[GRASS-SVN] r60323 - in grass-addons/grass7/raster: . r.mwprecip

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun May 18 10:59:39 PDT 2014

Author: krejcmat
Date: 2014-05-18 10:59:39 -0700 (Sun, 18 May 2014)
New Revision: 60323

first version of r.mwprecip

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/pgwrapper.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/pgwrapper.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/pgwrapper.py	2014-05-18 17:59:39 UTC (rev 60323)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+import sys, os,  argparse
+import psycopg2 as ppg
+import psycopg2.extensions
+class pgwrapper:
+        def __init__(self,dbname, host='', user='',passwd=''):
+                self.dbname = dbname                    # Database name which connect to.
+                self.host = host                        # Host name (default is "localhost")
+                self.user = user                        # User name for login to the database.
+                self.password = passwd                  # Password for login to the database. 
+                self.connection = self.setConnect()     # Set a connection to the database
+                self.cursor = self.setCursor()          # Generate cursor.
+        def setConnect(self):
+                conn_string = "dbname='%s'" % self.dbname
+                if self.user:
+                        conn_string += " user='%s'" % self.user
+                if self.host:
+                        conn_string += " host='%s'" % self.host
+                if self.password:
+                        conn_string += " passwd='%s'" % self.password
+                conn = ppg.connect(conn_string)
+                return conn
+        def setCursor(self):
+                return self.connection.cursor()
+        def setIsoLvl(self,lvl='0'):
+                if lvl==0:
+                        self.connection.set_session('read committed')
+                elif lvl==1:
+                        self.connection.set_session(readonly=True, autocommit=False)
+        def copyfrom(self,afile,table,sep='|'):
+                 try:
+                        self.cursor.copy_from(afile,table,sep=sep)
+                        self.connection.commit()
+                 except Exception,err:
+                        self.connection.rollback()
+                        self.print_message( " Catched error (as expected):\n")
+                        self.print_message(err)
+                        pass
+        def copyexpert(self,sql, data):
+                try:
+                        self.cursor.copy_expert(sql,data)
+                except Exception:
+                        self.connection.rollback()
+                        pass
+        def executeSql(self,sql,results=True,commit=False):
+                # Excute the SQL statement.
+                #self.print_message (sql)
+                try:
+                        self.cursor.execute(sql)
+                except Exception, e:
+                        self.connection.rollback()
+                        print e.pgerror
+                        pass
+                if commit:        
+                        self.connection.commit()
+                if results :
+                        # Get the results.
+                        results = self.cursor.fetchall()
+                        # Return the results.1
+                        return results
+        def count(self, table):
+                """!Count the number of rows.
+                @param table         : Name of the table to count row"""
+                sql_count='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + table 
+                self.cursor.execute(sql_count)
+                n=self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
+                return n
+        def updatecol(self, table, columns, where=''):
+                """!Update the values of columns.
+                @param table            : Name of the table to parse.
+                @param columns          : Keys values pair of column names and values to update.
+                @param where            : Advanced search option for 'where' statement.
+                """
+                # Make a SQL statement.
+                parse = '' 
+                for i in range(len(columns)):
+                        parse = parse + '"' + str(dict.keys(columns)[i]) + '"=' + str(dict.values(columns)[i]) + ','
+                parse = parse.rstrip(',')
+                if where=='':
+                        sql_update_col = 'UPDATE "' + table + '" SET ' + parse
+                else:
+                        sql_update_col = 'UPDATE "' + table + '" SET ' + parse + ' WHERE ' + where
+                print "upcol %s"%sql_update_col      
+                # Excute the SQL statement.
+                self.cursor.execute(sql_update_col)
+        def print_message(self,msg):
+                print '-' * 80
+                print msg
+                print '-' * 80
+                print 
+                sys.stdout.flush()

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/pgwrapper.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.html
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.html	2014-05-18 17:59:39 UTC (rev 60323)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Matej Krejci, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Added: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.py	2014-05-18 17:59:39 UTC (rev 60323)
@@ -0,0 +1,1653 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import string, random
+import math
+import timeit 
+import time
+import psycopg2
+import atexit
+import shutil
+import csv
+import glob
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+from datetime import datetime ,timedelta
+from pgwrapper import pgwrapper as pg
+from math import sin, cos, atan2,degrees,radians, tan,sqrt,fabs 
+    from grass.script import core as grass  
+except ImportError:
+    sys.exit("Cannot find 'grass' Python module. Python is supported by GRASS from version >= 6.4")
+################## guisection: required ##################
+#% description: Module for working with microwave links
+#% key: database
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc : name
+#% gisprompt: old_dbname,dbname,dbname
+#% description: PotgreSQL database containing input data
+#% guisection: Database
+#% required : yes
+############## guisection: Baseline #################
+#% key: statfce
+#% label: Choose method for compute bs from time intervals
+#% options: avg,mode, quantile 
+#% answer: mode
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% key: quantile
+#% label: Set quantile
+#% type: integer
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% answer: 96
+#% key: roundm
+#% label: Round to "m" decimal places for computing mode
+#% type: integer
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% answer: 3
+#% key: aw
+#% label: aw value
+#% description: Wetting antena value Aw[dB] 
+#% type: double
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% answer: 1.5
+#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
+#% key: baseltime
+#% label: Set interval or just time when not raining (see the manual)
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% required: no
+#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT 
+#% key: baselfile
+#% label: Baseline values in format "linkid,baseline"
+#% guisection: Baseline
+#% required: no
+################# guisection: Timewindows ##############
+#% key: interval
+#% label: Summing precipitation per
+#% options: minute, hour, day
+#% guisection: Time-windows
+#% answer: minute
+#% key: fromtime
+#% label: First timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S"
+#% description: Set first timestamp to create timewindows
+#% type: string
+#% guisection: Time-windows
+#% key: totime
+#% label: Last timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S"
+#% description: Set last timestamp to create timewindows
+#% type: string
+#% guisection: Time-windows
+#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
+#% key: lignore
+#% label: Linkid ignore list
+#% guisection: Time-windows
+#% required: no
+#%option G_OPT_M_DIR 
+#% key: rgauges
+#% label: Path to folder with rain rauge files
+#% guisection:Time-windows
+#% required: no
+################# guisection: Interpolation ##############
+#% key:g
+#% description: Run GRASS analysis
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% key: interpolation
+#% label: Type of interpolation
+#% options: bspline, idw, rst
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% answer: rst
+#% key: isettings
+#% label: Interpolation command string
+#% description: Additional settings for choosen interpolation (see manual)
+#% type: string
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% key:q
+#% description: Do not set region from modul settings
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% key: pmethod
+#% label: Type of interpolation
+#% options: permeter, count
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% answer: count
+#% key: step
+#% label: Setting for parameter pmethod
+#% type: integer
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% answer: 1
+#%option G_OPT_F_INPUT
+#% key: color
+#% label: Set color table
+#% guisection: Interpolation
+#% required: no
+############## guisection: database work #################
+#% key: user
+#% type: string
+#% label: User name
+#% description: Connect to the database as the user username instead of the default.
