[GRASS-SVN] r61211 - sandbox/krejcmat/src

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Jul 9 03:29:24 PDT 2014

Author: krejcmat
Date: 2014-07-09 03:29:23 -0700 (Wed, 09 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 61211

save xml

Modified: sandbox/krejcmat/src/editor2.py
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/editor2.py	2014-07-09 09:48:15 UTC (rev 61210)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/editor2.py	2014-07-09 10:29:23 UTC (rev 61211)
@@ -17,40 +17,78 @@
     def __init__(self,pathToXml=None):
+        self.owslibInfo=None
+        self.isoOWSLibInfo()
+        self.isoOWSLibInfo1()
         #self.valueStorageByID={}     #dict wher key= wx.ID and valu = class MdWxInfo()
+    def isoOWSLibInfo(self):
+        lst=[]
+        def combineDict(stable,lst):
+            stable=dict(stable, **lst[-1])
+            lst.pop()
+            if len(lst)>0:
+                combineDict(stable,lst)
+            else:
+                self.owslibInfo=stable
+        lst.append(vars(MD_Metadata()))
+        lst.append(vars(CI_Date()))
+        lst.append(vars(CI_ResponsibleParty()))
+        lst.append(vars(MD_DataIdentification()))
+        lst.append(vars(MD_Distributor()))
+        lst.append(vars(MD_Distribution()))
+        lst.append(vars(DQ_DataQuality()))
+        #lst.append(vars(SV_ServiceIdentification()))
+        lst.append(vars(CI_OnlineResource()))
+        lst.append(vars(EX_GeographicBoundingBox()))
+        lst.append(vars(EX_Polygon()))
+        #lst.append(vars(EX_GeographicBoundingPolygon()))
+        lst.append(vars(EX_Extent()))
+        #lst.append(vars(MD_ReferenceSystem()))
+        #lst.append(vars(CodelistCatalogue(1)))
+        d={}
+        combineDict(d,lst)
+        #print self.owslibInfo
+    def isoOWSLibInfo1(self):
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo={}
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['MD_Metadata']=vars(MD_Metadata())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['CI_Date']=vars(CI_Date())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['CI_ResponsibleParty']=vars(CI_ResponsibleParty())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['MD_DataIdentification']=vars(MD_DataIdentification())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['MD_Distributor']=vars(MD_Distributor())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['MD_Distribution']=vars(MD_Distribution())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['DQ_DataQuality']=vars(DQ_DataQuality())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['CI_OnlineResource']=vars(CI_OnlineResource())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['EX_GeographicBoundingBox']=vars(EX_GeographicBoundingBox())        
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['EX_Polygon']=vars(EX_Polygon())
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo['EX_Extent']=vars(EX_Extent())
     def initMD(self):        
         tree = ET.parse(self.path)
         root = tree.getroot()
         self.md = MD_Metadata(root)
         #self.md = MD_Metadata(md=None)  
+        #print 
-# MD WX VALUES        
-class MdInfo():
-        def __init__(self,tag,value):
-            self.tag=tag
-            self.value=value
-            #print 'tag: ' +tag + ' value: ' +self.value
 # editor             
 class Editor(wx.Panel):
     def __init__(self,parent):
         wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent,id=wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.wxIdTag={} #dict with id and tag from ows lib
         self.md=mdo.md  #instance of 
+        self.owslibInfo=mdo.isoOWSLibInfo
+        self.dictOWSlibInfo=mdo.dictOWSlibInfo
         self.comboItems=[]  #list in combobox
@@ -62,16 +100,12 @@
         self.mdOWSTagStrList=jinj.mdOWSTagStrList #
-        #self.mdDescriptionVAL=MdDescription()
-        #self.MDinfoDictNum=jinj.cretemdDescriptionDict('num')
-        #self.MDinfoDictGroup=jinj.cretemdDescriptionDict('group')
-        #self.MDinfoDictBox=jinj.cretemdDescriptionDict('inbox')
+        self.saveXML('a')
 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ EVENTS
@@ -148,26 +182,32 @@
+#----------------------------------------------------- REGISTER VALUES AND WX ID
         #register tag to created wx.id
         #get wxpython id
-        self.currWXid= self.valueCtrl.GetId()
+        currWXid= self.valueCtrl.GetId()
         #get current value
-        val=self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].getValue()   
+        val=self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].getValue()
+        #=======================================================================
+        # print '-'*50
+        # print self.cTmp
+        # print self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].tag
+        # print self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].name
+        # print val
+        #=======================================================================
         #set value to ctrl text
         #add id to object
-        self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].addId(self.currWXid)
+        self.mdDescription[self.cTmp].addId(currWXid)
-        self.valueStorageWxID[self.currWXid]=self.mdDescription[self.cTmp]
+        self.valueStorageWxID[currWXid]=self.mdDescription[self.cTmp]
         if multiple:
-            self.addItemButt.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.cloneCtrl)          
+            self.addItemButt.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, self.saveXML)          
         self.valueCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self.mdBuilder )
@@ -218,37 +258,6 @@
     def _addComboBoxLay(self):
-#----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATOR        
-    #===========================================================================
-    # def initCreatorMD1(self):        
-    #     self.addNotebook() 
-    #     c=0
-    #     markgroup=[]    #notebok panel marker
-    #     markbox=[]      # box panel marker
-    #     markitem=[]     #item panel marker
-    #     for lstruct, linfo in zip(self.struct.splitlines(),self.mdDescription):
-    #         c+=1
-    #         
-    #         group=linfo.group
-    #         if group not in markgroup:          #if group is not created
-    #             markgroup.append(group)
-    #             self.addNotebookPage(linfo.group)
-    #             for item in self.MDinfoDictGroup[group]:        
