    success = 0;
-	    G_message("%d. iteration...", optiter++);
-	    for (i = 0; i < ncyc; i++) {
-		if (optimize_nbrs(i))
-		    success = 1;
+	    for (chain_length = max_chain_length; chain_length > 0; chain_length--) {
+		success = 0;
+		G_message("%d. iteration...", optiter++);
+		if (max_chain_length >= 5)
+		    optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, max_chain_length, 1,
+		                               cycle, cused, ncyc, 1, 1, 0);
+		else
+		    optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, max_chain_length, 1,
+		                               cycle, cused, ncyc, 1, 1, 0);
+		success = optimize_tour_chains(max_chain_length, 1, 1,
+		                               cycle, cused, ncyc, 1, 1, 1);
+		if (!success)
+		    break;
-	}
+	    success = 1;
+	    while (success) {
+		success = 0;
+		G_message("%d. iteration...", optiter++);
+		for (i = 0; i < ncyc; i++) {
+		    if (optimize_nbrs(i, ncyc, cycle))
+			success = 1;
+		}
+	    }
-	ocost1 = 0.;
-	cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];
-	for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
-	    ocost1 += cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
-	}
-	G_verbose_message(_("Optimized total cost: %.3f, gain %.3f%%"),
-	                  ocost1, ocost / ocost1 * 100 - 100);
-    }  /* optimize done */
+	    ocost1 = 0.;
+	    cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];
+	    for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
+		ocost1 += cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
+	    }
+	    G_verbose_message(_("Optimized total cost: %.3f, gain %.3f%%"),
+			      ocost1, ocost / ocost1 * 100 - 100);
+	}  /* optimize done */
+    }
+    else {
+	int ntours, nelim, nopt, ngen;
+	/* number of tours to work with */
+	if (ncities > 20)
+	    ntours = 20;
+	else
+	    ntours = ncities - 1;
+	/* number of tours to eliminate (< ntours / 2) */
+     	nelim = ntours * 0.4;
+        /* number of tours to optimize (<= ntours) */
+	nopt = ntours * 1;
+        /* max number of generations */
+	ngen = 200;
+	ga_opt(ntours, nelim, nopt, ngen, cycle);
+    }
     if (debug_level >= 2) {
 	/* debug print */
 	G_debug(2, "Tour:");
@@ -551,7 +602,6 @@
     Vect_open_new(&Out, output->answer, Vect_is_3d(&Map));
-    G_verbose_message(_("Tour with total cost %.3f"), cost);
     G_debug(2, "Arcs' categories (layer %d, %d arcs):", afield,
@@ -620,6 +670,8 @@
+    G_message(_("Tour with total cost %.3f"), cost);
     if (fp) {
 	if (seq2stdout) {

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/optimize.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/optimize.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/optimize.c	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/vector.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+int wrap_into(int i, int n)
+    /* wrap to range 0, n - 1 */
+    while (i >= n)
+	i -= n;
+    while (i < 0)
+	i += n;
+    return i;
+int wrap_towards(int i, int n)
+    /* wrap to range -n, 2n - 1 */
+    while (i - n >= n)
+	i -= n;
+    while (i + n < 0)
+	i += n;
+    return i;
+/* swap nodes if result is better */
+int optimize_nbrs(int city1, int tncyc, int *tcycle)
+    int j, k, city, city2;
+    int prev, nxt, prevk, nxtk;
+    double ocost1, ocost2, tmpcost, gain;
+    int success = 0;
+    /* check alternatives for city1 and city1 + 2 */
+    for (j = city1; j < city1 + 3; j += 2) {
+	/* city += j; */
+	city = wrap_into(j, tncyc);
+	prev = wrap_into(city - 1, tncyc);
+	nxt = wrap_into(city + 1, tncyc);
+	ocost1 = cost_cache[tcycle[prev]][tcycle[city]] +
+		 cost_cache[tcycle[city]][tcycle[nxt]];
+	gain = 0;
+	tmpcost = 0;
+	city2 = tcycle[city];
+	for (k = 0; k < tncyc; k++) {
+	    prevk = wrap_into(k - 1, tncyc);
+	    nxtk = wrap_into(k + 1, tncyc);
+	    /* original costs */
+	    ocost2 = cost_cache[tcycle[prevk]][tcycle[k]] +
+		      cost_cache[tcycle[k]][tcycle[nxtk]];
+	    /* new costs:
+	     * (city1 - 1) -> k -> (city1 + 1)
+	     * (k - 1) -> city1 -> (k + 1) */
+	    tmpcost = cost_cache[tcycle[prev]][tcycle[k]] +
+		      cost_cache[tcycle[k]][tcycle[nxt]] +
+		      cost_cache[tcycle[prevk]][tcycle[city]] +
+		      cost_cache[tcycle[city]][tcycle[nxtk]];
+	    if (ocost1 + ocost2 - tmpcost > gain) {
+		gain = ocost1 + ocost2 - tmpcost;
+		city2 = k;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (gain > 0 && tcycle[city2] != tcycle[city] &&
