[GRASS-SVN] r63987 - grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Wed Jan 7 15:06:24 PST 2015

Author: pvanbosgeo
Date: 2015-01-07 15:06:24 -0800 (Wed, 07 Jan 2015)
New Revision: 63987

minor corrections

Modified: grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.py
--- grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.py	2015-01-07 20:53:11 UTC (rev 63986)
+++ grass-addons/grass7/raster/r.mess/r.mess.py	2015-01-07 23:06:24 UTC (rev 63987)
@@ -146,21 +146,21 @@
 def cleanup():
     for rast in clean_rast:
-        grass.run_command("g.remove", 
+        grass.run_command("g.remove",
         type="rast", name = rast, quiet = True)
 # main function
 def main():
     # Variables
     #options = {"ref_rast":"bradypus", "ref_vect":"", "env_old":"bio1 at bradypus,bio5,bio6,bio7,bio8,bio12,bio16,bio17", "env_new":"bio1 at bradypus,bio5,bio6", "output":"MESSR", "digits":"5"}
     #flags = {"m":True, "k":True, "n":False, "i":True, "k":True}
     # reference layer
     REF_VECT = options['ref_vect']
     REF_RAST = options['ref_rast']
@@ -171,23 +171,23 @@
             grass.run_command('g.message', flags="w", quiet=True,
                           message = 'Two reference layers defined (vector and raster). Using the raster layer!')
             vtl = REF_RAST
-            rtl = 'R' 
+            rtl = 'R'
             if len(REF_RAST) > 0:
                 vtl = REF_RAST
-                rtl = 'R' 
+                rtl = 'R'
                 vtl = REF_VECT
                 rtl = 'V'
     # old environmental layers & variable names
-    ipl = options['env_old'] 
+    ipl = options['env_old']
     ipl = ipl.split(',')
     ipn = [i.split('@')[0] for i in ipl]
     ipn = [x.lower() for x in ipn]
     # new environmental variables
-    ipl2 = options['env_new'] 
+    ipl2 = options['env_new']
     if ipl2 == '':
         ipl_dif = False
         ipl2 = ipl
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@
         ipl2 = ipl2.split(',')
         if len(ipl2) != len(ipl) and len(ipl2) != 0:
             grass.fatal('number of old and new environmental variables is not the same')
     # output layers
     opl = options['output']
     opc = opl + '_MESS'
     ipi = [opl + '_' + i for i in ipn]
     # flags
     flm = flags['m']
     flk = flags['k']
@@ -209,50 +209,50 @@
     il = flags['i']
     flr = flags['r']
     fll = flags['c']
     # digits / precision
     digits = int(options['digits'])
     digits2 = pow(10, digits)
     # Color table
     tmpcol = tempfile.mkstemp()
     text_file = open(tmpcol[1], "w")
     text_file.write("0% 244:109:67\n")
     text_file.write("0 255:255:210\n")
     text_file.write("100% 50:136:189\n")
-    text_file.close()  
+    text_file.close()
     # Check if there is a MASK
     citiam = grass.find_file('MASK', element = 'cell')
     # Create the recode table - Reference distribution is raster
     if rtl=="R":
         # Copy mask to temporary layer)
         if citiam['fullname'] != '':
             rname = "MASK" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             rname = string.replace(rname, '-', '_')
             grass.run_command('g.copy', quiet=True, raster = ('MASK', rname))
-            clean_rast.add(rname) 
+            clean_rast.add(rname)
         for i in xrange(len(ipl)):
             # Create temporary layer based on reference layer
             tmpf0 = "rmess_tmp_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf0 = string.replace(tmpf0, '-', '_')
             grass.mapcalc("$tmpf0 = $vtl * 1", vtl = vtl, tmpf0=tmpf0, quiet=True)
             # Remove mask
             if citiam['fullname'] != '':
                 grass.run_command("r.mask", quiet=True, flags="r")
             # Create mask based on combined MASK/input layer
             grass.run_command("r.mask", quiet=True, raster=tmpf0)
             # Calculate the frequency distribution
             tmpf1 = "rmess_tmp2_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf1 = string.replace(tmpf1, '-', '_')
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
             a = np.cumsum(np.array(sstval), axis=0)
             b = np.sum(np.array(sstval), axis=0)
             c = a[:,1] / b[1] * 100
             # Restore mask and set region to new env_new
             # Note: if region env_new is different from region env_old, setting
             # the mask will not do anything. If there is partial overlap, the mask
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
                 grass.run_command("r.mask", quiet=True, flags="r")
             if ipl_dif and not flr:
                 grass.run_command("g.region", quiet=True, raster=ipl2[0])
             # Get min and max values for recode table (based on full map)
             tmpf2 = "rmess_tmp2_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf2 = string.replace(tmpf2, '-', '_')
@@ -294,88 +294,88 @@
                           inplay = ipl2[i],
