[GRASS-SVN] r65634 - in grass/trunk/gui/wxpython: gui_core lmgr modules

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Jul 19 08:53:36 PDT 2015

Author: martinl
Date: 2015-07-19 08:53:36 -0700 (Sun, 19 Jul 2015)
New Revision: 65634

wxGUI: move import/export dialogs from `gui_core` to `modules`

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py	2015-07-19 15:52:07 UTC (rev 65633)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/gui_core/dialogs.py	2015-07-19 15:53:36 UTC (rev 65634)
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
  - :class:`SavedRegion`
  - :class:`GroupDialog`
  - :class:`MapLayersDialog`
- - :class:`ImportDialog`
- - :class:`GdalImportDialog`
- - :class:`GdalOutputDialog`
- - :class:`DxfImportDialog`
  - :class:`SetOpacityDialog`
  - :class:`ImageSizeDialog`
  - :class:`SqlQueryFrame`
@@ -35,23 +31,19 @@
 import re
 import wx
-import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowse
-import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl as listmix
 from grass.script import core as grass
-from grass.script import task as gtask
 from grass.pydispatch.signal import Signal
 from core import globalvar
-from core.gcmd import GError, RunCommand, GMessage, GWarning
+from core.gcmd import GError, RunCommand, GMessage
 from gui_core.gselect import LocationSelect, MapsetSelect, Select, \
-                             OgrTypeSelect, GdalSelect, MapsetSelect, \
-                             SubGroupSelect
+                             OgrTypeSelect, SubGroupSelect
 from gui_core.widgets import SingleSymbolPanel, GListCtrl, SimpleValidator, \
     MapValidator, LayersList
-from core.utils import GetValidLayerName, _
-from core.settings import UserSettings, GetDisplayVectSettings
+from core.utils import _
+from core.settings import UserSettings
 from core.debug import Debug
 class SimpleDialog(wx.Dialog):
@@ -1596,612 +1588,6 @@
         return cond
-class ImportDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    """Dialog for bulk import of various data (base class)"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, giface, itype,
-                 id = wx.ID_ANY, title = _("Multiple import"),
-                 style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER):
-        self.parent = parent    # GMFrame 
-        self._giface = giface  # used to add layers
-        self.importType = itype
-        self.options = dict()   # list of options
-        self.options_par = dict()
-        self.commandId = -1  # id of running command
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, style = style,
-                           name = "MultiImportDialog")
-        self.panel = wx.Panel(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.layerBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY)
-        if self.importType == 'gdal':
-            label = _("List of raster layers")
-        elif self.importType == 'ogr':
-            label = _("List of vector layers")
-        else:
-            label = _("List of %s layers") % self.importType.upper()
-        self.layerBox.SetLabel(" %s - %s " % (label, _("right click to (un)select all")))
-        # list of layers
-        columns = [_('Layer id'),
-                   _('Layer name'),
-                   _('Name for output GRASS map (editable)')]
-        if itype == 'ogr':
-            columns.insert(2, _('Feature type'))
-            columns.insert(3, _('Projection match'))
-        self.list = LayersList(parent = self.panel, columns = columns)
-        self.list.LoadData()
-        self.optionBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                      label = "%s" % _("Options"))
-        cmd = self._getCommand()
-        task = gtask.parse_interface(cmd)
-        for f in task.get_options()['flags']:
-            name = f.get('name', '')
-            desc = f.get('label', '')
-            if not desc:
-                desc = f.get('description', '')
-            if not name and not desc:
-                continue
-            if cmd == 'r.in.gdal' and name not in ('o', 'e', 'l', 'k'):
-                continue
-            elif cmd == 'r.external' and name not in ('o', 'e', 'r', 'h', 'v'):
-                continue
-            elif cmd == 'v.in.ogr' and name not in ('c', 'z', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'w'):
-                continue
-            elif cmd == 'v.external' and name not in ('b'):
-                continue
-            elif cmd == 'v.in.dxf' and name not in ('e', 't', 'b', 'f', 'i'):
-                continue
-            self.options[name] = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                             label = desc)
-        for p in task.get_options()['params']:
-            name = p.get('name', '')
-            desc = p.get('label', '')
-            if not desc:
-                desc = p.get('description', '')
-            if not name and not desc:
-                continue
-            if cmd == 'v.in.ogr' and name == 'encoding':
-                self.options_par[name] = (_('Encoding'),
-                                          wx.TextCtrl(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY))
-        self.overwrite = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                     label = _("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"))
-        self.overwrite.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled'))
-        self.add = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY)
-        self.closeOnFinish = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                     label = _("Close dialog on finish"))
-        self.closeOnFinish.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'closeDlg', subkey = 'enabled'))
-        #
-        # buttons
-        #
-        # cancel
-        self.btn_close = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_CLOSE)
-        self.btn_close.SetToolTipString(_("Close dialog"))
-        self.btn_close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose)
-        # run
-        self.btn_run = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_OK, label = _("&Import"))
-        self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Import selected layers"))
-        self.btn_run.SetDefault()
-        self.btn_run.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRun)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda evt: self.Destroy())