+#% guisection: Database
+#% required : no
+#% key: password
+#% type: string
+#% label: Password
+#% description: Password will be stored in file!
+#% guisection: Database
+#% required : no
+############### guisection: optional #####################
+#% key:p
+#% description: Print info about timestamp(first,last) in db 
+#% key:r
+#% description: Remove temporary working schema and data folder
+#% key: schema
+#% type: string
+#% label: Name of db schema for results
+#% answer: temp4
+#r.mvprecip.py -g database=letnany baseline=1 fromtime=2013-09-10 04:00:00 totime=2013-09-11 04:00:00 schema=temp6
+view_statement = "TABLE"
+#new scheme, no source
+record_tb_name= "record"
+##   Point-link interpolation
+def intrpolatePoints(db):
+    print_message("Interpolating points along lines...")
+    step=options['step'] #interpolation step per meters
+    step=float(step)
+    sql="select ST_AsText(link.geom),ST_Length(link.geom,false), linkid from link" 
+    resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True) #values from table link include geom, lenght and linkid
+    nametable="linkpoints"+str(step).replace('.0','')           #create name for table with interopol. points.
+    sql="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s"%(schema_name,nametable)    #if table exist than drop
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    try: #open file for interpol. points.
+        io= open(os.path.join(path,"linkpointsname"),"wr")
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    io.write(nametable)
+    io.close
+    sql="create table %s.%s (linkid integer,long real,lat real,point_id serial PRIMARY KEY) "%(schema_name,nametable)   #create table where will be intrpol. points.
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    latlong=[] #list of  [lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2]
+    dist=[]    #list of distances between nodes on one link
+    linkid=[]   #linkid value
+    a=0 #index of latlong row
+    x=0 # id in table with interpol. points 
+    try:
+        io= open(os.path.join(path, "linknode"), "wr")
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    temp=[]
+    for record in resu:
+        tmp=record[0]
+        tmp = tmp.replace("LINESTRING(", "")
+        tmp=tmp.replace(" ", ",")
+        tmp=tmp.replace(")", "")
+        tmp=tmp.split(",")
+        latlong.append(tmp)# add [lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2] to list latlong
+        lon1=latlong[a][0]
+        lat1=latlong[a][1]
+        lon2=latlong[a][2]
+        lat2=latlong[a][3]
+        dist=record[1]      #distance between nodes on current link
+        linkid=record[2]    #linkid value
+        az=bearing(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2) #compute approx. azimut on sphere
+        a+=1
+        if options['pmethod'].find('p')!=-1:##compute per distance interval
+            while abs(dist) > step:         #compute points per step while is not achieve second node on link
+                lat1 ,lon1, az, backBrg=destinationPointWGS(lat1,lon1,az,step)  #return interpol. point and set current point as starting point(for next loop), also return azimut for next point
+                dist-=step  #reduce distance
+                x+=1
+                out=str(linkid)+"|"+str(lon1)+"|"+str(lat1)+'|'+str(x)+"\n" # set string for one row in table with interpol points
+                temp.append(out)
+        else:## compute by dividing distance to sub-distances
+            step1=dist/(step+1)
+            for i in range(0,int(step)):         #compute points per step while is not achieve second node on link
+                lat1 ,lon1, az, backBrg=destinationPointWGS(lat1,lon1,az,step1)  #return interpol. point and set current point as starting point(for next loop), also return azimut for next point
+                x+=1
+                out=str(linkid)+"|"+str(lon1)+"|"+str(lat1)+'|'+str(x)+"\n" # set string for one row in table with interpol points
+                temp.append(out)
+    io.writelines(temp)            #write interpolated points to flat file
+    io.flush()
+    io.close()
+    io1=open(os.path.join(path,"linknode"),"r")         
+    db.copyfrom(io1,"%s.%s"%(schema_name,nametable))        #write interpoalted points to database from temp flat file
+    io1.close()
+    sql="SELECT AddGeometryColumn  ('%s','%s','geom',4326,'POINT',2); "%(schema_name,nametable) #add geometry column for computed interpolated points
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)        
+    sql="UPDATE %s.%s SET geom = \
+    (ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long, lat),4326)); "%(schema_name,nametable)       #make geometry for computed interpolated points
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    sql="alter table %s.%s drop column lat"%(schema_name,nametable) #remove latitde column from table
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    sql="alter table %s.%s drop column long"%(schema_name,nametable) #remove longtitude column from table
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+def destinationPointWGS(lat1,lon1,brng,s):
+    a = 6378137
+    b = 6356752.3142
+    f = 1/298.257223563
+    lat1=math.radians(float(lat1))
+    lon1=math.radians(float(lon1))
+    brg=math.radians(float(brng))
+    sb=sin(brg)
+    cb=cos(brg)
+    tu1=(1-f)*tan(lat1)
+    cu1=1/sqrt((1+tu1*tu1))
+    su1=tu1*cu1
+    s2=atan2(tu1, cb)
+    sa = cu1*sb
+    csa=1-sa*sa
+    us=csa*(a*a - b*b)/(b*b)
+    A=1+us/16384*(4096+us*(-768+us*(320-175*us)))
+    B = us/1024*(256+us*(-128+us*(74-47*us)))
+    s1=s/(b*A)
+    s1p = 2*math.pi
+    #Loop through the following while condition is true.
+    while abs(s1-s1p) > 1e-12:
+        cs1m=cos(2*s2+s1)
+        ss1=sin(s1)
+        cs1=cos(s1)
+        ds1=B*ss1*(cs1m+B/4*(cs1*(-1+2*cs1m*cs1m)- B/6*cs1m*(-3+4*ss1*ss1)*(-3+4*cs1m*cs1m)))
+        s1p=s1
+        s1=s/(b*A)+ds1
+    #Continue calculation after the loop.