                           dignum = digits2)
             d = grass.parse_command("r.univar",quiet=True, flags="g", map=tmpf2)
             # Create recode rules
             Dmin = int(d['min'])
             Dmax = int(d['max'])
             envmin = np.min(np.array(sstval), axis=0)[0]
             envmax = np.max(np.array(sstval), axis=0)[0]
             if Dmin < envmin: e1 = Dmin - 1
             else: e1 = envmin -1
             if Dmax > envmax: e2 = Dmax + 1
             else: e2 = envmax + 1
             a1 = np.hstack([(e1), np.array(sstval.T[0])[0,:] ])
             a2 = np.hstack([np.array(sstval.T[0])[0,:] -1, (e2)])
             b1 = np.hstack([(0), c])
             tmprule = tempfile.mkstemp()
             text_file = open(tmprule[1], "w")
             for k in np.arange(0,len(b1.T)):
                 rtmp = str(int(a1[k])) + ":" + str(int(a2[k])) + ":" + str(b1[k])
                 text_file.write(rtmp + "\n")
-            text_file.close()    
+            text_file.close()
             # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES
             tmpf3 = "rmess_tmp3_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf3 = string.replace(tmpf3, '-', '_')
             grass.run_command("r.recode", input=tmpf2, output=tmpf3, rules=tmprule[1])
-            z1 = ipi[i] + " = if(" + tmpf3 + "==0, (float(" + tmpf2 + ")-" + str(float(envmin)) + ")/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) + ") * 100" 
+            z1 = ipi[i] + " = if(" + tmpf3 + "==0, (float(" + tmpf2 + ")-" + str(float(envmin)) + ")/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) + ") * 100"
             z2 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<=50, 2*float(" + tmpf3 + ")"
-            z3 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<100, 2*(100-float(" + tmpf3 + "))"  
+            z3 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<100, 2*(100-float(" + tmpf3 + "))"
             z4 = ", (" + str(float(envmax)) + "- float(" + tmpf2 + "))/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) +  ") * 100.0)))"
-            calcc = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4           
+            calcc = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4
             grass.mapcalc(calcc, quiet=True)
             grass.run_command("r.colors", quiet=True, map=ipi[i], rules=tmpcol[1])
             grass.run_command("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="raster", pattern=[tmpf0,tmpf1,tmpf2,tmpf3])
             # Recover original mask
             if citiam['fullname'] != '':
                 grass.run_command("r.mask", quiet=True, raster=rname)
                 grass.run_command("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="raster", name=rname)
     # Create the recode table - Reference distribution is vector
     if rtl=="V":
         # Copy point layer and add columns for variables
         tmpf0 = "rmess_tmp_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
         tmpf0 = string.replace(tmpf0, '-', '_')
         grass.run_command("v.extract", quiet=True, flags="t", input=vtl, type="point", output=tmpf0)
-        grass.run_command("v.db.addtable", quiet=True, map=tmpf0)    
+        grass.run_command("v.db.addtable", quiet=True, map=tmpf0)
         grass.run_command("v.db.addcolumn", quiet=True, map=tmpf0, columns="envvar double precision")
         # Upload raster values and get value in python as frequency table
         check_n = len(np.hstack(db.db_select(sql = "SELECT cat FROM " + tmpf0)))
         for m in xrange(len(ipl)):
             grass.run_command("db.execute" , quiet=True, sql = "UPDATE " + tmpf0 + " SET envvar = NULL")
             grass.run_command("v.what.rast", quiet=True, map=tmpf0, layer=1, raster=ipl[m], column="envvar")
             volval = np.vstack(db.db_select(sql = "SELECT envvar,count(envvar) from " + tmpf0 +
                 " WHERE envvar IS NOT NULL GROUP BY envvar ORDER BY envvar"))
-            volval = volval.astype(np.float, copy=False) 
+            volval = volval.astype(np.float, copy=False)
             a = np.cumsum(volval[:,1], axis=0)
             b = np.sum(volval[:,1], axis=0)
             c = a / b * 100
             # Check for point without values
             if b < check_n:
-                 print("Please note that there were " + str(check_n - b) + " points without value")
-                 print("This is probably because they lies outside the current region or input rasters")
+                 grass.info("Please note that there were " + str(check_n - b) + " points without value")
+                 grass.info("This is probably because they lies outside the current region or input rasters")
             # Set region to env_new layers (if different from env_old)
             if ipl_dif and not flr:
-                grass.run_command("g.region", quiet=True, raster=ipl2[0])            