-    def doLayout(self):
-        """Do layout"""
-        dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        # dsn input
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.dsnInput, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.EXPAND)
-        #
-        # list of DXF layers
-        #
-        layerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.layerBox, wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        layerSizer.Add(item = self.list, proportion = 1,
-                      flag = wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = layerSizer, proportion = 1,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
-        # options
-        optionSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.optionBox, wx.VERTICAL)
-        for key in self.options.keys():
-            optionSizer.Add(item = self.options[key], proportion = 0)
-        if self.options_par:
-            gridBox = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 5, hgap = 5)
-            row = 0
-            for label, win in self.options_par.itervalues():
-                gridBox.Add(item = wx.StaticText(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
-                                                 label = label + ':'),
-                            pos = (row, 0), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
-                gridBox.Add(item = win, pos = (row, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND)
-                row += 1
-            gridBox.AddGrowableCol(1)
-            optionSizer.Add(item = gridBox, proportion = 0,
-                            flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = optionSizer, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.overwrite, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.add, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.closeOnFinish, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
-        #
-        # buttons
-        #
-        btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient = wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        btnsizer.Add(item = self.btn_close, proportion = 0,
-                     flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                     border = 10)
-        btnsizer.Add(item = self.btn_run, proportion = 0,
-                     flag = wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                     border = 10)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = btnsizer, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
-                        border = 10)
-        # dialogSizer.SetSizeHints(self.panel)
-        self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer)
-        dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel)
-        # auto-layout seems not work here - FIXME
-        size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 225, 550)
-        self.SetMinSize(size)
-        self.SetSize((size.width, size.height + 100))
-        # width = self.GetSize()[0]
-        # self.list.SetColumnWidth(col = 1, width = width / 2 - 50)
-        self.Layout()
-    def _getCommand(self):
-        """Get command"""
-        return ''
-    def OnClose(self, event = None):
-        """Close dialog"""
-        self.Close()
-    def OnRun(self, event):
-        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
-        pass
-    def AddLayers(self, returncode, cmd = None, userData = None):
-        """Add imported/linked layers into layer tree"""
-        if not self.add.IsChecked() or returncode != 0:
-            return
-        # TODO: if importing map creates more map the folowing does not work
-        # * do nothing if map does not exist or
-        # * try to determine names using regexp or
-        # * persuade import tools to report map names
-        self.commandId += 1
-        layer, output = self.list.GetLayers()[self.commandId]
-        if '@' not in output:
-            name = output + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
-        else:
-            name = output
-        # add imported layers into layer tree
-        # an alternative would be emit signal (mapCreated) and (optionally)
-        # connect to this signal
-        llist = self._giface.GetLayerList()
-        if self.importType == 'gdal':
-            if userData:
-                nBands = int(userData.get('nbands', 1))
-            else:
-                nBands = 1
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
-                nFlag = True
-            else:
-                nFlag = False
-            for i in range(1, nBands+1):
-                nameOrig = name
-                if nBands > 1:
-                    mapName, mapsetName = name.split('@')
-                    mapName += '.%d' % i
-                    name = mapName + '@' + mapsetName
-                cmd = ['d.rast',
-                       'map=%s' % name]
-                if nFlag:
-                    cmd.append('-n')
-                llist.AddLayer(ltype='raster',
-                               name=name, checked=True,
-                               cmd=cmd)
-                name = nameOrig
-        else:
-            llist.AddLayer(ltype='vector',
-                           name=name, checked=True,
-                           cmd=['d.vect',
-                                'map=%s' % name] + GetDisplayVectSettings())
-        self._giface.GetMapWindow().ZoomToMap()
-    def OnAbort(self, event):
-        """Abort running import
-        .. todo::
-            not yet implemented
-        """
-        pass
-    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
-        """Do what has to be done after importing"""
-        pass
-class GdalImportDialog(ImportDialog):
-    def __init__(self, parent, giface, ogr = False, link = False):
-        """Dialog for bulk import of various raster/vector data
-        .. todo::
-            Split into GdalImportDialog and OgrImportDialog
-        :param parent: parent window
-        :param ogr: True for OGR (vector) otherwise GDAL (raster)
-        :param link: True for linking data otherwise importing data
-        """
-        self._giface = giface
-        self.link = link
-        self.ogr  = ogr
-        if ogr:
-            ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='ogr')
-            if link:
-                self.SetTitle(_("Link external vector data"))