+	    tcycle[city2] != tcycle[prev] && tcycle[city2] != tcycle[nxt]) {
+	    /* swap cities */
+	    G_debug(3, "swap cities");
+	    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[city2];
+	    tcycle[city2] = tcycle[city];
+	    tcycle[city] = tcycle[tncyc];
+	    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];
+	    success = 1;
+	}
+    } /* neighbor check done */
+    return success;
+/* standard 2opt method
+ * disadvantage: requires reversing a subtour, not good for 
+ * asymmetric problems, therefore not used */
+int opt_2opt(int *tcycle, int *tcused, int tncyc)
+    int i, j, k, nxt1, nxt2;
+    int pivot1;
+    double cost, new_cost;
+    static int *tmpcycle = NULL;
+    if (tmpcycle == NULL)
+	tmpcycle = G_malloc((ncities + 1) * sizeof(int));
+    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];
+    for (i = 0; i < tncyc; i++) {
+	for (j = 0; j < tncyc; j++) {
+	    if (j == i || j == i + 1)
+		continue;
+	    nxt2 = wrap_into(j + 1, tncyc);
+	    if (nxt2 == i)
+		continue;
+	    cost = cost_cache[tcycle[i]][tcycle[i + 1]] + 
+	           cost_cache[tcycle[j]][tcycle[j + 1]];
+	    new_cost = cost_cache[tcycle[i]][tcycle[j + 1]] + 
+	               cost_cache[tcycle[j]][tcycle[i + 1]];
+	    if (new_cost > cost)
+		continue;
+	    /* go from i to j,
+	     * backwards until we meet i + 1, go from i + 1 to j + 1,
+	     * forwards until we meet i again */
+	    nxt1 = i;
+	    tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[i];
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+	    tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[j];
+	    nxt2 = j;
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+	    nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 - 1, tncyc);
+	    pivot1 = wrap_into(i + 1, tncyc);
+	    while (nxt2 != pivot1) {
+		tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[nxt2];
+		nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+		nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 - 1, tncyc);
+	    }
+	    /* nxt2 = i + 1 */
+	    tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[nxt2];
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+	    nxt2 = wrap_into(j + 1, tncyc);
+	    tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[nxt2];
+	    nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+	    nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 + 1, tncyc);
+	    while (nxt2 != i) {
+		tmpcycle[nxt1] = tcycle[nxt2];
+		nxt1 = wrap_into(nxt1 + 1, tncyc);
+		nxt2 = wrap_into(nxt2 + 1, tncyc);
+	    }
+	    for (k = 0; k < tncyc; k++)
+		tcycle[k] = tmpcycle[k];
+	    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];
+	}
+    }
+    return 1;
+/* bootstrapping:
+ * cut out subtour of length chain_length 
+ * reinsert the removed nodes */
+int optimize_tour(int *tcycle, int *tcused, int tncyc, int chain_length,
+                  int show_perc, int opt_high, int subtour)
+    int i, j, k;
+    int city, city1;
+    int cl1, cl2, cl3, cstep;
+    double cost, tcost, tmpcost, ocost1, ocost2;
+    int nl[MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH];
+    static int *ccycle = NULL;
+    int success = 0, found;
+    int ncyc_noopt, n_removed;
+    if (!ccycle)
+	ccycle = (int *)G_malloc((ncities + 1) * sizeof(int));	/* + 1 is for output cycle */
+    cl1 = chain_length;
+    cstep = cl1 * 2 / 3; /* adjust */
+    if (cstep == 0)
+	cstep = 1;
+    ncyc_noopt = tncyc;
+    if (show_perc)
+	G_message("Chain length %d", cl1);
+    for (i = 0; i < ncyc_noopt; i += cstep) {
+	if (show_perc)
+	    G_percent(i, ncyc_noopt, 2);
+	/* copy of current cycle */
+	for (j = 0; j < tncyc; j++)
+	    ccycle[j] = tcycle[j];
+	/* remove <cl1> nodes */
+	n_removed = 0;
+	if (subtour) {
+	    /* cut out subtour */
+	    for (cl2 = 0; cl2 < tncyc; cl2++) {
+		j = wrap_into(i, tncyc);
+		nl[n_removed] = tcycle[j];
+		if (!tcused[tcycle[j]])
+		    continue;
+		G_debug(3, "removing city %d, cycle %d", nl[n_removed], j);
+		tcused[tcycle[j]] = 0;
+		for (k = j; k < tncyc; k++)
+		    tcycle[k] = tcycle[k + 1];
+		tncyc--;
+		n_removed++;
+		if (n_removed == cl1)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    /* cut our nearest */
+	    j = wrap_into(i, tncyc);
+	    city = tcycle[j];
+	    nl[n_removed] = city;
+	    tcused[city] = 0;
+	    found = 0;
+	    for (k = 0; k < tncyc; k++) {
+		if (tcycle[k] == city)
+		    found = 1;
+		if (found)
+		    tcycle[k] = tcycle[k + 1];