+                grass.run_command("g.region", quiet=True, raster=ipl2[0])
             # Multiply env layer with dignum
             tmpf2 = "rmess_tmp2_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf2 = string.replace(tmpf2, '-', '_')
@@ -384,66 +384,66 @@
                           inplay = ipl2[m],
                           dignum = digits2,
             # Calculate min and max values of sample points and raster layer
             envmin = int(min(volval[:,0]) * digits2)
             envmax = int(max(volval[:,0]) * digits2)
             Drange = grass.read_command("r.info", flags="r", map=tmpf2)
             Drange = Drange.split('\n')
             Drange = np.hstack([i.split('=') for i in Drange])
-            Dmin = int(Drange[1]) 
-            Dmax = int(Drange[3]) 
+            Dmin = int(Drange[1])
+            Dmax = int(Drange[3])
             if Dmin < envmin: e1 = Dmin - 1
             else: e1 = envmin -1
             if Dmax > envmax: e2 = Dmax + 1
             else: e2 = envmax + 1
             a0 = volval[:,0] * digits2
-            a0 = a0.astype(np.int, copy=False)        
+            a0 = a0.astype(np.int, copy=False)
             a1 = np.hstack([(e1) , a0 ])
             a2 = np.hstack([a0 -1, (e2) ])
             b1 = np.hstack([(0), c])
             tmprule = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ipn[m])
             text_file = open(tmprule[1], "w")
             for k in np.arange(0,len(b1)):
                 rtmp = str(int(a1[k])) + ":" + str(int(a2[k])) + ":" + str(b1[k])
                 text_file.write(rtmp + "\n")
-            text_file.close()         
+            text_file.close()
             # Create the recode layer and calculate the IES
             tmpf3 = "rmess_tmp3_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
             tmpf3 = string.replace(tmpf3, '-', '_')
             grass.run_command("r.recode", quiet=True, input=tmpf2, output=tmpf3, rules=tmprule[1])
-            z1 = ipi[m] + " = if(" + tmpf3 + "==0, (float(" + tmpf2 + ")-" + str(float(envmin)) + ")/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) + ") * 100" 
+            z1 = ipi[m] + " = if(" + tmpf3 + "==0, (float(" + tmpf2 + ")-" + str(float(envmin)) + ")/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) + ") * 100"
             z2 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<=50, 2*float(" + tmpf3 + ")"
-            z3 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<100, 2*(100-float(" + tmpf3 + "))"  
+            z3 = ", if(" + tmpf3 + "<100, 2*(100-float(" + tmpf3 + "))"
             z4 = ", (" + str(float(envmax)) + "- float(" + tmpf2 + "))/(" + str(float(envmax)) + "-" + str(float(envmin)) +  ") * 100.0)))"
-            calcc = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4           
+            calcc = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4
             grass.mapcalc(calcc, quiet=True)
             grass.run_command("r.colors", quiet=True, map=ipi[m], rules=tmpcol[1])
-            # Clean up        
+            # Clean up
             grass.run_command("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="raster", name=[tmpf2,tmpf3])
         # Clean up
         grass.run_command("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="vector", name=tmpf0)
     # Calculate MESS statistics
     # MESS
     grass.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, output=opc, input=ipi, method="minimum")
     # Area with negative MESS
     if fln:
         grass.mapcalc(opc + "_neg = if(" + opc + "<0,1,0)", quiet=True)
     # Most dissimilar variable (MoD)
     if flm:
         mod = opc + "_MoD"
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
             text_file.write(str(cats) + ":" + ipi[cats] + "\n")
         grass.run_command("r.category", quiet=True, map=mod, rules=tmpcat[1], separator=":")
     # mean(IES), where IES < 0
     if flk:
         MinMes = grass.read_command("r.info", quiet=True, flags="r", map=opc)
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
         mod = opc + "MeanNeg"
         grass.run_command("r.series", quiet=True, input=ipi, output=mod, method="average", range=(MinMes,0))
         grass.run_command("r.colors", quiet=True, map=mod, col="ryg")
     # Number of layers with negative values
     if fll:
         MinMes = grass.read_command("r.info", quiet=True, flags="r", map=opc)
@@ -472,18 +472,18 @@
         mod = opc + "CountNeg"
         grass.run_command("r.series", flags="n", quiet=True, input=ipi, output=mod, method="count", range=(MinMes,0))
         grass.run_command("r.colors", quiet=True, map=mod, col="ryg")
     # Remove IES layers
     if il:
         grass.run_command("g.remove", quiet=True, flags="f", type="raster", name=ipi)
     ## Clean up
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     options, flags = grass.parser()

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