[GRASS-SVN] r53419 - grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Oct 16 02:36:46 PDT 2012

Author: annakrat
Date: 2012-10-16 02:36:46 -0700 (Tue, 16 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 53419

wxGUI/mapswipe: export display to graphic file added

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/frame.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/frame.py	2012-10-16 08:59:20 UTC (rev 53418)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/frame.py	2012-10-16 09:36:46 UTC (rev 53419)
@@ -14,17 +14,19 @@
 @author Anna Kratochvilova <kratochanna gmail.com>
+import os
 import sys
-import  wx
+import wx
 import time
 import grass.script as grass
 from gui_core.mapdisp   import DoubleMapFrame
+from gui_core.dialogs   import GetImageHandlers
 from core.render        import Map
 from mapdisp            import statusbar as sb
 from core.debug         import Debug
-from core.gcmd          import RunCommand, GError
+from core.gcmd          import RunCommand, GError, GMessage
 from mapdisp.statusbar  import EVT_AUTO_RENDER
 from swipe.toolbars  import SwipeMapToolbar, SwipeMainToolbar, SwipeMiscToolbar
@@ -358,6 +360,74 @@
         # self.OnSize(None)
+    def _saveToFile(self, fileName, fileType):
+        """!Creates composite image by rendering both images and
+        pasting them into the new one.
+        @todo specify size of the new image (problem is inaccurate scaling)
+        @todo make dividing line width and color optional
+        """
+        # get size paramteres
+        x, y = self.secondMapWindow.GetImageCoords()
+        width, height = self.splitter.GetClientSize()
+        lineWidth = 1
+        # render to temporary files
+        filename1 = grass.tempfile(False) + '1'
+        filename2 = grass.tempfile(False) + '2'
+        self.firstMapWindow.SaveToFile(filename1, fileType, width, height)
+        self.secondMapWindow.SaveToFile(filename2, fileType, width, height)
+        # create empty white image  - needed for line
+        im = wx.EmptyImage(width, height)
+        im.Replace(0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255)
+        # paste images
+        if self.splitter.GetSplitMode() == wx.SPLIT_HORIZONTAL:
+            im1 = wx.Image(filename1).GetSubImage((0, 0, width, -y))
+            im.Paste(im1, 0, 0)
+            im.Paste(wx.Image(filename2), -x, -y + lineWidth)
+        else:
+            im1 = wx.Image(filename1).GetSubImage((0, 0, -x, height))
+            im.Paste(im1, 0, 0)
+            im.Paste(wx.Image(filename2), -x + lineWidth, -y)
+        im.SaveFile(fileName, fileType)
+        # remove temporary files
+        grass.try_remove(filename1)
+        grass.try_remove(filename2)
+    def SaveToFile(self, event):
+        """!Save map to image
+        """
+        img = self.firstMapWindow.img or self.secondMapWindow.img
+        if not img:
+            GMessage(parent = self,
+                     message = _("Nothing to render (empty map). Operation canceled."))
+            return
+        filetype, ltype = GetImageHandlers(img)
+        # get filename
+        dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent = self,
+                            message = _("Choose a file name to save the image "
+                                        "(no need to add extension)"),
+                            wildcard = filetype,
+                            style = wx.SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT)
+        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            path = dlg.GetPath()
+            if not path:
+                dlg.Destroy()
+                return
+            base, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+            fileType = ltype[dlg.GetFilterIndex()]['type']
+            extType  = ltype[dlg.GetFilterIndex()]['ext']
+            if ext != extType:
+                path = base + '.' + extType
+            self._saveToFile(path, fileType)
+        dlg.Destroy()
     def OnSwitchOrientation(self, event):
         """!Switch orientation of the sash."""
         Debug.msg(3, "SwipeMapFrame.OnSwitchOrientation()")

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/toolbars.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/toolbars.py	2012-10-16 08:59:20 UTC (rev 53418)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/swipe/toolbars.py	2012-10-16 09:36:46 UTC (rev 53419)
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@
                                      ("zoomToMap", icons["zoomExtent"],
+                                     (None, ),
+                                     ('saveFile', icons['saveFile'],
+                                      self.parent.SaveToFile),
     def SetActiveMap(self, index):

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