-            else:
-                self.SetTitle(_("Import vector data"))
-        else:
-            ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='gdal') 
-            if link:
-                self.SetTitle(_("Link external raster data"))
-            else:
-                self.SetTitle(_("Import raster data"))
-        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel,
-                                   ogr = ogr, link = link)
-        self.dsnInput.AttachSettings()
-        self.dsnInput.reloadDataRequired.connect(lambda data: self.list.LoadData(data))
-        if link:
-            self.add.SetLabel(_("Add linked layers into layer tree"))
-        else:
-            self.add.SetLabel(_("Add imported layers into layer tree"))
-        self.add.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'addNewLayer', subkey = 'enabled'))
-        if link:
-            self.btn_run.SetLabel(_("&Link"))
-            self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Link selected layers"))
-        else:
-            self.btn_run.SetLabel(_("&Import"))
-            self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Import selected layers"))
-        self.doLayout()
-    def OnRun(self, event):
-        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
-        self.commandId = -1
-        data = self.list.GetLayers()
-        if not data:
-            GMessage(_("No layers selected. Operation canceled."),
-                     parent = self)
-            return
-        dsn  = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
-        ext  = self.dsnInput.GetFormatExt()
-        # determine data driver for PostGIS links
-        self.popOGR = False
-        if self.importType == 'ogr' and \
-                self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'db' and \
-                self.dsnInput.GetFormat() == 'PostgreSQL' and \
-                'GRASS_VECTOR_OGR' not in os.environ:
-            self.popOGR = True
-            os.environ['GRASS_VECTOR_OGR'] = '1'
-        for layer, output in data:
-            userData = {}
-            if self.importType == 'ogr':
-                if ext and layer.rfind(ext) > -1:
-                    layer = layer.replace('.' + ext, '')
-                if '|' in layer:
-                    layer, geometry = layer.split('|', 1)
-                else:
-                    geometry = None
-                if self.link:
-                    cmd = ['v.external',
-                           'input=%s' % dsn,
-                           'output=%s' % output,
-                           'layer=%s' % layer]
-                else:
-                    cmd = ['v.in.ogr',
-                           'input=%s' % dsn,
-                           'layer=%s' % layer,
-                           'output=%s' % output]
-                    if geometry:
-                        cmd.append('geometry=%s' % geometry)
-            else: # gdal
-                if self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'dir':
-                    idsn = os.path.join(dsn, layer)
-                else:
-                    idsn = dsn
-                # check number of bands
-                nBandsStr = RunCommand('r.in.gdal',
-                                       flags = 'p',
-                                       input = idsn, read = True)
-                nBands = -1
-                if nBandsStr:
-                    try:
-                        nBands = int(nBandsStr.rstrip('\n'))
-                    except:
-                        pass
-                if nBands < 0:
-                    GWarning(_("Unable to determine number of raster bands"),
-                             parent = self)
-                    nBands = 1
-                userData['nbands'] = nBands
-                if self.link:
-                    cmd = ['r.external',
-                           'input=%s' % idsn,
-                           'output=%s' % output]
-                else:
-                    cmd = ['r.in.gdal',
-                           'input=%s' % idsn,
-                           'output=%s' % output]
-                    if nBands > 1:
-                        cmd.append('-k')
-            if self.overwrite.IsChecked():
-                cmd.append('--overwrite')
-            for key in self.options.keys():
-                if self.options[key].IsChecked():
-                    cmd.append('-%s' % key)
-            for key in self.options_par.keys():
-                value = self.options_par[key][1].GetValue()
-                if value:
-                    cmd.append('%s=%s' % (key, value))
-            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled') and \
-                    '--overwrite' not in cmd:
-                cmd.append('--overwrite')
-            # run in Layer Manager
-            self._giface.RunCmd(cmd, onDone = self.OnCmdDone, userData = userData)
-    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
-        """Load layers and close if required"""
-        if not hasattr(self, 'AddLayers'):
-            return
-        self.AddLayers(event.returncode, event.cmd, event.userData)
-        if self.popOGR:
-            os.environ.pop('GRASS_VECTOR_OGR')
-        if event.returncode == 0 and self.closeOnFinish.IsChecked():
-            self.Close()
-    def _getCommand(self):
-        """Get command"""
-        if self.link:
-            if self.ogr:
-                return 'v.external'
-            else:
-                return 'r.external'
-        else:
-            if self.ogr:
-                return 'v.in.ogr'
-            else:
-                return 'r.in.gdal'
-        return ''
-class GdalOutputDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def __init__(self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, ogr = False,
-                 style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER, *kwargs):
-        """Dialog for setting output format for rasters/vectors
-        .. todo::
-            Split into GdalOutputDialog and OgrOutputDialog
-        :param parent: parent window
-        :param id: window id
-        :param ogr: True for OGR (vector) otherwise GDAL (raster)
-        :param style: window style
-        :param *kwargs: other wx.Dialog's arguments
-        """
-        self.parent = parent # GMFrame 
-        self.ogr = ogr
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id = id, style = style, *kwargs)