+    t=su1*ss1-cu1*cs1*cb
+    lat2=atan2(su1*cs1+cu1*ss1*cb, (1-f)*sqrt(sa*sa + t*t))
+    l2=atan2(ss1*sb, cu1*cs1-su1*ss1*cb)
+    c=f/16*csa*(4+f*(4-3*csa))
+    l=l2-(1-c)*f*sa* (s1+c*ss1*(cs1m+c*cs1*(-1+2*cs1m*cs1m)))
+    d=atan2(sa, -t)
+    finalBrg=d+2*math.pi
+    backBrg=d+math.pi
+    lon2 = lon1+l
+   # Convert lat2, lon2, finalBrg and backBrg to degrees
+    lat2 =degrees( lat2) 
+    lon2 = degrees(lon2 )
+    finalBrg = degrees(finalBrg )
+    backBrg = degrees(backBrg )
+    #b = a - (a/flat)
+    #flat = a / (a - b)
+    finalBrg =(finalBrg+360) % 360
+    backBrg=(backBrg+360) % 360
+    return (lat2,lon2,finalBrg,backBrg)
+def bearing(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2):
+    lat1=math.radians(float(lat1))
+    lon1=math.radians(float(lon1))
+    lat2=math.radians(float(lat2))
+    lon2=math.radians(float(lon2))
+    dLon=(lon2-lon1)
+    y = math.sin(dLon) * math.cos(lat2)
+    x = math.cos(lat1)*math.sin(lat2) - math.sin(lat1)*math.cos(lat2)*math.cos(dLon)
+    brng = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x))
+    return (brng+360) % 360
+## Miscellaneous
+def isTimeValid(time):
+        RE = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[ T]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$')
+        return bool(RE.search(time))
+def print_message(msg):
+    grass.message(msg)
+    grass.message('-' * 60)
+def randomWord(length):
+    return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(length))
+def st(mes=True):
+    if mes:
+        global mesuretime
+        global restime
+        mesuretime= time.time()
+    else:
+        restime=time.time() - mesuretime
+        print "time is: ", restime
+def getFilesInFoldr(fpath):
+    lis=os.listdir(fpath)
+    tmp=[]
+    for path in lis:
+        if  path.find('~')==-1:
+            tmp.append(path)
+    return tmp
+##   optional
+def removeTemp(db):
+            sql="drop schema IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % schema_name
+            db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+            shutil.rmtree(path)
+            print_message("Folder and schema removed")
+            sys.exit()
+def printTime(db):
+            sql="create view tt as select time from %s order by time"%record_tb_name
+            db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+            #get first timestamp
+            sql="select time from tt limit 1"
+            timestamp_min=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]
+            print_message('First timestamp is %s'%timestamp_min)
+            record_num=db.count(record_tb_name)
+            #get last timestep
+            sql="select time from  tt offset %s"%(record_num-1)
+            timestamp_max=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]
+            print_message('Last timestamp is %s'%timestamp_max)
+            sql="drop view tt"
+            db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+            sys.exit()
+##   database work
+def firstRun(db):
+        print_message("Preparing database...")
+        print_message("1/16 Create extension")
+        sql="CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("2/16 Add geometry column to node")
+        sql="SELECT AddGeometryColumn   ('public','node','geom',4326,'POINT',2); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("3/16 Add geometry column to link")
+        sql="SELECT AddGeometryColumn  ('public','link','geom',4326,'LINESTRING',2); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("4/16 Make geometry for points")
+        sql="UPDATE node SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long, lat), 4326); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("5/16 Make geometry for links")
+        sql="UPDATE link SET geom = st_makeline(n1.geom,n2.geom) \
+        FROM node AS n1 JOIN link AS l ON n1.nodeid = fromnodeid JOIN node AS n2 ON n2.nodeid = tonodeid WHERE link.linkid = l.linkid; "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("6/16 Add column polarization")
+        sql="alter table record add column polarization char(1); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("7/16 Add colum lenght")
+        sql="alter table record add column lenght real; "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("8/16 Add column precip")
+        sql="alter table record add column precip real; "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("9/16 Connect table polarization to record")
+        sql="update record  set polarization=link.polarization from link where record.linkid=link.linkid;"
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("10/16 Update record lenght")
+        sql="update record  set lenght=ST_Length(link.geom,false) from link where record.linkid=link.linkid;"
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("11/16 Create sequence")
+        sql="CREATE SEQUENCE serial START 1; "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("12/16 Add column record")
+        sql="alter table record add column recordid integer default nextval('serial'); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("13/16 Create index on recordid")
+        sql="CREATE INDEX idindex ON record USING btree(recordid); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("14/16 Create index on time")
+        sql="CREATE INDEX timeindex ON record USING btree (time); "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("15/16 Add function for compute mode")
+        sql="CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _final_mode(anyarray) RETURNS anyelement AS $BODY$ SELECT a FROM unnest($1)\
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        sql="CREATE AGGREGATE mode(anyelement) (\
+            SFUNC=array_append, \
+            STYPE=anyarray,\
+            FINALFUNC=_final_mode, \
+            INITCOND='{}');"
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        print_message("16/16 Remove links where data is missing '-99.9'")        
+        sql="DELETE from record where rxpower<-99.9 "
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+def dbConnGrass(database,user,password):
+    print_message("Connecting to db-GRASS...")
+    # Unfortunately we cannot test untill user/password is set
+    if user or password:
+        if grass.run_command('db.login', driver = "pg", database = database, user = user, password = password) != 0:
+            grass.fatal("Cannot login")
+    # Try to connect
+    if grass.run_command('db.select', quiet = True, flags='c', driver= "pg", database=database, sql="select version()" ) != 0:
+        if user or password:
+            print_message( "Deleting login (db.login) ...")
+            if grass.run_command('db.login', quiet = True, driver = "pg", database = database, user = "", password = "") != 0:
+                print_message("Cannot delete login.")
+        grass.fatal("Cannot connect to database.")
+    if grass.run_command('db.connect', driver = "pg", database = database) != 0:
+        grass.fatal("Cannot connect to database.")
+def dbConnPy():
+    #print_message("Connecting to database by Psycopg driver...")