+	    }
+	    tncyc--;
+	    n_removed++;
+	    for (cl2 = 0; cl2 < tncyc - 1; cl2++) {
+		if (n_removed == cl1)
+		    break;
+		city = costs[tcycle[j]][cl2].city;
+		if (!tcused[city])
+		    continue;
+		nl[n_removed] = city;
+		G_debug(3, "removing city %d", nl[n_removed]);
+		tcused[city] = 0;
+		found = 0;
+		for (k = 0; k < tncyc; k++) {
+		    if (tcycle[k] == city)
+			found = 1;
+		    if (found)
+			tcycle[k] = tcycle[k + 1];
+		}
+		tncyc--;
+		n_removed++;
+		if (n_removed == cl1)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!n_removed)
+	    return 1;
+	/* reinsert <cl1> nodes */
+	for (cl2 = 0; cl2 < n_removed; cl2++) {
+	    if (opt_high)
+		cost = -1;
+	    else
+		cost = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
+	    city = -1;
+	    G_debug(3, "---- city %d ----", i);
+	    for (cl3 = 0; cl3 < n_removed; cl3++) {
+		j = nl[cl3];
+		if (tcused[j])
+		    continue;
+		tmpcost = 0;
+		for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
+		    G_debug(2, "forward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cities[j],
+			    costs[j][k].city, cities[costs[j][k].city]);
+		    if (!tcused[costs[j][k].city])
+			continue;	/* only used */
+		    /* directional costs j -> k */
+		    tmpcost += costs[j][k].cost;
+		    break;		/* first nearest */
+		}
+		/* forward/backward: tmpcost = min(fcost) + min(bcost) */
+		if (bcosts) {
+		    for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
+			G_debug(2, "backward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cities[j],
+				bcosts[j][k].city, cities[bcosts[j][k].city]);
+			if (!tcused[bcosts[j][k].city])
+			    continue;	/* only used */
+			/* directional costs k -> j */
+			tmpcost += bcosts[j][k].cost;
+			break;		/* first nearest */
+		    }
+		}
+		G_debug(2, "    cost = %f x %f", tmpcost, cost);
+		if (opt_high) {
+		    /* pick farthest */
+		    if (tmpcost > cost) {
+			cost = tmpcost;
+			city = j;
+		    }
+		}
+		else {
+		    /* pick nearest */
+		    if (tmpcost < cost) {
+			cost = tmpcost;
+			city = j;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    G_debug(3, "add city %d", city);
+	    /* add to cycle on lowest costs */
+	    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];	/* temporarily close the cycle */
+	    cost = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
+	    city1 = 0;
+	    for (j = 0; j < tncyc; j++) {
+		/* cost from j to j + 1 (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[tcycle[j]][tcycle[j + 1]];
+		tmpcost = -tcost;
+		/* check insertion of city between j and j + 1 */
+		/* cost from j to city (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[tcycle[j]][city];
+		tmpcost += tcost;
+		/* cost from city to j + 1 (directional) */
+		/* get cost from directional cost cache */
+		tcost = cost_cache[city][tcycle[j + 1]];
+		tmpcost += tcost;
+		/* tmpcost must always be > 0 */
+		G_debug(2, "? %d - %d cost = %f x %f", j, city1, tmpcost,
+			cost);
+		/* always true for j = 0 */
+		if (tmpcost < cost) {
+		    city1 = j;
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		}
+	    }
+	    add_city(city, city1, &tncyc, tcycle, tcused);
+	    tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];
+	    if (tncyc > 3)
+		optimize_nbrs(city1, tncyc, tcycle);
+	} /* all nodes reinserted */
+	/* compare cycles */
+	ocost1 = ocost2 = 0.;
+	tcycle[tncyc] = tcycle[0];
+	ccycle[tncyc] = ccycle[0];
+	for (j = 0; j < tncyc; j++) {
+	    ocost1 += cost_cache[ccycle[j]][ccycle[j + 1]];
+	    ocost2 += cost_cache[tcycle[j]][tcycle[j + 1]];
+	}
+	if (ocost1 - ocost2 > 0.001) {
+	    success = 1;
+	    G_debug(3, "success for chain length %d, gain %.4f", cl1, ocost1 - ocost2);
+	}
+	else {
+	    for (j = 0; j < tncyc; j++)
+		tcycle[j] = ccycle[j];
+	}
+    } /* chain length for all cities removed */
+    return success;
+int optimize_tour_chains(int hi, int lo, int cstep, int *tcycle,
+                         int *tused, int tncyc, int show_perc,
+			 int opt_high, int subtour)
+    int cl1, success = 0;
+    if (lo <= 0)
+	lo = 1;
+    if (hi > tncyc / 2)
+	hi = tncyc / 2;
+    if (hi > MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH)
+    if (hi <= 0)
+	hi = 1;
+    if (hi < lo)
+	lo = hi;
+    for (cl1 = hi; cl1 >= lo; cl1 -= cstep) {
+	if (!optimize_tour(tcycle, tused, tncyc, cl1, show_perc, opt_high, subtour))
+	    break;
+	success = 1;
+    }
+    return success;