-        if self.ogr:
-            self.SetTitle(_("Define output format for vector data"))
-        else:
-            self.SetTitle(_("Define output format for raster data"))
-        self.panel = wx.Panel(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
-        # buttons
-        self.btnCancel = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_CANCEL)
-        self.btnCancel.SetToolTipString(_("Close dialog"))
-        self.btnOk = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_OK)
-        self.btnOk.SetToolTipString(_("Set external format and close dialog"))
-        self.btnOk.SetDefault()
-        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel,
-                                   ogr = ogr,
-                                   exclude = ['file', 'protocol'], dest = True)
-        self.dsnInput.AttachSettings()
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.btnCancel)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.btnOk)
-        self._layout()
-    def _layout(self):
-        dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.dsnInput, proportion = 1,
-                        flag = wx.EXPAND)
-        btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient = wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        btnSizer.Add(item = self.btnCancel, proportion = 0,
-                     flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                     border = 10)
-        btnSizer.Add(item = self.btnOk, proportion = 0,
-                     flag = wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
-                     border = 10)
-        dialogSizer.Add(item = btnSizer, proportion = 0,
-                        flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
-                        border = 10)
-        self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer)
-        dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel)
-        size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 225, self.GetBestSize()[1] + 35)
-        self.SetMinSize(size)
-        self.SetSize((size.width, size.height))
-        self.Layout()
-    def OnCancel(self, event):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnOK(self, event):
-        if self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'native':
-            RunCommand('v.external.out',
-                       parent = self,
-                       flags = 'r')
-        else:
-            dsn = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
-            frmt = self.dsnInput.GetFormat()
-            options = self.dsnInput.GetOptions()
-            if not dsn:
-                GMessage(_("No data source selected."), parent=self)
-                return
-            RunCommand('v.external.out',
-                       parent = self,
-                       output = dsn, format = frmt,
-                       options = options)
-        self.Close()
-class DxfImportDialog(ImportDialog):
-    """Dialog for bulk import of DXF layers"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, giface):
-        ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='dxf',
-                              title = _("Import DXF layers"))
-        self._giface = giface
-        self.dsnInput = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, 
-                                                    size = globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE, labelText = '',
-                                                    dialogTitle = _('Choose DXF file to import'),
-                                                    buttonText = _('Browse'),
-                                                    startDirectory = os.getcwd(), fileMode = 0,
-                                                    changeCallback = self.OnSetDsn,
-                                                    fileMask = "DXF File (*.dxf)|*.dxf")
-        self.add.SetLabel(_("Add imported layers into layer tree"))
-        self.add.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'addNewLayer', subkey = 'enabled'))
-        self.doLayout()
-    def _getCommand(self):
-        """Get command"""
-        return 'v.in.dxf'
-    def OnRun(self, event):
-        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
-        data = self.list.GetLayers()
-        if not data:
-            GMessage(_("No layers selected."), parent=self)
-            return
-        # hide dialog
-        self.Hide()
-        inputDxf = self.dsnInput.GetValue()
-        for layer, output in data:
-            cmd = ['v.in.dxf',
-                   'input=%s' % inputDxf,
-                   'layers=%s' % layer,
-                   'output=%s' % output]
-            for key in self.options.keys():
-                if self.options[key].IsChecked():
-                    cmd.append('-%s' % key)
-            if self.overwrite.IsChecked() or \
-                    UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled'):
-                cmd.append('--overwrite')
-            # run in Layer Manager
-            self._giface.RunCmd(cmd, onDone=self.OnCmdDone)
-    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
-        """Load layers and close if required"""
-        if not hasattr(self, 'AddLayers'):
-            return
-        self.AddLayers(event.returncode, event.cmd)
-        if self.closeOnFinish.IsChecked():
-            self.Close()
-    def OnSetDsn(self, event):
-        """Input DXF file defined, update list of layer widget"""
-        path = event.GetString()
-        if not path:
-            return 
-        data = list()        
-        ret = RunCommand('v.in.dxf',
-                         quiet = True,
-                         parent = self,
-                         read = True,
-                         flags = 'l',
-                         input = path)
-        if not ret:
-            self.list.LoadData()
-            return
-        for line in ret.splitlines():
-            layerId = line.split(':')[0].split(' ')[1]
-            layerName = line.split(':')[1].strip()
-            grassName = GetValidLayerName(layerName)
-            data.append((layerId, layerName.strip(), grassName.strip()))
-        self.list.LoadData(data)
 class SetOpacityDialog(wx.Dialog):
     """Set opacity of map layers.
     Dialog expects opacity between 0 and 1 and returns this range, too.    