+    db_name = options['database']
+    db_user = options['user']
+    db_password = options['password']
+    try:
+        conninfo = { 'dbname' : db_name }
+        if db_user:
+            conninfo['user'] = db_user
+        if db_password:
+            conninfo['passwd'] = db_password
+        db = pg(**conninfo)
+    except psycopg2.OperationalError, e:
+        grass.fatal("Unable to connect to the database <%s>. %s" % (db_name, e))
+    return db
+def isAttributExist(db,schema,table,columns):
+        sql="SELECT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE \
+         table_schema = '%s' AND \
+         table_name = '%s' AND\
+         column_name='%s');"%(schema,table,columns)       
+        return db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]  
+def isTableExist(db,schema,table):
+         FROM information_schema.tables \
+         WHERE \
+         table_schema = '%s' AND \
+         table_name = '%s');"%(schema,table)
+    return db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]
+def removeLines(old_file,new_file,start,end):
+    data_list=open(old_file,'r').readlines()
+    temp_list=data_list[0:start]
+    temp_list[len(temp_list):]=data_list[end:len(data_list)]
+    open(new_file,'wr').writelines(temp_list)
+def readRaingauge(db,path_file):
+    schema_name=options['schema']
+    rgpath=path_file
+    lines = open(rgpath).readlines()
+##get metadata from raingauge file
+    try:
+        with open(rgpath, 'rb') as f:
+            gaugeid = f.next()
+            lat = f.next()
+            lon = f.next()
+        f.close()
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+##make new file and remove metadata
+    #no_extension=('.').join(path.split('.')[:-1])
+    #print_message(no_extension)
+    removeLines(rgpath,os.path.join(path,"gauge_tmp"),0,3)
+    gid=int(gaugeid)
+    la=float(lat)
+    lo=float(lon)
+##prepare list of string for copy to database    
+    try:
+        with open(os.path.join(path,"gauge_tmp"), 'rb') as f:
+            data=f.readlines()
+            tmp=[]
+            for line in data:
+                stri=str(gid)+','+line
+                tmp.append(stri)                
+            f.close()    
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+## write list of string to database    
+    try:
+        with open(os.path.join(path,"gauge_tmp"), 'wr') as x:
+            x.writelines(tmp)
+            x.close()
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    if not isTableExist(db,schema_name,"rgauge"):        
+##create table for raingauge id
+        sql="create table %s.%s (gaugeid integer PRIMARY KEY,lat real,long real ) "%(schema_name,"rgauge")
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+## create table for rain gauge records    
+        sql=' CREATE TABLE %s.%s \
+              (gaugeid integer NOT NULL,\
+              "time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,\
+              precip real,\
+              CONSTRAINT recordrg PRIMARY KEY (gaugeid, "time"),\
+              CONSTRAINT fk_record_rgague FOREIGN KEY (gaugeid)\
+              REFERENCES %s.rgauge (gaugeid) MATCH SIMPLE\
+              ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION)'%(schema_name,comp_precip_gauge,schema_name)
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+##crate geometry column    
+        sql="SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s','%s','geom',4326,'POINT',2); "%(schema_name,"rgauge")
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    sql="Insert into %s.%s ( gaugeid , lat , long) values (%s , %s , %s) " %(schema_name,'rgauge',gid,la,lo)
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)  
+## copy records in database  
+    io1=open(os.path.join(path,"gauge_tmp"),"r")
+    db.copyfrom(io1,"%s.%s"%(schema_name,"rgauge_rec"),',')
+    io1.close()
+## make geom from long lat    
+    sql="UPDATE %s.%s SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long, lat), 4326); "%(schema_name,"rgauge")
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)     
+    os.remove(os.path.join(path,"gauge_tmp"))
+##  status
+def isCurrSetT():
+        curr_timewindow_config="null"
+        try:
+            io1=open(os.path.join(path,"time_window_info"),"r")
+            curr_timewindow_config=io1.readline()
+            io1.close
+        except:
+            pass
+        #compare current and new settings   
+        new_timewindow_config=options['interval']+'|'+options['fromtime']+'|'+options['totime']+options['lignore']
+        if curr_timewindow_config!=new_timewindow_config or not (options['interval'] or options['fromtime'] or options['totime'] or options['lignore'] ) or options['rgauges']:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+def isCurrSetP():
+##  chceck if current settings is same like settings from computing before. return True or False       
+        curr_precip_conf=''
+        new_precip_conf=''
+        try:
+                io0=open(os.path.join(path,"compute_precip_info"),"r")
+                curr_precip_conf=io0.readline()
+                io0.close()
+        except IOError:
+                pass 
+        if options['baseltime']:
+            bpath=options['baseltime']
+            try:
+                f=open(bpath,'r')
+                for line in f:
+                    new_precip_conf+=line.replace("\n","")
+                new_precip_conf+='|'+options['aw']
+            except:
+                pass
+        elif options['baselfile']:
+            new_precip_conf='fromfile|'+options['aw']
+        if curr_precip_conf !=new_precip_conf:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+##   baseline compute
+def getBaselDict(db):
+## choose baseline compute method that set user and call that function, return distionary key:linkid, 
+        if options['baselfile']:
+            links_dict=readBaselineFromText(options['baselfile'])
+            try:
+                io1=open(os.path.join(path,"compute_precip_info"),"wr")
+                io1.write('fromfile|'+options['aw'])
+                io1.close
+            except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+                print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        elif options['baseltime']:
+            print_message('Computing baselines "time interval" "%s"...'%options['statfce'])
+            computeBaselineFromTime(db)
+            links_dict=readBaselineFromText(os.path.join(path,'baseline'))
+        return  links_dict  
+def computeBaselinFromMode(db,linktb,recordtb):
+        sql="SELECT linkid from %s group by 1"%linktb
+        linksid=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+        tmp=[]
+        schema_name=options['schema']
+        #round value
+        sql="create table %s.tempround as select round(a::numeric,%s) as a, linkid from %s"%(schema_name,options['roundm'],recordtb)
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        #compute mode for current link
+        for linkid in linksid:
+            linkid=linkid[0]
+            sql="SELECT mode(a) AS modal_value FROM %s.tempround where linkid=%s;"%(schema_name,linkid)
+            resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]
+            tmp.append(str(linkid)+','+ str(resu)+'\n')
+        sql="drop table %s.tempround"%(schema_name)
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        try:
+            io0=open(os.path.join(path,"baseline"),"wr")
+            io0.writelines(tmp)
+            io0.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        try:
+            io1=open(os.path.join(path,"compute_precip_info"),"wr")
+            io1.write('mode|'+options['aw'])
+            io1.close
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+def computeBaselineFromTime(db):
+    #################################################################
+    ##@function for reading file of intervals or just one moments when dont raining.##
+    ##@format of input file(with key interval):
+    ##  interval
+    ##  2013-09-10 04:00:00
+    ##  2013-09-11 04:00:00
+    ##
+    ##@just one moment or moments
+    ##  2013-09-11 04:00:00
+    ##  2013-09-11 04:00:00
+    ################################################################
+    ##@typestr choose statistical method for baseline computing.