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/optimize.c
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-csrc
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/tour.c
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/tour.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/tour.c	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/vector.h>
+#include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "local_proto.h"
+void add_city(int city, int after, int *tncyc, int *tcycle, int *tcused)
+    int i, j;
+    /* after: index !!! to cycle, after which to put it */
+    if (after == -1) {
+	tcycle[0] = city;
+    }
+    else {
+	/* for a large number of cities this will become slow */
+	for (j = *tncyc - 1; j > after; j--)
+	    tcycle[j + 1] = tcycle[j];
+	tcycle[after + 1] = city;
+    }
+    (*tncyc)++;
+    tcused[city] = 1;
+    if (debug_level >= 2) {
+	G_debug(2, "Cycle:");
+	for (i = 0; i < *tncyc; i++) {
+	    G_debug(2, "%d: %d: %d", i, tcycle[i], cities[tcycle[i]]);
+	}
+    }
+int build_tour(int *cycle, int *cused, int *tncyc, int optimize, int opt_high)
+    int j, k;
+    int city, city1;
+    int ncyc = *tncyc;
+    double cost, tmpcost, tcost;
+    /* complete the tour */
+    /* In each step, find not used city with biggest cost to any used city,
+     * and insert into cycle between 2 nearest nodes */
+    /* for a large number of cities this will become very slow, can be fixed */
+    while (ncyc < ncities) {
+	if (opt_high)
+	    cost = -1;
+	else
+	    cost = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
+	city = -1;
+	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
+	    if (cused[j])
+		continue;
+	    tmpcost = 0;
+	    for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
+		G_debug(2, "forward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cities[j],
+			costs[j][k].city, cities[costs[j][k].city]);
+		if (!cused[costs[j][k].city])
+		    continue;	/* only used */
+		/* directional costs j -> k */
+		tmpcost += costs[j][k].cost;
+		break;		/* first nearest */
+	    }
+	    /* forward/backward: tmpcost = min(fcost) + min(bcost) */
+	    if (bcosts) {
+		for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
+		    G_debug(2, "backward? %d (%d) - %d (%d)", j, cities[j],
+			    bcosts[j][k].city, cities[bcosts[j][k].city]);
+		    if (!cused[bcosts[j][k].city])
+			continue;	/* only used */
+		    /* directional costs k -> j */
+		    tmpcost += bcosts[j][k].cost;
+		    break;		/* first nearest */
+		}
+	    }
+	    G_debug(2, "    cost = %f x %f", tmpcost, cost);
+	    if (opt_high) {
+		if (tmpcost > cost) {
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		    city = j;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		if (tmpcost < cost) {
+		    cost = tmpcost;
+		    city = j;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	G_debug(2, "add city %d", city);
+	/* add to cycle on lowest costs */
+	cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];	/* temporarily close the cycle */
+	city1 = 0;
+	for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
+	    /* cost from j to j + 1 (directional) */
+	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
+	    tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][cycle[j + 1]];
+	    tmpcost = -tcost;
+	    /* check insertion of city between j and j + 1 */
+	    /* cost from j to city (directional) */
+	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
+	    tcost = cost_cache[cycle[j]][city];
+	    tmpcost += tcost;
+	    /* cost from city to j + 1 (directional) */
+	    /* get cost from directional cost cache */
+	    tcost = cost_cache[city][cycle[j + 1]];
+	    tmpcost += tcost;
+	    /* tmpcost must always be > 0 */
+	    /* always true for j = 0 */
+	    if (tmpcost < cost) {
+		city1 = j;
+		cost = tmpcost;
+	    }
+	}
+	add_city(city, city1, &ncyc, cycle, cused);
+	if (optimize && ncyc > 3)
+	    optimize_nbrs(city1, ncyc, cycle);
+    }
+    *tncyc = ncyc;
+    return 1;

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/tour.c
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-csrc
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Deleted: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.html	2012-05-14 14:31:54 UTC (rev 51621)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.html	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-<em>v.net.salesman</em> calculates the optimal route to visit nodes on a
-vector network.