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2015-07-19 15:52:07 UTC (rev 65633)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py	2015-07-19 15:53:36 UTC (rev 65634)
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
 from core.gconsole         import GConsole, EVT_IGNORED_CMD_RUN
 from core.giface           import Notification
 from gui_core.goutput      import GConsoleWindow, GC_SEARCH, GC_PROMPT
-from gui_core.dialogs      import GdalOutputDialog, DxfImportDialog, GdalImportDialog, MapLayersDialog
-from gui_core.dialogs      import LocationDialog, MapsetDialog, CreateNewVector, GroupDialog
+from modules.import_export import GdalOutputDialog, DxfImportDialog, GdalImportDialog
+from gui_core.dialogs      import LocationDialog, MapsetDialog, CreateNewVector, GroupDialog, MapLayersDialog
 from modules.colorrules    import RasterColorTable, VectorColorTable
 from gui_core.menu         import Menu, SearchModuleWindow
 from gmodeler.model        import Model

Added: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/modules/import_export.py
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/modules/import_export.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/modules/import_export.py	2015-07-19 15:53:36 UTC (rev 65634)
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+ at package modules.import_export
+ at brief Import/export dialogs used in wxGUI.
+List of classes:
+ - :class:`ImportDialog`
+ - :class:`GdalImportDialog`
+ - :class:`GdalOutputDialog`
+ - :class:`DxfImportDialog`
+(C) 2008-2015 by the GRASS Development Team
+This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+ at author Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com>
+ at author Anna Kratochvilova <kratochanna gmail.com> (GroupDialog, SymbolDialog)
+import os
+import wx
+import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowse
+from grass.script import core as grass
+from grass.script import task as gtask
+from core import globalvar
+from core.gcmd import RunCommand, GMessage, GWarning
+from gui_core.gselect import OgrTypeSelect, GdalSelect, SubGroupSelect
+from gui_core.widgets import LayersList
+from core.utils import GetValidLayerName, _
+from core.settings import UserSettings, GetDisplayVectSettings
+class ImportDialog(wx.Dialog):
+    """Dialog for bulk import of various data (base class)"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, giface, itype,
+                 id = wx.ID_ANY, title = _("Multiple import"),
+                 style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER):
+        self.parent = parent    # GMFrame 
+        self._giface = giface  # used to add layers
+        self.importType = itype
+        self.options = dict()   # list of options
+        self.options_par = dict()
+        self.commandId = -1  # id of running command
+        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, style = style,
+                           name = "MultiImportDialog")
+        self.panel = wx.Panel(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        self.layerBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        if self.importType == 'gdal':
+            label = _("List of raster layers")
+        elif self.importType == 'ogr':
+            label = _("List of vector layers")
+        else:
+            label = _("List of %s layers") % self.importType.upper()
+        self.layerBox.SetLabel(" %s - %s " % (label, _("right click to (un)select all")))
+        # list of layers
+        columns = [_('Layer id'),
+                   _('Layer name'),
+                   _('Name for output GRASS map (editable)')]
+        if itype == 'ogr':
+            columns.insert(2, _('Feature type'))
+            columns.insert(3, _('Projection match'))
+        self.list = LayersList(parent = self.panel, columns = columns)
+        self.list.LoadData()
+        self.optionBox = wx.StaticBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                      label = "%s" % _("Options"))
+        cmd = self._getCommand()
+        task = gtask.parse_interface(cmd)
+        for f in task.get_options()['flags']:
+            name = f.get('name', '')
+            desc = f.get('label', '')
+            if not desc:
+                desc = f.get('description', '')
+            if not name and not desc:
+                continue
+            if cmd == 'r.in.gdal' and name not in ('o', 'e', 'l', 'k'):
+                continue
+            elif cmd == 'r.external' and name not in ('o', 'e', 'r', 'h', 'v'):
+                continue
+            elif cmd == 'v.in.ogr' and name not in ('c', 'z', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'w'):
+                continue
+            elif cmd == 'v.external' and name not in ('b'):
+                continue
+            elif cmd == 'v.in.dxf' and name not in ('e', 't', 'b', 'f', 'i'):
+                continue
+            self.options[name] = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                             label = desc)
+        for p in task.get_options()['params']:
+            name = p.get('name', '')
+            desc = p.get('label', '')
+            if not desc:
+                desc = p.get('description', '')
+            if not name and not desc:
+                continue
+            if cmd == 'v.in.ogr' and name == 'encoding':
+                self.options_par[name] = (_('Encoding'),
+                                          wx.TextCtrl(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY))
+        self.overwrite = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                     label = _("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"))
+        self.overwrite.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled'))
+        self.add = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        self.closeOnFinish = wx.CheckBox(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                     label = _("Close dialog on finish"))
+        self.closeOnFinish.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'closeDlg', subkey = 'enabled'))
+        #
+        # buttons
+        #
+        # cancel
+        self.btn_close = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_CLOSE)
+        self.btn_close.SetToolTipString(_("Close dialog"))
+        self.btn_close.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose)
+        # run
+        self.btn_run = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_OK, label = _("&Import"))
+        self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Import selected layers"))