+    ## typestr='avg'
+    ## typestr='mode'
+    ## typestr='quantile'
+    ################################################################
+    bpath=options['baseltime']
+    interval=False
+    tmp=[]
+    mark=[]
+    st=''
+############### AVG ####################            
+    if options['statfce']=='avg':
+        try:
+                f=open(bpath,'r')
+    ##parse input file
+                for line in f:
+                    st=st+line.replace("\n","")
+                    if 'i' in line.split("\n")[0]:          #get baseline form interval
+                        fromt = f.next()
+                        st+=fromt.replace("\n","")
+                        tot = f.next()
+                    ##validate input data    
+                        if not isTimeValid(fromt) or not isTimeValid(tot):
+                            grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+                        st+=tot.replace("\n","")
+                        sql="select linkid, avg(txpower-rxpower)as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s' group by linkid order by 1"%(fromt,tot)
+                        resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+                        tmp.append(resu)
+                    else:                       ##get baseline one moment
+                        time=line.split("\n")[0]
+                    ##validate input data
+                        if not isTimeValid(time):
+                            grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+                        time=datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+                        st+=str(time).replace("\n","")
+                        fromt = time + timedelta(seconds=-60)
+                        tot = time + timedelta(seconds=+60)
+                        sql="select linkid, avg(txpower-rxpower)as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s' group by linkid order by 1"%(fromt,tot)
+                        resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+                        tmp.append(resu)
+                        continue
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+                        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        mydict={}
+        mydict1={}
+        i=True
+    ## sum all baseline per every linkid from get baseline dataset(next step avg)
+        for dataset in tmp:
+            mydict = {int(rows[0]):float(rows[1]) for rows in dataset}
+            if i == True:
+                mydict1=mydict
+                i=False
+                continue
+            for link,a in dataset:
+                mydict1[link]+=mydict[link]
+        length=len(tmp)
+        links=len(tmp[0])
+        i=0
+    ##compute avq(divide sum by num of datasets)
+        for dataset in tmp:
+            for link,a in dataset:
+                i+=1
+                mydict1[link]=mydict1[link]/length
+                if i==links:
+                    break
+            break
+    ##write values to baseline file
+        writer = csv.writer(open(os.path.join(path,'baseline'), 'wr'))
+        for key, value in mydict1.items():
+            writer.writerow([key, value])
+############### MODE or QUANTILE ####################            
+    elif  options['statfce']== 'mode' or options['statfce']=='quantile':
+        try:
+                f=open(bpath,'r')
+    ##parse input file
+                for line in f:
+                    #print_message(line)
+                    st=st+line.replace("\n","")
+                    if 'i' in line.split("\n")[0]:          #get baseline form interval
+                        fromt = f.next()
+                        st+=fromt.replace("\n","")
+                        tot = f.next()
+                    ##validate input data
+                        if not isTimeValid(fromt) or not isTimeValid(tot):
+                            grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+                        st+=tot.replace("\n","")
+                        sql="select linkid, txpower-rxpower as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s'"%(fromt,tot)
+                        resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+                        resu+=resu
+                    else:                       ##get baseline one moment
+                        time=line.split("\n")[0]
+                        if not isTimeValid(time):
+                            grass.fatal("Input data is not valid. Parameter 'baselitime'")
+                        time=datetime.strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+                        st+=str(time).replace("\n","")
+                        fromt = time + timedelta(seconds=-60)
+                        tot = time + timedelta(seconds=+60)
+                        sql="select linkid, txpower-rxpower as a from record where time >='%s' and time<='%s'"%(fromt,tot)
+                        resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+                        resu+=resu                        
+                        continue
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+                        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        tmp.append(resu) 
+        table_mode_tmp="mode_tmp"
+        sql="create table %s.%s ( linkid integer,a real);"%(schema_name,table_mode_tmp)
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        c=0
+    ##write values to flat file
+        try: 
+            io= open(os.path.join(path,"mode_tmp"),"wr")
+            c=0
+            for it in tmp:
+                for i in it:
+                    a=str(i[0])+"|"+str(i[1])+"\n"
+                    io.write(a)
+                    c+=1 
+            io.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    ##update table    
+        try:    
+            io1=open(os.path.join(path,"mode_tmp"),"r")
+            db.copyfrom(io1,"%s.%s"%(schema_name,table_mode_tmp))
+            io1.close()
+            os.remove(os.path.join(path,"mode_tmp"))    
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        recname=schema_name+'.'+ table_mode_tmp
+        if options['statfce']=='mode':
+            computeBaselinFromMode(db,recname,recname)
+        if options['statfce']=='quantile':
+            computeBaselineFromQuentile(db,recname,recname)
+        sql="drop table %s.%s"%(schema_name,table_mode_tmp)
+        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    ##write  unique mark to file
+    try:
+        io1=open(os.path.join(path,"compute_precip_info"),"wr")
+        st=st+'|'+options['aw']
+        io1.write(st)
+        io1.close
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+                print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)  
+def computeBaselineFromQuentile(db,linktb,recordtb):
+        quantile=options['quantile']
+        link_num=db.count("link")               
+        sql="SELECT linkid from %s group by linkid"%linktb
+        linksid=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+        tmp=[]
+         #for each link  compute baseline
+        for linkid in linksid:         
+            linkid=linkid[0]
+            sql="Select\
+            max(a) as maxAmount\
+            , avg(a) as avgAmount\
+            ,quartile\
+            FROM (SELECT a, ntile(%s) over (order by a) as quartile\
+            FROM %s where linkid=%s ) x\
+            GROUP BY quartile\
+            ORDER BY quartile\
+            limit 1"%(quantile,recordtb,linkid)
+            resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)[0][0]
+            tmp.append(str(linkid)+','+ str(resu)+'\n')
+        try:
+            io0=open(os.path.join(path,"baseline"),"wr")
+            io0.writelines(tmp)
+            io0.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        try:
+            io1=open(os.path.join(path,"compute_precip_info"),"wr")
+            io1.write('quantile'+ quantile+'|'+options['aw'])
+            io1.close
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+def readBaselineFromText(pathh):
+    with open(pathh, mode='r') as infile:
+        reader = csv.reader(infile,delimiter=',')
+        mydict = {float(rows[0]):float(rows[1]) for rows in reader}
+    return mydict
+##   GRASS work
+def grassWork():
+    database = options['database']
+    user = options['user']
+    password = options['password']
+    mapset=grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
+    dbConnGrass(database,user,password)
+    try:
+        io=open(os.path.join(path,"linkpointsname"),"r")
+        points=io.read()
+        io.close
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    points_schema=schema_name+'.'+points
+    points_ogr=points+"_ogr"
+    grass.run_command('v.in.ogr',
+                    dsn="PG:",
+                    layer = points_schema,
+                    output = points_ogr,
+                    overwrite=True,
+                    flags='t',
+                    type='point', key='linkid',
+                    quiet=True)
+    points_nat=points + "_nat"
+    # if vector already exits, remove dblink (original table)
+    if grass.find_file(points_nat, element='vector')['fullname']:
+        grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+                          map=points_nat,
+                          flags='d',
+                          layer='1',
+                          quiet=True)
+        grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+                          map=points_nat,
+                          flags='d',
+                          layer='2',
+                          quiet=True)
+    grass.run_command('v.category',
+                    input=points_ogr,
+                    output=points_nat,
+                    option="transfer",
+                    overwrite=True,
+                    layer="1,2",
+                    quiet=True)
+    grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+                    map=points_nat,
+                    table=points_schema,
+                    key='linkid',
+                    layer='2',
+                    quiet=True)
+    if not flags['q']:
+        grass.run_command('v.in.ogr',
+                    dsn="PG:",
+                    layer = "link",
+                    output = "link",
+                    flags='t',
+                    type='line',
+                    quiet=True)
+        grass.run_command('g.region',
+                          vect='link',
+                          res='00:00:01',
+                          n='n+ 00:00:20',
+                          w='w-00:00:20',
+                          e='e+00:00:20',
+                          s='s-00:00:20',
+                          quiet=True)
+    #00:00:1
+    try:
+        with open(os.path.join(path,"l_timewindow"),'r') as f:            
+            for win in f.read().splitlines():
+                win=schema_name + '.' + win
+                grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+                                map=points_nat,
+                                table=win,
+                                key='linkid',
+                                layer='1',
+                                quiet=True)
+                 #sys.exit()
+                if options['isettings']:
+                    precipInterpolationCustom(points_nat,win)
+                else:
+                    precipInterpolationDefault(points_nat,win)
+                #remove connection to 2. layer
+                grass.run_command('v.db.connect',
+                                map=points_nat,
+                                layer='1',
+                                flags='d',
+                                quiet=True)
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror) 
+def precipInterpolationCustom(points_nat,win):
+      #grass.run_command('v.surf.rst',input=points_nat,zcolumn = attribute_col,elevation=out, overwrite=True)
+    itype=options['interpolation']
+    attribute_col='precip_mm_h'
+    out=win + '_' + itype+'_custom'
+    istring=options['isettings']
+    eval(istring)
+    grass.run_command('r.colors',
+                        map=out,
+                        rules=options['color'],
+                        quiet=True)
+def precipInterpolationDefault(points_nat,win):
+    itype=options['interpolation']
+    attribute_col='precip_mm_h'
+    out=win + '_' + itype
+    if itype == 'rst':
+        grass.run_command('v.surf.rst',
+                          input=points_nat,
+                          zcolumn = attribute_col,
+                          elevation=out,
+                          overwrite=True,
+                          quiet=True)
+    elif itype == 'bspline':
+         grass.run_command('v.surf.bspline',
+                           input=points_nat,
+                           column = attribute_col,
+                           raster_output=out,
+                           overwrite=True,
+                           quiet=True)
+    else:
+         grass.run_command('v.surf.idw',
+                           input=points_nat,
+                           column = attribute_col,
+                           output=out,
+                           overwrite=True,
+                           quiet=True
+                          )        
+    grass.run_command('r.colors',
+                        map=out,
+                        rules=options['color'],
+                        quiet=True)
+    #grass.mapcalc("$out1=if($out2<0,null(),$out3)",out1=out,out2=out,out3=out,
+     #                    overwrite=True)
+##   Precipitation compute
+def computePrecip(db):
+    print_message("Preparing database for computing precipitation...")
+    Awx=options['aw']
+    Aw=float(Awx)
+##nuber of link and record in table link
+    xx=db.count("record")
+    link_num=db.count("link")
+##select values for computing
+    sql=" select time, txpower-rxpower as a,lenght,polarization,frequency,linkid from %s order by recordid limit %d ; "%(record_tb_name, xx)
+    resu=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+    sql="create table %s.%s ( linkid integer,time timestamp, precip real);"%(schema_name,comp_precip)
+    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+#save name of result table for next run without compute precip
+##optimalization of commits
+    db.setIsoLvl(0)
+    try:
+        io= open(os.path.join(path,"precip"),"wr")
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+##choose baseline source (quantile, user values, ) get dict linkid, baseline
+    links_dict=getBaselDict(db)
+##check if baseline from text is correct
+    if len(links_dict)<link_num:
+        sql="select linkid from link"
+        links=db.executeSql(sql,True,True)
+        for link in links:
+            #print_message(type(link))
+            if not link[0] in links_dict:
+                print_message("Linkid= %s is missing in txtfile"%str(link[0]))
+                print_message("Link not included in computation")
+        print_message('HINT-> Missing values "linkid,baseline," in text file. Link probably getting ERROR "-99.9" in selected time interval\n or you omitted values in input  text. You can add value manualy into the file and than use method "read baseline from file"' )
+    print_message("Computing precipitation...")
+    recordid = 1
+    temp= []
+    for record in resu:
+        #if missing baseline. Link will be skip
+        if record[5] in links_dict and (record[4]/1000000)>10 :
+            #coef_a_k[alpha, k]
+            coef_a_k= computeAlphaK(record[4],record[3])
+            #read value from dictionary
+            baseline_decibel=(links_dict[record[5]])
+            #final precipiatation is R1    
+            Ar=record[1]- baseline_decibel - Aw
+            if Ar > 0:
+                yr=Ar/(record[2]/1000  )
+                R1=(yr/coef_a_k[1])**(1/coef_a_k[0])
+            else:
+                R1=0
+            #string for output flatfile
+            out=str(record[5])+"|"+str(record[0])+"|"+str(R1)+"\n"
+            temp.append(out)
+            recordid += 1
+##write values to flat file
+    try:
+        io.writelines(temp)
+        io.close()
+    except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    print_message("Writing precipitation to database...")