-<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
-table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
-as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
-For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
-10 km long road segment must be calculated as 
-length / speed = 10 km / (100 km/h) = 0.1 h.
-Supported are cost assignments for arcs, 
-and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
-For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
-<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
-in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
-<p>Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
-input vector map needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em>.
-Arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
-Traveling salesman for 6 digitized nodes (Spearfish):
-<p>Shortest path, along unimproved roads:
-<p><img src="vnetsalesman.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using distance" border="1">
-<p>Fastest path, along highways:
-<p><img src="vnetsalesmantime.png" alt="v.net.salesman example using time" border="1">
-<p>Searching for the shortest path using distance and the fastest path using 
-traveling time according to the speed limits of different road types:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-# Spearfish
-g.copy vect=roads,myroads
-# we have 6 locations to visit on our trip
-echo "1|601653.5|4922869.2|a
-6|598005.5|4921439.2|f" | v.in.ascii in=- cat=1 x=2 y=3 out=centers col="cat integer, \
-                         east double precision, north double precision, label varchar(43)"
-# verify data preparation
-v.db.select centers
-v.category centers op=report
-# type       count        min        max
-# point          6          1          6
-# create lines map connecting points to network (on layer 2)
-v.net myroads points=centers out=myroads_net op=connect thresh=500
-v.category myroads_net op=report
-# Layer / table: 1 / myroads_net
-# type       count        min        max
-# line         837          1          5
-# Layer: 2
-# type       count        min        max
-# point          6          1          5
-# find the shortest path
-v.net.salesman myroads_net ccats=1-6 out=mysalesman_distance
-# set up costs as traveling time
-# create unique categories for each road in layer 3
-v.category in=myroads_net out=myroads_net_time opt=add cat=1 layer=3 type=line
-# add new table for layer 3
-v.db.addtable myroads_net_time layer=3 col="cat integer,label varchar(43),length double precision,speed double precision,cost double precision,bcost double precision"
-# copy road type to layer 3
-v.to.db myroads_net_time layer=3 qlayer=1 opt=query qcolumn=label columns=label
-# upload road length in miles
-v.to.db myroads_net_time layer=3 type=line option=length col=length unit=miles
-# set speed limits in miles / hour
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="5.0"
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="75.0" where="label='interstate'"
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="75.0" where="label='primary highway, hard surface'"
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="50.0" where="label='secondary highway, hard surface'"
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="25.0" where="label='light-duty road, improved surface'"
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=speed val="5.0" where="label='unimproved road'"
-# define traveling costs as traveling time in minutes:
-# set forward costs
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=cost val="length / speed * 60"
-# set backward costs
-v.db.update myroads_net_time layer=3 col=bcost val="length / speed * 60"
-# find the fastest path
-v.net.salesman myroads_net_time alayer=3 nlayer=2 afcol=cost abcol=bcost ccats=1-6 out=mysalesman_time
-To display the result, run for example:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-# Display the results
-g.region vect=myroads_net
-# shortest path
-d.mon x0
-d.vect myroads_net
-d.vect centers -c icon=basic/triangle
-d.vect mysalesman_distance col=green width=2
-d.font Vera
-d.vect centers col=red disp=attr attrcol=label lsize=12
-# fastest path
-d.mon x1
-d.vect myroads_net
-d.vect centers -c icon=basic/triangle
-d.vect mysalesman_time col=green width=2
-d.font Vera
-d.vect centers col=red disp=attr attrcol=label lsize=12
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<em><a href="d.path.html">d.path</a></em>,