+        self.btn_run.SetDefault()
+        self.btn_run.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRun)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda evt: self.Destroy())
+    def doLayout(self):
+        """Do layout"""
+        dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        # dsn input
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.dsnInput, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.EXPAND)
+        #
+        # list of DXF layers
+        #
+        layerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.layerBox, wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        layerSizer.Add(item = self.list, proportion = 1,
+                      flag = wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = layerSizer, proportion = 1,
+                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
+        # options
+        optionSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.optionBox, wx.VERTICAL)
+        for key in self.options.keys():
+            optionSizer.Add(item = self.options[key], proportion = 0)
+        if self.options_par:
+            gridBox = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 5, hgap = 5)
+            row = 0
+            for label, win in self.options_par.itervalues():
+                gridBox.Add(item = wx.StaticText(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY,
+                                                 label = label + ':'),
+                            pos = (row, 0), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+                gridBox.Add(item = win, pos = (row, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND)
+                row += 1
+            gridBox.AddGrowableCol(1)
+            optionSizer.Add(item = gridBox, proportion = 0,
+                            flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = optionSizer, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, border = 5)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.overwrite, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.add, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.closeOnFinish, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border = 5)
+        #
+        # buttons
+        #
+        btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient = wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        btnsizer.Add(item = self.btn_close, proportion = 0,
+                     flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                     border = 10)
+        btnsizer.Add(item = self.btn_run, proportion = 0,
+                     flag = wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                     border = 10)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = btnsizer, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
+                        border = 10)
+        # dialogSizer.SetSizeHints(self.panel)
+        self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
+        self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer)
+        dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel)
+        # auto-layout seems not work here - FIXME
+        size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 225, 550)
+        self.SetMinSize(size)
+        self.SetSize((size.width, size.height + 100))
+        # width = self.GetSize()[0]
+        # self.list.SetColumnWidth(col = 1, width = width / 2 - 50)
+        self.Layout()
+    def _getCommand(self):
+        """Get command"""
+        return ''
+    def OnClose(self, event = None):
+        """Close dialog"""
+        self.Close()
+    def OnRun(self, event):
+        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
+        pass
+    def AddLayers(self, returncode, cmd = None, userData = None):
+        """Add imported/linked layers into layer tree"""
+        if not self.add.IsChecked() or returncode != 0:
+            return
+        # TODO: if importing map creates more map the folowing does not work
+        # * do nothing if map does not exist or
+        # * try to determine names using regexp or
+        # * persuade import tools to report map names
+        self.commandId += 1
+        layer, output = self.list.GetLayers()[self.commandId]
+        if '@' not in output:
+            name = output + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
+        else:
+            name = output
+        # add imported layers into layer tree
+        # an alternative would be emit signal (mapCreated) and (optionally)
+        # connect to this signal
+        llist = self._giface.GetLayerList()
+        if self.importType == 'gdal':
+            if userData:
+                nBands = int(userData.get('nbands', 1))
+            else:
+                nBands = 1
+            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'rasterLayer', key = 'opaque', subkey = 'enabled'):
+                nFlag = True
+            else:
+                nFlag = False
+            for i in range(1, nBands+1):
+                nameOrig = name
+                if nBands > 1:
+                    mapName, mapsetName = name.split('@')
+                    mapName += '.%d' % i
+                    name = mapName + '@' + mapsetName
+                cmd = ['d.rast',
+                       'map=%s' % name]
+                if nFlag:
+                    cmd.append('-n')
+                llist.AddLayer(ltype='raster',
+                               name=name, checked=True,
+                               cmd=cmd)
+                name = nameOrig
+        else:
+            llist.AddLayer(ltype='vector',
+                           name=name, checked=True,
+                           cmd=['d.vect',
+                                'map=%s' % name] + GetDisplayVectSettings())
+        self._giface.GetMapWindow().ZoomToMap()
+    def OnAbort(self, event):
+        """Abort running import
+        .. todo::
+            not yet implemented
+        """
+        pass
+    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
+        """Do what has to be done after importing"""
+        pass
+class GdalImportDialog(ImportDialog):
+    def __init__(self, parent, giface, ogr = False, link = False):
+        """Dialog for bulk import of various raster/vector data
+        .. todo::
+            Split into GdalImportDialog and OgrImportDialog
+        :param parent: parent window
+        :param ogr: True for OGR (vector) otherwise GDAL (raster)
+        :param link: True for linking data otherwise importing data
+        """
+        self._giface = giface