+    io1=open(os.path.join(path,"precip"),"r")
+    db.copyfrom(io1,"%s.%s"%(schema_name,comp_precip))
+    io1.close()
+    os.remove(os.path.join(path,"precip"))
+def makeTimeWin(db,typeid,table):
+    print_message("Creating time windows %s..."%typeid)
+    #@function sumPrecip make db views for all timestamps
+    sum_precip=options['interval']
+    if sum_precip=="minute":
+        tcc=60
+    elif sum_precip=="hour" :
+        tcc=3600
+    else:
+        tcc=86400
+##summing values per (->user)timestep interval
+    view_db=typeid+"_"+randomWord(3)
+    sql="CREATE %s %s.%s as select\
+        %s ,round(avg(precip)::numeric,3) as precip_mm_h, date_trunc('%s',time)\
+        as time  FROM %s.%s GROUP BY %s, date_trunc('%s',time)\
+        ORDER BY time"%(view_statement, schema_name,view_db, typeid,sum_precip,schema_name,table ,typeid,sum_precip)    
+    data=db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    stamp=""
+    stamp1=""
+##remove ignored linkid
+#    if options['lignore'] and not isTableExist(db,schema_name,'rgauge'):
+    if options['lignore']:
+        lipath=options['lignore']
+        stamp=lipath
+        try:
+            with open(lipath,'r') as f:
+                for link in f.read().splitlines():
+                    sql="DELETE from %s.%s where %s=%s "%(schema_name,view_db,typeid,link)
+                    db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+                print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+##num of rows 
+    record_num=db.count("%s.%s"%(schema_name,view_db))
+##set first and last timestamp
+    #get first timestamp
+    sql="select time from %s.%s limit 1"%(schema_name,view_db)
+    timestamp_min=db.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+    #get last timestep
+    sql="select time from  %s.%s offset %s"%(schema_name,view_db,record_num-1)
+    timestamp_max=db.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+##check if set time by user is in dataset time interval
+    if options['fromtime']:
+        from_time= datetime.strptime(options['fromtime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        if timestamp_min >from_time:
+            print_message("'Fromtime' value is not in dataset time interval")
+        else:
+            timestamp_min=from_time
+    if options['totime']:    
+        to_time=datetime.strptime(options['totime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        if timestamp_max < to_time:
+            print_message("'Totime' value is not in dataset time interval")
+        else:    
+            timestamp_max=to_time
+##save first and last timewindow to file. On first line file include time step "minute","hour"etc
+    if typeid=='linkid':
+        try:
+            io1=open(os.path.join(path,"time_window_info"),"wr")
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        io1.write(sum_precip+'|'+str(timestamp_min)+'|'+str(timestamp_max)+stamp+stamp1)
+        io1.close
+    time_const=0    
+    i=0
+    temp=[]
+    tgrass_interpol=[]
+    tgrass_vector=[]
+    #set prefix
+    prefix='l'
+    if typeid=='gaugeid':
+        prefix='g'
+    cur_timestamp=timestamp_min
+    print_message( "from "+str(timestamp_min)+" to "+ str(timestamp_max)+ " per " + options['interval']+ ". It can take a time...")
+##make timewindows from time interval
+    while cur_timestamp<=timestamp_max:
+    #create name of view
+        a=time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M", time.strptime(str(cur_timestamp), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+        view_name="%s%s%s"%(prefix,view,a)
+        vw=view_name+"\n"
+        temp.append(vw)
+        #format for t.register ( temporal grass)
+        if typeid=='linkid':
+            tgrass=schema_name + '.' + view_name+"_"+options['interpolation'] +'|'+str(cur_timestamp)+"\n"
+            tgrass_interpol.append(tgrass)
+            tgrass=view_name+'|'+str(cur_timestamp)+"\n"
+            tgrass_vector.append(tgrass)
+        else:
+            tgrass=view_name+'|'+str(cur_timestamp)+"\n"
+            tgrass_vector.append(tgrass)
+    #create view
+        sql="CREATE table %s.%s as select * from %s.%s where time=(timestamp'%s'+ %s * interval '1 second')"%(schema_name,view_name,schema_name,view_db,timestamp_min,time_const)
+        data=db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+    #compute cur_timestamp (need for loop)
+        sql="select (timestamp'%s')+ %s* interval '1 second'"%(cur_timestamp,tcc)
+        cur_timestamp=db.executeSql(sql)[0][0]
+    #go to next time interval
+        time_const+=tcc
+##write values to flat file
+    if typeid=='linkid':
+        try:
+            io2=open(os.path.join(path,"l_timewindow"),"wr")
+            io2.writelines(temp)
+            io2.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    else:
+        try:
+            io2=open(os.path.join(path,"g_timewindow"),"wr")
+            io2.writelines(temp)
+            io2.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+    #make textfile for t.register input
+    if typeid=='linkid':
+        filename="timewin_%s"%prefix + "_" + str(timestamp_min).replace(' ','_') + "|" +  str(timestamp_max).replace(' ','_')
+        try: 
+            io3=open(os.path.join(path,filename),"wr")
+            io3.writelines(tgrass_interpol)
+            io3.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        filename="timewin_%s"%prefix + "vec_" + str(timestamp_min).replace(' ','_') + "|" +  str(timestamp_max).replace(' ','_')
+        try: 
+            io3=open(os.path.join(path,filename),"wr")
+            io3.writelines(tgrass_vector)
+            io3.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)   
+    else:
+        filename="timewin_%s"%prefix + "vec_" + str(timestamp_min).replace(' ','_') + "|" +  str(timestamp_max).replace(' ','_')
+        try: 
+            io4=open(os.path.join(path,filename),"wr")
+            io4.writelines(tgrass_vector)
+            io4.close()
+        except IOError as (errno,strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+##drop temp table
+    sql="drop table %s.%s"%(schema_name,view_db)
+def computeAlphaK(freq,polarization):
+    Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methods
+    γR = kR^α
+    return kv and αv (vertical polarization)
+    return kh and αh (horizontal polarization)   
+    """
+    freq/=1000000
+    if freq<10 or freq>100:
+        print_message(freq)
+        print_message(polarization)
+    if polarization =="h":
+    #Coefficients for kH    1
+        aj_kh=(-5.33980,-0.35351,-0.23789,-0.94158)