-    #                 box=item.inbox
-    #                 if box not in markbox and box!=None:    #if box is not created or item is not in box
-    #                     markbox.append(box)
-    #                     self.addBox(item.inbox)             #mark box
-    #                     for boxite in self.MDinfoDictBox[box]:
-    #                         markitem.append(boxite.num)
-    #                         self.addItem(boxite, True)
-    #                 else:
-    #                     if item.num not in markitem:        #if item is not created
-    #                         self.addItem(item)
-    #===========================================================================
-    def saveEditor(self):
-        pass
 #------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN PANEL LAYOUT
     def _layout(self):
         #main sizer in frame
@@ -264,19 +273,116 @@
             string+='description: ' + item.desc + '\n'
         if item.example  !=None:
             string+='example: ' + item.example + '\n'   
-        return string
+        return string         
+#----------------------------------------------------------------------- SaveXML
+    def plusS(self):
+        self.s+=1
+        if self.s >= self.maxS:
+            self.s-=1
+            print "stop"
+            self.stopS=True  
+    def saveXML(self,evt):
+        lstruct=self.mdOWSTagStrList   
+        linfo=self.mdDescription        #from jinja
+        self.s=0        #this valus is the index of self.mdOWSTagStrList and also in self.mdDescription
+        self.stopS=False
+        self.maxS=len(linfo)      
+        def reverseAssignments(string):
+            pass
+        def inLoop(): 
+            loop = lstruct[self.s-1]
+            print loop
+            while '\t' in lstruct[self.s] and self.stopS is False:
+                if not 'for' in str(lstruct[self.s]).split() or 'if' in str(lstruct[self.s]).split(): 
+                    print  str(lstruct[self.s])
+                    self.plusS()
+                    tab='\t'
+                else:
+                    print  str(lstruct[self.s-1])
+                    print  str(lstruct[self.s])
+                    while '\t\t' in lstruct[self.s] and self.stopS is False:
+                        print  str(lstruct[self.s])
+                        tab='\t\t'
+                        self.plusS()
+                self.plusS()
+            ##print '--'*80
+            #self.s-=1    
+            #str1+= tab+'self.s+=1\n'
+            #self.executeStr(str1,linfo)
+        #START of the looop of genereator
+        while self.stopS is False: #self.stop is managed by   def plusC(self):
+            if '\t' in lstruct[self.s]and self.stopS is False: #if starting the loop
+                    inLoop()                
+            elif not 'for' in str(lstruct[self.s]).split() or 'if' in str(lstruct[self.s]).split(): # if just singe item without loop
+                    tag=self.mdDescription[self.s].tag
+                    for item in self.mdDescription[self.s].value:
+                        str1='self.'+str(tag)+' = "'+str(item)+'"'
+                        self.executeStr1(str1,None)
+                    self.plusS()
+            else:
+                    self.plusS()
 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATOR
-    def executeStr(self,stri,linfo):
+    def executeStr1(self,stri,linfo):
         print stri
         exec stri
+    def executeStr(self,stri,linfo):
+        #print stri
+        exec stri
     def plusC(self):
         if self.c >= self.max:
+    #===========================================================================
+    # def initCreatorMD1(self):
+    #     def isList(string):
+    #         string=string.split()
+    #         print string[0]
+    #         if string in self.owslibInfo:
+    #             print
+    #     
+    #     self.addNotebook() 
+    #     markgroup=[]    #notebok panel marker
+    #     lstruct=self.mdOWSTagStrList   
+    #     linfo=self.mdDescription        #from jinja
+    #     
+    #     for item in self.mdOWSTagStrList:
+    #         
+    #         isList(item)
+    #         if '\t' in item:
+    #             pass
+    #         elif 'for' in item.split() or 'if' in item.split(): 
+    #             pass
+    #===========================================================================
     def initCreatorMD(self):  
@@ -352,8 +458,6 @@
         #START of the looop of genereator
         while self.stop is False: #self.stop is managed by   def plusC(self):
@@ -377,11 +481,11 @@
                 #if lstruct[self.c] is "FOR", "IF" "WHILE"
-                #print str(lstruct[self.c])
-                #print str(lstruct[self.c])
+                    #print idem.value
 #         print '========================================'    
 #         for keys,values in self.valueStorageWxID.items():
@@ -424,4 +528,32 @@
 if __name__ == '__main__': 
     App = MyApp(0) 
-    App.MainLoop() 
\ No newline at end of file
+    App.MainLoop() 
+    #===========================================================================
+    # def initCreatorMD1(self):        
+    #     self.addNotebook() 
+    #     c=0
+    #     markgroup=[]    #notebok panel marker
+    #     markbox=[]      # box panel marker
+    #     markitem=[]     #item panel marker
+    #     for lstruct, linfo in zip(self.struct.splitlines(),self.mdDescription):
+    #         c+=1
+    #         
+    #         group=linfo.group
+    #         if group not in markgroup:          #if group is not created
+    #             markgroup.append(group)
+    #             self.addNotebookPage(linfo.group)
+    #             for item in self.MDinfoDictGroup[group]:        
+    #                 box=item.inbox
+    #                 if box not in markbox and box!=None:    #if box is not created or item is not in box
+    #                     markbox.append(box)
+    #                     self.addBox(item.inbox)             #mark box
+    #                     for boxite in self.MDinfoDictBox[box]:
+    #                         markitem.append(boxite.num)
+    #                         self.addItem(boxite, True)
+    #                 else:
+    #                     if item.num not in markitem:        #if item is not created
+    #                         self.addItem(item)
+    #===========================================================================    
\ No newline at end of file

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