+        self.link = link
+        self.ogr  = ogr
+        if ogr:
+            ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='ogr')
+            if link:
+                self.SetTitle(_("Link external vector data"))
+            else:
+                self.SetTitle(_("Import vector data"))
+        else:
+            ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='gdal') 
+            if link:
+                self.SetTitle(_("Link external raster data"))
+            else:
+                self.SetTitle(_("Import raster data"))
+        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel,
+                                   ogr = ogr, link = link)
+        self.dsnInput.AttachSettings()
+        self.dsnInput.reloadDataRequired.connect(lambda data: self.list.LoadData(data))
+        if link:
+            self.add.SetLabel(_("Add linked layers into layer tree"))
+        else:
+            self.add.SetLabel(_("Add imported layers into layer tree"))
+        self.add.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'addNewLayer', subkey = 'enabled'))
+        if link:
+            self.btn_run.SetLabel(_("&Link"))
+            self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Link selected layers"))
+        else:
+            self.btn_run.SetLabel(_("&Import"))
+            self.btn_run.SetToolTipString(_("Import selected layers"))
+        self.doLayout()
+    def OnRun(self, event):
+        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
+        self.commandId = -1
+        data = self.list.GetLayers()
+        if not data:
+            GMessage(_("No layers selected. Operation canceled."),
+                     parent = self)
+            return
+        dsn  = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
+        ext  = self.dsnInput.GetFormatExt()
+        # determine data driver for PostGIS links
+        self.popOGR = False
+        if self.importType == 'ogr' and \
+                self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'db' and \
+                self.dsnInput.GetFormat() == 'PostgreSQL' and \
+                'GRASS_VECTOR_OGR' not in os.environ:
+            self.popOGR = True
+            os.environ['GRASS_VECTOR_OGR'] = '1'
+        for layer, output in data:
+            userData = {}
+            if self.importType == 'ogr':
+                if ext and layer.rfind(ext) > -1:
+                    layer = layer.replace('.' + ext, '')
+                if '|' in layer:
+                    layer, geometry = layer.split('|', 1)
+                else:
+                    geometry = None
+                if self.link:
+                    cmd = ['v.external',
+                           'input=%s' % dsn,
+                           'output=%s' % output,
+                           'layer=%s' % layer]
+                else:
+                    cmd = ['v.in.ogr',
+                           'input=%s' % dsn,
+                           'layer=%s' % layer,
+                           'output=%s' % output]
+                    if geometry:
+                        cmd.append('geometry=%s' % geometry)
+            else: # gdal
+                if self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'dir':
+                    idsn = os.path.join(dsn, layer)
+                else:
+                    idsn = dsn
+                # check number of bands
+                nBandsStr = RunCommand('r.in.gdal',
+                                       flags = 'p',
+                                       input = idsn, read = True)
+                nBands = -1
+                if nBandsStr:
+                    try:
+                        nBands = int(nBandsStr.rstrip('\n'))
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                if nBands < 0:
+                    GWarning(_("Unable to determine number of raster bands"),
+                             parent = self)
+                    nBands = 1
+                userData['nbands'] = nBands
+                if self.link:
+                    cmd = ['r.external',
+                           'input=%s' % idsn,
+                           'output=%s' % output]
+                else:
+                    cmd = ['r.in.gdal',
+                           'input=%s' % idsn,
+                           'output=%s' % output]
+                    if nBands > 1:
+                        cmd.append('-k')
+            if self.overwrite.IsChecked():
+                cmd.append('--overwrite')
+            for key in self.options.keys():
+                if self.options[key].IsChecked():
+                    cmd.append('-%s' % key)
+            for key in self.options_par.keys():
+                value = self.options_par[key][1].GetValue()
+                if value:
+                    cmd.append('%s=%s' % (key, value))
+            if UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled') and \
+                    '--overwrite' not in cmd:
+                cmd.append('--overwrite')
+            # run in Layer Manager
+            self._giface.RunCmd(cmd, onDone = self.OnCmdDone, userData = userData)
+    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
+        """Load layers and close if required"""
+        if not hasattr(self, 'AddLayers'):
+            return
+        self.AddLayers(event.returncode, event.cmd, event.userData)
+        if self.popOGR:
+            os.environ.pop('GRASS_VECTOR_OGR')
+        if event.returncode == 0 and self.closeOnFinish.IsChecked():
+            self.Close()
+    def _getCommand(self):
+        """Get command"""
+        if self.link:
+            if self.ogr:
+                return 'v.external'
+            else:
+                return 'r.external'
+        else:
+            if self.ogr:
+                return 'v.in.ogr'
+            else:
+                return 'r.in.gdal'
+        return ''
+class GdalOutputDialog(wx.Dialog):
+    def __init__(self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, ogr = False,
+                 style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER, *kwargs):
+        """Dialog for setting output format for rasters/vectors
+        .. todo::
+            Split into GdalOutputDialog and OgrOutputDialog
+        :param parent: parent window
+        :param id: window id
+        :param ogr: True for OGR (vector) otherwise GDAL (raster)
+        :param style: window style
+        :param *kwargs: other wx.Dialog's arguments
+        """
+        self.parent = parent # GMFrame 
+        self.ogr = ogr
+        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id = id, style = style, *kwargs)