+        bj_kh=(-0.10008,1.26970,0.86036,0.64552)
+        cj_kh=(1.13098,0.45400,0.15354,0.16817)
+        mk_kh= -0.18961
+        ck_kh= 0.71147
+    #Coefficients for αH    3
+        aj_ah=(-0.14318, 0.29591, 0.32177,-5.37610,16.1721)
+        bj_ah=(1.82442, 0.77564, 0.63773,-0.96230,-3.29980)
+        cj_ah=(-0.55187, 0.19822, 0.13164,1.47828,3.43990)
+        ma_ah= 0.67849
+        ca_ah= -1.95537
+        kh=0
+        ah=0
+    #kh.. coefficient k of horizontal polarization
+        for j in range(0,len(aj_kh)):
+            frac_kh=-math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_kh[j]) / cj_kh[j]),2)
+            kh+=aj_kh[j]* math.exp(frac_kh)
+        kh=10**(kh+ mk_kh * math.log10(freq) + ck_kh)
+    #ah.. coefficient α of horizontal polarization
+        for j in range(0,len(aj_ah)):
+            frac_ah=-math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_ah[j]) / cj_ah[j]),2)
+            ah+=aj_ah[j]* math.exp(frac_ah)
+        ah=ah + ma_ah * math.log10(freq) + ca_ah
+        return (ah,kh)
+    else:    
+        #Coefficients for kV    2
+        aj_kv=[-3.80595,-3.44965,-0.39902,0.50167]
+        bj_kv=[0.56934,-0.22911,0.73042,1.07319]
+        cj_kv=[0.81061,0.51059,0.11899,0.27195]
+        mk_kv=-0.16398
+        ck_kv=0.63297
+        #Coefficients for αV   4
+        aj_av=[-0.07771, 0.56727, -0.20238,-48.2991, 48.5833]
+        bj_av=[2.33840, 0.95545, 1.14520,0.791669,0.791459]
+        cj_av=[-0.76284, 0.54039, 0.26809,0.116226,0.116479]
+        ma_av=-0.053739
+        ca_av=0.83433
+        kv=0
+        av=0
+    #kv.. coefficient k of vertical polarization       
+        for j in range(0,len(aj_kv)):
+            frac_kv=-math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_kv[j]) / cj_kv[j]),2)
+            kv+=aj_kv[j]* math.exp(frac_kv)
+        kv=10**(kv + mk_kv * math.log10(freq) + ck_kv)
+    #av.. coefficient α of vertical polarization       
+        for j in range(0,len(aj_av)):
+            frac_av=-math.pow(((math.log10(freq) - bj_av[j]) / cj_av[j]),2)
+            av+=aj_av[j]* math.exp(frac_av)             
+        av=(av + ma_av * math.log10(freq) + ca_av)
+        return (av,kv)
+##   main
+def main():
+        global schema_name,path
+        schema_name = options['schema']
+        path= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "tmp_%s"%schema_name)
+        try: 
+            os.makedirs(path)
+        except OSError:
+            if not os.path.isdir(path):
+                raise
+##connect to database by python lib psycopg
+        db=dbConnPy()
+#check database if is prepare
+        if not isAttributExist(db,'public','link','geom'):
+            firstRun(db)
+##drop working schema and remove temp folder
+        if flags['r']:
+            removeTemp(db)
+##print first and last timestamp
+        if flags['p']:
+            printTime(db)
+##check if timestamp is in valid format
+        if options['fromtime']:
+            if not isTimeValid (options['fromtime']):
+                grass.fatal("Timestamp 'fromtime' is not valid. Use format'YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S' ")
+        if options['totime']:
+           if not isTimeValid (options['totime']):
+                grass.fatal("Timestamp 'fromtime' is not valid. Use format'YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S' ")
+##check settings of baseline is valid
+        if not options['baseltime'] and not options['baselfile'] and not (flags['p'] or flags['r']):
+            grass.fatal("For compute precipitation is necessity to set parametr 'baseltime' or 'baselfile'")
+##compute precipitation
+        if not isCurrSetP():
+                sql="drop schema IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % schema_name
+                shutil.rmtree(path)
+                os.makedirs(path)
+                db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+                sql="CREATE SCHEMA %s"% schema_name
+                db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+                computePrecip(db)
+##make time windows
+        if not isCurrSetT():
+            ##import raingauges
+            if options['rgauges']:
+                print_message("Reading rain gauges files")
+                sql="CREATE SCHEMA  if not exists %s "% schema_name                
+                db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+                file_list=getFilesInFoldr(options['rgauges'])
+                for fil in file_list:
+                    path1=os.path.join(options['rgauges'],fil)
+                    print_message(path1)
+                    readRaingauge(db,path1)
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,"l_timewindow")):
+                with open(os.path.join(path,"l_timewindow"),'r') as f:
+                    for win in f.read().splitlines():
+                        sql="drop table IF EXISTS %s.%s "%(schema_name,win)
+                        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,"l_timewindow")):
+                with open(os.path.join(path,"g_timewindow"),'r') as f:
+                    for win in f.read().splitlines():
+                        sql="drop table IF EXISTS %s.%s "%(schema_name,win)
+                        db.executeSql(sql,False,True)
+            makeTimeWin(db,'linkid',comp_precip)
+            if isTableExist(db,schema_name,'rgauge'):
+                makeTimeWin(db,'gaugeid',comp_precip_gauge)
+##interpol. points          
+        step=options['step'] #interpolation step per meters
+        step=float(step)
+        new_table_name="linkpoints"+str(step).replace('.0','')
+        curr_table_name=''
+        try:
+            io2=open(os.path.join(path,"linkpointsname"),"r")
+            curr_table_name=io2.readline()
+            io2.close
+        except:
+            pass
+        #check if table exist or if exist with different step or if -> interpol. one more time   
+        if not (isTableExist(db,schema_name,curr_table_name)) or new_table_name!=curr_table_name:                    
+            if not options['step']:
+                grass.fatal('Missing value for "step" for interpolation')
+            intrpolatePoints(db)
+##grass work
+        if flags['g']:
+            grassWork()
+        print_message('DONE')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    options, flags = grass.parser()

Property changes on: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mwprecip/r.mwprecip.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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