-<em><a href="v.net.html">v.net</a></em>,
-<em><a href="v.net.alloc.html">v.net.alloc</a></em>,
-<em><a href="v.net.iso.html">v.net.iso</a></em>,
-<em><a href="v.net.path.html">v.net.path</a></em>,
-<em><a href="v.net.steiner.html">v.net.steiner</a></em>
-Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy<br>
-Markus Metz<br>
-Documentation: Markus Neteler, Markus Metz
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Copied: grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.opt.html (from rev 51621, grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.html)
--- grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.opt.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/vector/v.net.salesman.opt/v.net.salesman.opt.html	2012-05-14 14:37:56 UTC (rev 51622)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<em>v.net.salesman.opt</em> estimates the optimal route to visit nodes 
+on a vector network and optionally tries to improve the result.
+<p>Costs may be either line lengths, or attributes saved in a database 
+table. These attribute values are taken as costs of whole segments, not 
+as costs to traverse a length unit (e.g. meter) of the segment. 
+For example, if the speed limit is 100 km / h, the cost to traverse a 
+10 km long road segment must be calculated as 
+length / speed = 10 km / (100 km/h) = 0.1 h.
+Supported are cost assignments for arcs, 
+and also different costs for both directions of a vector line. 
+For areas, costs will be calculated along boundary lines.
+<p>The input vector needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em> 
+in order to connect points representing center nodes to the network.
+<p>Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes, and the 
+input vector map needs to be prepared with <em>v.net operation=connect</em>.
+For less than 10 nodes, the initial result is usually very close to the 
+shortest possible tour and further optimization will have no effect.
+<em>v.net.salesman.opt</em> uses the same heuristics like 
+<em>v.net.salesman.opt</em> to find a good tour which is not necessarily 
+the optimal tour. The tour can be optimized with two methods: 
+bootstrapping and genetic algorithm (GA). The bootstrapping method 
+removes a subtour from the tour and reinserts the nodes resulting in a 
+shorter tour. This is applied on intermediate tours and the final tour.
+The genetic algorithm first creates several initial tours. From these 
+tours nearly identical toursare eliminated. The remaining tours are 
+recombined to create new, better tours. All tours are now mutated. The 
+sequence of Selection, Recombination, Mutation is repeated until 
+there is no better solution. Finally, the best tour is optimized with 
+Arcs can be closed using cost = -1. 
+Visiting all 167 schools (North Carolina):
+<div class="code"><pre>
+# North Carolina
+# prepare network by connecting schools to streets
+v.net -c input=streets_wake points=schools_wake output=streets_schools \
+  operation=connect alayer=1 nlayer=2 thresh=1000
+# verify data preparation
+v.category in=streets_schools op=report
+# type       count        min        max
+# point          6          1          6
+# find the shortest path
+v.net.salesman.opt in=streets_schools ccats=1-167 out=schools_tour
+# Resulting tour length: 551551.662
+# find the shortest path, optimize with genetic algorithm
+v.net.salesman.opt in=streets_schools ccats=1-167 out=schools_tour_ga method=ga
+# Resulting tour length: 521191.083
+# The original tour was 5.8% longer
+# find the shortest path, optimize with bootstrapping
+v.net.salesman.opt in=streets_schools ccats=1-167 out=schools_tour_bs method=bs
+# Resulting tour length: 510693.965
+# The original tour was 8.0% longer
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<em><a href="d.path.html">d.path</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.net.html">v.net</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.net.alloc.html">v.net.alloc</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.net.iso.html">v.net.iso</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.net.path.html">v.net.path</a></em>,
+<em><a href="v.net.steiner.html">v.net.steiner</a></em>
+Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy<br>
+Markus Metz<br>
+Documentation: Markus Neteler, Markus Metz
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

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