+        if self.ogr:
+            self.SetTitle(_("Define output format for vector data"))
+        else:
+            self.SetTitle(_("Define output format for raster data"))
+        self.panel = wx.Panel(parent = self, id = wx.ID_ANY)
+        # buttons
+        self.btnCancel = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_CANCEL)
+        self.btnCancel.SetToolTipString(_("Close dialog"))
+        self.btnOk = wx.Button(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_OK)
+        self.btnOk.SetToolTipString(_("Set external format and close dialog"))
+        self.btnOk.SetDefault()
+        self.dsnInput = GdalSelect(parent = self, panel = self.panel,
+                                   ogr = ogr,
+                                   exclude = ['file', 'protocol'], dest = True)
+        self.dsnInput.AttachSettings()
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.btnCancel)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.btnOk)
+        self._layout()
+    def _layout(self):
+        dialogSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = self.dsnInput, proportion = 1,
+                        flag = wx.EXPAND)
+        btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient = wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        btnSizer.Add(item = self.btnCancel, proportion = 0,
+                     flag = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                     border = 10)
+        btnSizer.Add(item = self.btnOk, proportion = 0,
+                     flag = wx.RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER,
+                     border = 10)
+        dialogSizer.Add(item = btnSizer, proportion = 0,
+                        flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT,
+                        border = 10)
+        self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
+        self.panel.SetSizer(dialogSizer)
+        dialogSizer.Fit(self.panel)
+        size = wx.Size(globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE[0] + 225, self.GetBestSize()[1] + 35)
+        self.SetMinSize(size)
+        self.SetSize((size.width, size.height))
+        self.Layout()
+    def OnCancel(self, event):
+        self.Destroy()
+    def OnOK(self, event):
+        if self.dsnInput.GetType() == 'native':
+            RunCommand('v.external.out',
+                       parent = self,
+                       flags = 'r')
+        else:
+            dsn = self.dsnInput.GetDsn()
+            frmt = self.dsnInput.GetFormat()
+            options = self.dsnInput.GetOptions()
+            if not dsn:
+                GMessage(_("No data source selected."), parent=self)
+                return
+            RunCommand('v.external.out',
+                       parent = self,
+                       output = dsn, format = frmt,
+                       options = options)
+        self.Close()
+class DxfImportDialog(ImportDialog):
+    """Dialog for bulk import of DXF layers"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, giface):
+        ImportDialog.__init__(self, parent, giface=giface, itype='dxf',
+                              title = _("Import DXF layers"))
+        self._giface = giface
+        self.dsnInput = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton(parent = self.panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, 
+                                                    size = globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE, labelText = '',
+                                                    dialogTitle = _('Choose DXF file to import'),
+                                                    buttonText = _('Browse'),
+                                                    startDirectory = os.getcwd(), fileMode = 0,
+                                                    changeCallback = self.OnSetDsn,
+                                                    fileMask = "DXF File (*.dxf)|*.dxf")
+        self.add.SetLabel(_("Add imported layers into layer tree"))
+        self.add.SetValue(UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'addNewLayer', subkey = 'enabled'))
+        self.doLayout()
+    def _getCommand(self):
+        """Get command"""
+        return 'v.in.dxf'
+    def OnRun(self, event):
+        """Import/Link data (each layes as separate vector map)"""
+        data = self.list.GetLayers()
+        if not data:
+            GMessage(_("No layers selected."), parent=self)
+            return
+        # hide dialog
+        self.Hide()
+        inputDxf = self.dsnInput.GetValue()
+        for layer, output in data:
+            cmd = ['v.in.dxf',
+                   'input=%s' % inputDxf,
+                   'layers=%s' % layer,
+                   'output=%s' % output]
+            for key in self.options.keys():
+                if self.options[key].IsChecked():
+                    cmd.append('-%s' % key)
+            if self.overwrite.IsChecked() or \
+                    UserSettings.Get(group = 'cmd', key = 'overwrite', subkey = 'enabled'):
+                cmd.append('--overwrite')
+            # run in Layer Manager
+            self._giface.RunCmd(cmd, onDone=self.OnCmdDone)
+    def OnCmdDone(self, event):
+        """Load layers and close if required"""
+        if not hasattr(self, 'AddLayers'):
+            return
+        self.AddLayers(event.returncode, event.cmd)
+        if self.closeOnFinish.IsChecked():
+            self.Close()
+    def OnSetDsn(self, event):
+        """Input DXF file defined, update list of layer widget"""
+        path = event.GetString()
+        if not path:
+            return 
+        data = list()        
+        ret = RunCommand('v.in.dxf',
+                         quiet = True,
+                         parent = self,
+                         read = True,
+                         flags = 'l',
+                         input = path)
+        if not ret:
+            self.list.LoadData()
+            return
+        for line in ret.splitlines():
+            layerId = line.split(':')[0].split(' ')[1]
+            layerName = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+            grassName = GetValidLayerName(layerName)
+            data.append((layerId, layerName.strip(), grassName.strip()))
+        self.list.LoadData(data)

Property changes on: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/modules/import_export.py
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/x-python
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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